Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"With the lights out,
it's less dangerous.
Here we are now,
entertain us."

-"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana

A word to the wise. If you are going to watch the 1981 supernatural flick, The Entity, please leave your lights on and watch with a buddy. This movie continues to scare the shit out of me all due to the presence of an unknown paranormal.

The funny thing about The Entity is that it is a true story, although the flick does bring its usual high level of Hollywood bunk. A woman was haunted by something in her home while living in the Los Angeles area back in 1977. She now resides in Texas after her time spent with a spook.

Janine: "So, what do you do for fun?"

Egon: "I collect spores, molds, and fungus."

A part of me is laughing because I did get the luck of running on the treadmill and seeing Ghostbusters, something that brings out the child in me along with the most amazingly beautiful cartoon called The Real Ghostbusters. Man, does that bring back pleasant memories. Unfortunately, The Entity was no laughing matter.

For a 1981 movie, The Entity looked damn good on DVD! The whole movie almost looked brand new even if you can tell how long ago it was with the clothes. Typewriters! How long has it been since you've heard one of those fuckers?

I'm scared of only 2 things, the unseen and werewolves. Oh, I'll freak out when a large hairy beast with huge fangs wants to tear me apart while a part of me wants to actually be a werewolf all in the name of good. The unseen is just that, horribly afraid of what I cannot face with my own eyes.

I've seen Dog Soldiers, one of the best werewolf flicks and the scariest, 3 times and still get all nervous. The soldiers' last stand at the farmhouse was a thriller that has you on the edge of your seat with real reason to worry. You can't get the hose on these 6"9" bastards like you would with your usual garden variety of varmint.

The Entity was hard to watch in some cases, namely the rape scenes. You see, this ghost or whatever you want to call it, continuously does this to the woman while no one can help her. Doors will lock all of a sudden and her bedsheets will be stripped fast while this unseen thing has its way with her.

If you can handle this kind of stuff, like The Amitiville Horror and Friday the 13ths, great. Get going and tell me how loony I am to get nervous during a movie. I love horror movies, namely ones that have a certain drive of craftiness but not the unseen type o' stuff. Definitely looking forward to High Tension, a horror movie advertised on the FX Channel a lot.

Speaking of the FX Channel, how cool is it continuously play The Transporter!?! I mean, TNT and TBS have Road House, a fine flick with so many quotes that I find myself confused as to which one to choose. Well, The Transporter is just a slam-bam-let's-get-all-karate! Plus, I like the lead actor that likes to "keep things simple" while dodging an anti-tank missle. Wasn't that sweet of the girl he rescued to pay him back by dropping her panties?

So, the evil Empire (Wal-Mart) decided to allow me the priviledge to view my pictures. They've been there since Tuesday for whatever reason it was so I thought I deserved a discount for being such a fine upstanding citizen in not grabbing someone, hoisting them off the floor, and making them recite the Canadian National Anthem.

Na-da. No discount for waiting that long to receive my developed pictures. Not even an apology or explanation. Bastards!

The love did return as I saw my Sara holding one of the puppies I had been dying to show my mother. Little week-old doberman/rottweiler mixes can bring a guy like me to my knees. Plus, one picture clearly shows how the little pups were not quite ready at walking. The real nice kicker was seeing them all on their sides, completely asleep, after playtime. Puppies just get to me.

Oh, I'd like to add that I was lucky. The sensor went off while I walked out of that evil store. 3 college guys with a huge cart filled with stuff must have set it off as we walked out at the same time. The greeter (always a wheelchair guy) stopped us but let me go once he saw that I had only pictures from the development center. Good thing since I bet those 3 guys were stripped of their clothes and probed since Wal-Mart will not allow itself to lose 1 penny. Just ask some of my friends that used to work there on how cruel it is.

So, I'm just about to head on up and get back to more Dragon Lance and calming myself at the anticipation of seeing Sara soon. Oh, how you'd like to be a fly on that wall since 2 weeks without seeing each other is going to make an interesting time in her bedroom. Damn, I need some fingernail marks and bites as only I know how to enjoy. A boy needs to be shown more than just the pleasures of the flesh. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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