Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log

I've noticed that people have been adding me as a fave, recently. Now, when I read others, I like to find out what their interests are and how they think. Pictures are great but can get tiresome if I feel the Diarylander is just trying so hard to show themselves rather than tell.

I like Diaryland even if it does tend to bring about some of the most boring of people, namely high schoolers with too much time on their hands and think that a bottle of Captain Morgan will solve all their problems as well as make an interesting entry.

FYI: I have only posted 1 drunken entry and we'll leave it at that.

If you meet me in real life, you'll get either 2 sides of me, the quiet one or the extremely talkative one. The latter just can't shut up and is the reason I once spent 8 hours in my gym since I do tend to meet some interesting people. Oh, I can be so friendly that even the college's squirrels used to follow me around on my way to classes. 1 died a very senseless death and caused the power to go out in all buildings.

Editor: "We will all miss Petey."

Much of me has become the quiet person of sorts. Don't get me wrong for I love a good ol' fashioned discussion on politics and various things in current events. Just bring up Michael Jackson or Britney Spears to see me go on about how celebrities annoy me or disgust me. Colin Farrell is still a little gem since I'm a fan of all that cussing n' shit while taking the mates out for drinks.

Oh, I got a bit off topic but, yes, I am quiet. My old life was spent with so many people, namely drunken college sprees or too many parties. At some point, I got tired of it all and valued time alone more. You won't find 10-15 people around me anymore because I'd rather read or tinker around thanks to my constant need for variety. I also value my time.

I do miss college and even high school. Thanks to how friendly I was, there were a lot of people around but I didn't drink much til college. Oh, I had some nights where I couldn't see straight but lucky for me was that I rarely get hangovers.

From what I gather, a lot of Diarylanders hated high school. Now, I had a few rough times here and there but most of those 4 years were good to me. My high school sweetheart, Beth, was on the rival high school's tennis team. Going to her practices were fun times all to hear her grunt as each ball was destroyed. Plus, guys love the little tennis skirts and cute little white panties. I am a guy, after all.

What would surprise many is that I suffer from depression. There are days it hits so hard that I'm surprised I do anything at all. For me, it's a matter of fooling my mind by keeping it occupied with other things, namely tinkering. I'll read a book or 2, play with my little dogs on the ground, work out, or just release all my feelings here on Diaryland. They say that depression is hereditary so, yes, my dad has it as well. My mom would be in complete denial but I know it's within her.

I'm different, in case you haven't noticed. I think ALL THE FUCKING TIME and debate issues within my head. There is no way that I'd tell you what I feel in the sweetest way possible because I enjoy truth, namely because it shocks people. It saddens me how so many people are preoccupied with their own devious desires rather than to bring about something good within themselves.

Physically, I'm a mess since there are days I feel as if I'm falling apart. I've played sports and will continue to until my feet fall off. I've taken a lot of hits in football and baseball but kept on getting up for more. There is something that is really odd in that I enjoy pain. It reminds me that I am alive.

The best way to describe me in numbers:

Ht: 5"10"
Wt: 193 pounds
Bodyfat Percentage: 10% or lower
Shoe size: 11.5
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brunette and spiked

Pictures? Well, you'll have to ask since they are hidden. If I've seen you, I'll allow you to see me. Many on Diaryland have after reading me for so long. I felt kind of bad since I wasn't at my best in most due to my bad contacts irritating my eye. Oh, how I hate to show myself in glasses. I'm sure more will be up later on that will show moi at my best.

The cast in my diary is here and there. I'll mention various people I run into around town or in my gym but I value privacy. Not many people get past my name and superficial things. Of course, my girlfriend knows a lot about me.

Sara: My girlfriend as of February 21st. I'm not sure how to put it but I got so curious about her on our first meeting. It was on the top floor of her favorite restaurant that I just told myself that this is a girl I want to sleep with so bad and not let go. Well, it happened and I am happy with her. Funny how we have different tastes in things but I enjoy that since Sara continues to introduce me to things she enjoys.

MR: My ex-bestfriend from high school that once was a drug dealer here in my town. A few times, I was the bodyguard for him. Things got real bad when MR got a psychological addiction to weed and had to be sent up north for brain-washing (something rich parents do). He is now a bible thumper that tried to convert me. No dice. I'm far too individualistic and can possibly be sent up in flames if I visit any church.

Newman: My best friend from high school that I lost to his alcoholism. No one was wiser than him with his complete devotion to the 70's. Thanks to him, I've wished many nights of traveling back to the past to visit a Pink Floyd concert. Music was music and no annoying need for musicians to have 10 cars and brag about it. Newman is most likely dead now because the last time I saw him was at a point where he was so out of the loop mentally that MR cried. Our best friend in this trio was gone and we are completely disbanded.

Gay Nick: Great guy. He's really shy and cautious on admitting he is gay. Due to my personality, Nick was very open to me. Occasionally, I'll see him in the gym and it's always something about the latest boys he's been doing in Chicago or my shoes. He loves to make fun of my Air Jordan obsession.

Old Nick: This is the guy I want to be. Nick is a tiny little ex-Army guy at the age of 65. Nick is not some little dipshit. No-sirree. You see, he's frisky with a 45 year old girlfriend and fun to talk to since he likes to live life simple, like me. Nick'll have his 2 beers for the night after spending his time "gettin' some." It's a set thing he has and I admire it.

Kim: A blonde woman that enjoys a good workout, like me. She's pretty simple in life while spending time pointing out which girl she thinks is flirting with me. I'm so fucking blind to knowing that people have to tell me this!

Bald-O: My best friend for life, even if he annoys me with some of his antics. Met this shaved head bastard when he roomed with me for 2 years. The girls down the hall said that whenever the 2 of us were together, there was going to be trouble. Because of Bald-O, I spent many drunken nights singing Lionel Richie's "Say You, Say Me" because it just lights up our eyes. Visits down south to see Bald-O always have booze cruises in which you travel with a cooler of beer out on the backroads. During such impressive events where the conversations get really strange, you will find us males lined up along the truck to pee every 30 minutes. It's not surprising that the tires are nice and shiny.

There are various other people that pop up every now and then, namely my parents. All you need to know about them is that my mom and I are like best friends. Just don't stay in the kitchen with her too long since she likes to fart........a lot. My dad and I are not close so we'll leave it at that.

My loves in life are animals, books, self-discovery, sex, cargo pants, cargo shorts, Air Jordan sneakers, collecting DVDs, eating cheeseburgers, drunken karaoke (You have to do this if you want to enter Bald-O's trailer out on 40 acres of gorgeous land), staring at the ceiling, working out, and too many other things to name.

We have 5 Yorkshire Terriers in this house so it is noisy. The names are Ellie-Mae (aka "Hoss"), Jethro, Buffy, Bonnie, and Clyde. The girls all hate each other and pretty much have to be seperate. The boys hate each other as well. If it were up to me, I'd rather have a husky since I love their eyes and big dogs are way cooler. My husky would be named "Baloo" and there is a reason for it.

One of the coolest compliments was from someone on Diaryland. She mentioned that she found me creative in each entry I do even at everyday. Yeah, I update pretty much daily since it helps relieve the day's doing or just to sleep better. I've never had a diary or journal of sorts but I type fast so what the hell. Plus, 1 of the reasons I am here was because someone invited me. Too bad my views did not agree with her. Ignorance is all over.

Generally, I start with a quote or 2 to take the edge off. I'll think about things that happened in my day and find a song that gives an idea as to what I am about to say. Other times, I just want to cause a wrinkle in your thinking. Nothing is ever in black and white so remember that in reading me.

So, the dirt? My first kiss was at 8 or 9 with Veronica. The best way to put it was that she "married" me in her backyard all while having the sister, Jasmine, hold a hose to my back. Yes, this was a wedding complete with chairs for the guests (I don't know how else to put it but my friends were "kidnapped"). There was a "priest" that read from the bible and at some point Veronica kissed me. I liked it, but since I was a boy, it was best that I didn't. Girls had cooties.

I'd like to add that Veronica and I met on the soccer field. At some point, while playing the backfield, I fell down. Veronica came and kicked me hard on the side. It was love at first sight and the girls continue to hurt me. Just ask me why I get bite marks and fingernail scratches when I visit Sara.

My first time was at 19 with a 29 year old woman named Kristan. What a woman she was! I met Kristan in the gym in which we became friends rather quickly. Hell, I got an embarassing boner while spotting her on the lat pull-down. After moments spent talking to my penis, it went away.

December 19th was the date the magic happened. Many, many blowjobs took place prior to this date for training. I'll never forget my first time I ever fingered Kristan all due to her desire to show me how to really have sex. No losing it in the backseat of a car for this boy! 43 minutes was how long til I finally came. As it seems to be a constant jealousy within me, Kristan came 6 times while I got my 1.


Most amount of times in 1 day: 12 for 2 weeks straight.

Strangest place: In the woods during the middle of winter up against a tree in the prairie.

I love sex but I like the desires that go with it. I'm fine with a good pinning her down on the bed while deeply kissing as my hand rubs between her legs. It's also that I love a good sensual session in which I hold her head in my hands and slowly undress her. So, I'm a mix in what goes on.

I'm not overly kinky or anything but I love to finger since I just love how the vagina gets soaked. The back of my hand or finger is what I love to use in feeling that panty puddle. It's a huge turn-on to know she's really into it as well. Of course, I'll lick my fingers since the vagina's juices are yummy.

Many guys find it stupid but girls I know think it's a good thing. When I was in 6th Grade, I used to study the vagina as much as I could. It was in my opinion that a good lover is one that is informed so you'd find me with various books on the subject. Even if I was very much against pre-marital sex thanks to private Catholic school, I still wanted to understand the female anatomy. It shouldn't be a surprise that I got all "A's" in my Human Sexuality classes. The teachers loved me and how I felt no shame in bringing up topics like "blowjobs in the White House" or "how society finds an insane need to shame adults in order to better it for children. (long story)"

It feels kind of funny to say that I learned as best I could when it came to the vagina. Kristan made me learn it as best as she could teach me while laying there in a position many would call "obscene." It's too bad many never take the time to know what they are doing or even to improve themselves.

I'm not perfect since I tend to not always focus. My head is all over the place thanks to my constant need to fill it. Things tend to get kicked out while new information gets lodged in. I forget names easily so you'll find me looking at someone I've known for years with a mild amount of confusion.

My DVD collection is huge. With either 1,000 or close to that number, I've helped myself to an enormous variety of movies. I'm into all types but have a special place for horror and action. Girly-flicks are not a problem with me.

Scariest: Ginger Snaps (the chase in the unfinished basement had me tense), Dog Soldiers (take a bunch of British soldiers in a farmhouse surrounded by werewolves and you are so asking for an impressive last stand!), The Entity (I've never jumped during a movie but this 1981 movie did it to me twice. 2 scenes completely surprised me and I loved it!), and Scream (I saw this in the theater before it got big in which we learned too much. It had me fooled and impressed from beginning to end).

So, I'll end here due to this entry getting too long. I'll tell more or even amuse you by answering a question if you wish. It's going to be a dull week til I get to hit the road to Indiana because I really miss Sara. Damn, I need to be bitten! Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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