Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Nothing is ever real til it is experienced."

-John Keats

First of all, if you are on TomKat Watch (just dying to see Tom Cruise slowly lose his mind as I've seen many of us are doing), get ready for The Tonight Show this week as Tom sells his movie, War Of the Worlds, to the world's most boring interviewer, Jay Leno. I'm sure that Tom will go over the top and all that since he's got to get some attention on himself. The man is completely shameless and disgusting with his periodic displays of affection for Katie. Tom kisses. Hedgehoggy barfs.

A clever reader to a magazine had this to say about War Of the Worlds. It's basically a movie with all of these aliens that somehow escaped our detection while living here. Well, one day, they all decide to rise up and unleash hell on us little people. Guess who is the only person to save us? Give up? He's barely above 5 feet and is deeply into Scientology with a very small minded view towards the world out there. According to Steven Spielberg, Tom Cruise will save our planet from the big bad aliens.

FYI: Those "aliens" have nothing to do with the Bush Administration since Tom would be outgunned and isn't quite as sneaky. Oh, by the way, am I the only one that wishes the aliens overtake Cruise's character so we have something to cheer about? Now, that would be a shocking ending and worth seeing.

My personal shock was that I thought my little dog, Buffy, had eaten my movie stub to Mr. And Mrs. Smith. It was being used as a bookmark for the movie's book adaptation and rested to my right as my dog ran up and down my bed to bark out the window. I was actually mad about the possibility of this movie stub ending up as a little yard sausage since it has sentimental value to me. Sara and I went to see Mr. And Mrs. Smith the last time I was there as it was a 2 for 2 in the department that we both liked this movie along with Batman Begins.

Nope. My little dog, Buffy, was not as hungry as I thought once I found the stub down the side of my bed after a little scolding and interogation. Those little dark eyes were so hard to get mad at while I was shocked at the possibility of her eating paper. Was Buffy that hungry? Movie stub is safely embedded in the next book I am about to read, "Fingerprints Of the Gods" by Graham Hancock, a book Sara loaned to me.

Did you know there is a website that tells what the most common subject is in online diaries? Well, 2 of the biggest are virginities and Michael Jackson. Interesting combo, don't ya think since Michael may have....*ahem*....allegedly taken a few little boys' virginities away. Oh, don't worry. He's got people looking for the real culprits.

For this whole fucking day of major heat, I've had the........*now, don't laugh*...the "Love Theme" to St. Elmo's Fire playing in my head. When those piano keys are hit so sweetly and that cheey synthesizer joins in, I'm taken away to a time where colleges actually believed in free speech and were affordable. Either that or a drunken Rob Lowe thinks I am the sexiest girl with spiked hair he's ever seen as he walks the quad while begging to kiss me.

FYI: I am a guy and Sara and vouch for me on that one.

C'mon, the "Love Theme" to the 80's "Brat Pack" movie, St. Elmo's Fire, was so good that I miss the way they did the soundtracks back then. There was always a completely instrumental song that took me back to a time I was far too young to really know but still wish to be in. Yeah, some of us are tired of the greed and how a lot of songs played are just uneducated and ingnorant black guys talking about how much stuff they have. What happened to the lust for life?

C'mon, you know you want to pop your St. Elmo's soundtrack in the CD player after reading that! I just might as well. Damn, I am that pathetic.

To put it simply, the new Real World in Austin is real dumb. Where the fuck do they find these people!?! 3 of the 7 idiots picked to live in Austin are completely stupid in which 1 ended up needing surgery after the second night there. I'll admit to being hooked after watching the first episode today since it's hard to look away from a car wreck like this one. Melinda likes to walk around in just her undies? Johanna, when drunk on shots, gets violent? Even my life in college with drinking wasn't like this!

I'd like to put a stop to all this bullshit in Aruba. Let me get this straight. A pretty blonde girl is missing there after partying with some males. Fine. Now, we have to listen to all this shit every fucking day from CNN or whatever channel while there are other kidnappings all over. Bloody hell! The only reason this missing girl is getting so much attention is that she is pretty.

What about all the ugly people!?! They get no love? There are hundreds of kidnappings while we focus on this dumb blonde with no common sense at all being allowed to visit a foreign place where a lot of shit happens. People are so stupid once a pretty person gets noticed. Then again, I'm watching the new Real World so I should shut the fuck up.

Oh, I've got plenty more to say since there are all these major issues on marriage brought up in the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith I'd love to dive into. Of course, I'd love to give a big shout out to the subject of blowjobs since I've covered just about every other sexual topic in my diary over the years. It's just time to explain why the art of orally seducing us boys is a good thing, girls.

So, I leave you here as you anticipate the self-destruction of Tom Cruise in which you get to witness all this. The man can save the world but can't keep his mind. Hundreds of kidnappings and we're only interested in a dumb blonde? Hedgehoggy is a complete car wreck while watching Real World Austin? Just another day in which I lose several brain cells so that will be Tuesdays thanks to MTV. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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