Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"That turd was just too big."

-Bobby Brown (describing his wife's dilemma in which he had to *ahem* help her poop)

London. Wow. I don't know where to begin on this topic. 37 people killed and close to 700 injured. It's not the amount of people killed but the scare it produces. Any number of people killed is horrible but what is most likely raging through Londoners' minds is how it could happen again so easily.

Have we still so much to learn when it comes to terrorism? Apparently so. Not too long ago, there was a report on how vulnerable the rail system was to any sort of attack. Did anyone do anything to try and prevent such a thing? Looks like the answer is pretty obvious and the looks on people in the U.K. show a definite right to be angry.

I blame us. No let me get it even better. Bush and Blair suck. One walks around bragging about being a "C" student while the other is an obvious lapdog. This has got to stop, people. The terrorists are so much smarter than the people we have in charge and it's not funny.

Why do I blame us? Look at the facts. Bush bombed the wrong fucking country and is still making speeches about how right he thinks he is. 17 out of 19 of the terrorists in 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. Why didn't we go into Afghanistan with more of a force? Why did Bush put warlords in charge of finding Bin Laden? Why didn't we spank Saudi Arabia?

Because Bush wanted to end Saddam's reign. As much as it is nice to be rid of that dictator, our time is completely wasted while our forces are exhausted. Over 1,000 soldiers killed while Bush gloats as Saddam's pistol is proudly displayed in a collection room owned by him. Pisses me off that he does this and continues to say Iraq was involved with 9/11.

I also blame us, those idiots that put Bush in charge for another 4 fucking years. No one seems to pay any attention to what is going on, the greediness running rampant with the rich getting richer. We've got this dolt named Bob Geldof that wants to bring awareness to people in Africa (I'm sure the starving people in Africa can feed off of "awareness" as people with 6 houses and 20 cars play music) since he seems to thrive on publicity. People took up this huge issue that John Kerry got injured from a rice paddy in Vietnam so his medals were not earned while a draft dodger got elected.

I'm feeling like I am a broken record living in a world of idiots. People will rise up, oh, but temporarily without a thought in their head as to what to do. It's simple, really. Put people that can actually think in charge of the good ol' U.S. of A. rather than a group of morons that can't seem to figure out how to put a plan together. Rumsfeld should have been fired years ago as his mumbling interviews keep giving away. This world sucks and I continue to turn my back when Bush is on TV.

FYI: Did you know Bush fell off his bicycle again? That makes 2 times! The dude cannot eat a pretzel or ride a bike. The morons of our country want him in charge! Grrrrrrrrrr.

It's strange how London comes into play with my conversations today. Gay Nick asked me where I'd like to go. My response was:

1. Australia (Hands down gorgeous and I so want to visit Shark Alley, where you get into a cage with great white sharks. Unfortunately, I am deeply hydrophobic, yo. Good thing I love koalas and kangaroos and crocodiles. Plus, I've got a love of snakes. So want to go!)

2. London (I've wanted to see Buckingham Palace and ya da ya da. Ever seen National Lampoon's European Vacation? One of the best lines in the movie:

Rusty: "What does the Queen do, Dad?"

Clark: *obviously clueless* "She queens."

Then again, there is that great bit where Rusty has that girl topless and the bells start ringing that someone is going to be hanged. Rusty's response: "DAD!!!!"

3. Canada (Beautiful! If going to the big city areas, get a good guide because there is much to see in Montreal. Prepare to hear a lot of French and be ripped off in currency exchange. Visit the pubs for some of the best food for $5. I'm pretty sure I can still find the one I went to twice when I was in Montreal.)

4. Texas (I know it's a state n' all but Sammy has been wanting me to visit. To some, it's quite a culture shock due to the cowboy hats and people being armed-so it is also in New Mexico. It's just that the whole visit is to meet a little brown person that I've been talking to for years. Diaryland makes the world so much smaller as I keep getting invited around.)

5. Italy (Where do I begin? I'm not a huge wine drinker but that won't stop me from seeing vast vineyards and its unforgettable architecture. What I really wanna do is see Rome and all that is left of statues, pillars, etc.)

Well, there you have it. Gay Nick and I talked about where I'd want to go. He's been to London and Australia so I've got a lot of catching up to do. Good thing I have no fear of weird animals or strange hairy women. I'll just capture them with my disposable camera since there are times I behave like a Japanese tourist.

"Take yo' picture? Sank you, chicky!"

As for that quote above, you really need to see Being Bobby Brown if your thing is watching a has-been just losing his mind. What is shocking is how more normal Bobby is compared to Whitney Houston, his wife. Oh, that woman scares me so get yo' TV on to see her do her "Hell to the no!" on autograph seekers. In some ways, I can see why Whitney is a complete freaky snot since I'd hate to eat somewhere and have people stare at me. However, fans are fans and you need to be nice in a human way instead of a gal that needs her husband's finger to get out a big turd. That has to be one of the funniest yet insane conversations from a celebrity.

Editor: "They are so like us!"

So, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. I can't speak for Sara but I've really missed her. The problem is the drive feels so much longer due to dying to crawl into bed with her. Yeah, that's how we start since I'll be getting there while Sara sleeps. After a quick call to my mom in order to verify I am there, I just completely disrobe and curl up with her. Warm skin is such a major comfort since I love it how Sara instantly places her head on my chest.

I'm not sure how people feel about me no longer being single. Yeah, I'm just too happy to dish out my usual venom on life and people that piss me off. Of course, Bush will always be someone I despise. It's just that I really like Sara and want to keep riding this as far as it goes while I have no need to spit venom in each entry. Sometimes, even I thought I got out of control and sounded much too angry. The world does suck but curling up with someone that means a lot to you helps take a bit of that anger away.

I don't know what else to say. Oh, if you need that pep on working out, MTV has the newest True Life's "I Want A Perfect Body Part 2" and it is soooooooo good! The one girl that trained for a fitness pagaent while getting her Master's at Harvard was so motivational. You could see the major improvements she got out of her workout. Impressive along with the guy that trained for a strongman competition. At 245 pounds, he was considered too small but made pro. Good show in which people really went after their goals without being so arrogant in doing so.

Well, I'm gonna finish my packing since all I have left are shirts. Since I've been going back and forth to Indiana, I'm so good and even made a list. The only thing I don't need is a pillow since I leave that with Sara to sleep with when I'm gone. I just bring a new pillowcase on each visit. I so need to shut up since you're probably making kissy noises or yawning. Goodnight.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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