Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Allison: "When you grow up, your heart dies."

-The Breakfast Club

And so I sit here in a bit of glee (not "pee") due to hearing about MTV Music Awards possibly reuniting the actors of The Breakfast Club. It's been what? 20 years? I was far too young to understand the beauty of this movie but on a quiet night somewhere along the way of high school, I marveled in it's delight. You could have found me quoting Victor's (the bully) speech on how his dad felt about him to a "t."

"Lazy, worthless, no good, goddamn piece of shit...."

In all of us, we grow up with a particular flick that reminds us of those times in our lives where we may have made a transition or major change. It may not have been Breakfast Club for me but a lot of people I know look back at that movie with a lot of sensitive feelings. It was the fact that the director took each type of person found in high school, the nerd, the jock, the basketcase, and so on, and put them all into a room in order to find themselves all. It was the addition of us learning what we all knew, everyone feels alienated in high school.

A lot of people look at the 80's as being the most horrible decade. The 70's had some of the most amazing concerts (Pink Floyd, for me). The 90's had a unique vision that brought about power in all areas. Now, I'm calling the first 5 years of the newest decade as the complete greed one even if people did label the 80's as such thanks to Michael Douglas in Wall Street (powerful film).

What people forget is the teen flicks were done with heart, something completely lacking nowadays. The kids did not all look so amazing to the point that you wonder how their parents afforded them personal trainers and dancing lessons. Nope, we got the 2 Coreys (Feldman and Haim) and John Hughs's brilliance.

If you wonder what movie made a huge impact on my life, it was Less Than Zero. I've stated this before so it's nothing new to people that have read my diary for years. You see, I was "Clay" (the clean one), MR was "Claire" (the coke addict), and Newman was "Julius" (so far gone on heroin). Just like in the movie, Newman died but from alcohol and MR was closely overtaken by his psychological addiction to weed. This movie had no happy ending and showed some powerful scenes for that time.

Plus, the soundtrack to Less Than Zero was so fucking classic! The Bangles really did a wonder with Paul Simon's "Hazy Shade Of Winter."

A lot of people can laugh at my love of 80's teen comedies or movies that made an impact on me, like Less Than Zero, but I grew up differently than others. I was not the type to just sit around, drink beer, and pee in another person's apple juice bottle (actually happened when 2 of my friends did it to another friend). My whole deal was thinking all the time and it wasn't til college that I took a temporary hiatus from it and partied.

FYI: Keggers are so overrated. Anyone that threw one had his/her house pee'd on so the paint really didn't look as white as it should have. The difference between male dogs and us were getting thinner as the night wore on.

Some of this entry comes from my reading how the movies are not selling as well as they used to. Gee, allow me to tell it like it is and if you've got some words, bring 'em!

-Not everyone is the movie should look perfect. Geeks should be geeks and jocks as jocks BUT some actually get along. Look into it, Hollywood. I played ball but I also read comic books on occasion so there is no THIS is THAT.

-When showing a movie trailer, do not give away the whold goddamn thing! The 1979 movie, Alien, had just a floating egg thingee in space but it was so scary how they advertised that flick. Also, don't give us just the good scenes. Total Recall had all its funny bits shown in ad form before I even saw the movie.

-Have heart. When doing a teen comedy, have respect for both sexes. Sixteen Candles is a classic for a reason. We all wanted her to get Jake Ryan because we felt like her, the girl whose parents forgot her birthday. The ending? Absolutely beautiful.

-Not everyone is getting laid. Although Beth, my high school sweetheart kept nudging me to do the deed, I knew a lot of virgins other than me. It's so stupid to make kids think that if you aren't gettin' any, high school is pointless. Some people are more interested in other things.

-Not all the goth kids are bad. I knew some that were so nice and just wanting to be understood. It's gotten to the point that I feel bad how mean I was to them, at times. Yeah, I was a little snobbish towards these people.

-It may look boring but show kids actually doing their homework. I've rarely ever seen the characters earning their "A's" but in 5-minute intervals while it seems like the rest of the time is spent goofing off.

-Not everyone has a car. Many people had to bum rides and they weren't in fancy schmancy BMWs ("Big Man Wagons").

It's my opinion that much of Hollywood has lost itself to greed and not knowing how people really do live. Anyone want to add to all this? I'm awfully curious as to what makes you want to see a movie considering the choices we have nowadays.

My summer list of what I want to see:

-Revenge Of the Sith (the last Star Wars since I've seen all of them in the theater and, yes, they used to be amazingly done til Lucas turned into a turd.)

-Batman Begins (Oh, we love The Bale! We love The Bale, Christian Bale, that is. Seen American Psycho? I watched it, recently, at Sara's and loved it. The man can act and it has Batman at his early period, learning to become all while undergoing major martial arts training! I'm a workout psycho so I love this.)

-Mr. And Mrs. Smith (Oh, how I'd clean Angelina Jolie's panties with my tongue if she asked. That woman does wonders to us for a reason so to see her as a well-trained spy.......yummy. You can go for Pitt but I love a woman that can handle a machine gun in order to kill her husband after a romantic dinner).

There are a few other movies I'd like to see but those are the major ones you should know. Why is Ashton Kuchtor a movie star!?! Who else hope Paris Hilton gets run over by a bus and then backed over again just to make sure? Will Tom Cruise, please, stop threatening to eat Katie Holmes at each photo op? I mean, if the man is trying to dispel gay rumors, it's not wise to start with a girl that won't put out.

Editor: "Yeah, it's Tom on Line 1. He would like to clarify that he did NOT have to stand on a box to play a football player in All the Right Moves. Oh, what's this about "eating Katie Holmes? He'd like you to know that he knows where women like to be eaten."

Whatever. I'm off my soap-box for now but I'd love to hear any gripes towards Hollywood. Is it just me that feels they've lost touch with reality the way George Lucas's ego makes him think he can direct?

Oh, today? Nothing spectacular since I've just realized that I leave soon to see Sara. This is going to be a very weird visit with her working all during the time I am there. It's just that I miss her we are so ready for major romping in her bed and shower. That's how dirty boys get clean. Goodnight.

- 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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