Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Joke: How do you give a blonde a math lesson?

*Answer at bottom*

So, I am a bit better. There is nothing like a dose of Tony Soprano (The Sopranos) to get me back into things. Just seeing this guy not giving a fuck about anything around him has me all dreamy n' stuff. If only I were less sensitive to the world around me and fellow Diarylanders. I can be such a fuddy duddy.

So, without further ado, I know places that sell DVDs would love to kick me out after spending a good 30 minutes drooling over the latest Sopranos box-set. Oh, to own the DVDs of a show that makes me giddy inside as Italians show us the art of getting what they want. Well, it is nice to see pudgy guys deal with life over a large bowl of spaghetti while their mistresses sit on their laps.

I'll be leaving tomorrow and, yes, I am kind of sad. Tomorrow is Sara's birthday and I cannot be there. It also means that I have a 2.5 hour drive out to a place I know well, one of much drinking and watering the plants. I'm curious if I have to be on good behavior since there will be families around. Southern hospitality is so hard to find these days, folks.

I'm awfully curious what everyone else is up to. Not many I know are on their way to anywhere this weekend. With gas prices as they are, it's not surprising. Plus, there is that whole driving sober thing (and rightfully so!) that people tend to have a hard time with since you know how males with no sense of knowing when to say when get. Beer down south is like a bag of chips. You can't have just one or two but the whold fucking case.

While some people hunt in the woods down south, I still have not mastered the art of laying in a hamock. I've taken mighty tumbles in the one Bald-O has up on the hill on his 40 acres of gorgeous land. In I go and out I come with a look of humongous confusion. I'm sure I look like a chipmunk trying to master the art of dry humping a banana.

I'm sure there are people enjoying this kind of heat but no I. Nudity is looking mighty fine right now due my grey t-shirt being drenched. At least, I'm not in Iraq fighting a war that makes no sense. Dick Cheney will have a job after all this is over. Will you? Maybe it's just me that thinks these things.

Oh, and Tom Cruise says he believes in aliens? For once, I will agree with the little man o' no manners or brain power. What shocked me is that Tom Cruise said this in an interview while I'm sure there will be chuckles over it. Well, chuckle all they want because I'm sure there are little green people watching us and glad that Everybody Loves Raymond is over, too. Aliens have taste, too, ya know?

So, with all this in mind, I am outta here and will make my last entry til the 4th. I *think* that is the day I am coming home with all my cares in the pocket and a case of whiplash from dodging fireworks gone haywire. Some people don't watch the police videos on how to light off fireworks. Who says men need instructions? Oh, those with 3 fingers and 5 toes with 1 hanging by a thread. It's just life's actions in taking out the garbage.

Answer: Subtract her clothes, divide her legs, and you give her a square root. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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