Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

-Edmund Burke

Whoo! I just could not get through on Diaryland, last night. After 10 minutes of a fucking "we are full to capacity, asshole," I decided to just head on up to sleep. That was so fucked up, yo, because I had so large of a rant to let out.

FYI: I even tried for a little luck by taking off both, not just one, of my socks so I could do an entry totally sockless. Damn, if that doesn't get you all hot, I don't know what will! The toes were willing.

Ever heard of Africa's problems with ethnic cleansing? Well, I watched Tears Of the Sun, that Bruce Willis 2003 flick, and found myself quite absorbed into it. Now, as much as I love a good movie that involves him with a gun and looking like the kind of guy that eats small children, I was more into the emotional aspects brought on, namely the horrors.

We're brought into the movie at the point that a major coup has taken over the Democracy of Africa. The presidential couple is killed along with their children. 1 child is missing and the coup needs to rid of the complete bloodline. Enter Bruce Willis and his Navy S.E.A.L.s.

Some parts of the movie were hard to watch. Did you know that lactating mothers, during ethnic cleansing, have their breasts cut off to keep them from feeding their children? Well, you'll see this on the extended cut of Tears Of the Sun along with 1 long chase through the jungle more realistic than other movies.

Editor: In other words, no amazing heroics!

It's just sad that people find their religion so much better and that this gives them a right to go around doing things in "God's actions." Muslims hate Christians and vice versa. Catholics are so into judgements all while saying they aren't. Jews and Christians tried to stop a gay pride march because they deemed it wrong. Muslims hate it when you say anything bad about their religion but feel they have the right to say nasty things about Christianity. The church is heavily in debt thanks to having to fork out 1.6 billion dollars on these priests's sexual abuse.

I'm just completely tired of religion and those people ruining the world by telling others that it's "God's calling" to help everyone all while instead of making it better. I mean, Bush talked of helping the Iraqis but it's really about money and getting his friends richer while Africa continues to have its citizens slaughtered. Just how do you judge what you want to help, Bush?

If you wish to know, I am very much a Libertarian and proud. Liberals seem to get a bad rap in the press but ignore all this. The media has been under Republican control for some time while they continue to censor us from the real story. If only Republicans spent more time helping instead of trying to hurt......

Oh, you should have seen the rain, yesterday! Wow! I almost got stuck in the large pool flooding out of the drainage area (now being fixed as I type this). We needed that rain so bad as you can see by the horrible looking lawns in my neigborhood. No jungles here and even the bunnies left to find better eating.

I love getting pictures from fellow Diarylanders so Sammy's sent to me all the way from Texas have me feeling all warm inside. Just where would I be without her helping me up on those horrible days long ago?

So, I promised the 3 CDs entry but that will be tonight if I can get through on Diaryland. Right now, I've got a short workout to get done in order to wake up this tired, tired boy.

However, I leave you with this. I've got the most trimmed pubes in all the land thanks to Sara's gardening work over those days spent with her. There is something erotic about standing in the shower while she sits down in the tub to trim those hard to reach places all while holding mah branch n' berries. It took me a little bit to calm down since that is a VERY sensitive place. My crotch is a work of art.

There was 1 little mishap, or 2, that made Sara and I laugh. I slipped in the tub twice when I was working on Sara's little garden. Onto my back I went along with sending her back but the shower curtain held her steady enough. Yeah, I was laughing pretty hard since humor in sex play or in all cases is good for the soul.

Editor: "Now, explain those scratch marks and bite marks. Hmmm? A duel with the dark forces? Werewolves? Sex without some kind of mark is just not worth it, is it? Bite him some more, Sara!"

So, I'll try to hit back tonight or eventually to state my story on 3 CDs I'd have to have. Stories are bound to happen as to why I selected them. Now, go out there and get your mosquito bites on!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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