Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"So, here you are with a loaded gun in your face!"

-"Pressure" by Billy Joel

Ah, yes, I am back since people seem to constantly be checking on my diary to find out if I am still alive n' kicking. Just a word of advice, the easiest way to not come across the same ol' entry is to add me to your buddy list in order to see my pseudnym in red telling you so. It's a waste to find 1 person checking and checking only to find I'm still away.

As I said, I am back and doing okay. The reason for "okay" is mainly because I am so fucking exhausted from coming home. I'm just not one to sit down and rest but dart all over the fucking place to catch up on old newspapers or play with my dog of dogs, Buffy, since she has become MY dog. It's hard to explain to this little furry face that I must leave every now and then.

Once I am here, I catch up on life that I missed. Newspapers and various daily doings are in constant motion. I've already done my 100something push-ups to try and muster up some energy. No luck and I know why.

The new Harry Potter book. Yup, I'm a Potter-fanatic tried and true. Even the events that are catered to children on the release dates don't seem to faze me. Little kids screaming or asking the stupidest of questions? I'll move quickly away and instantly flick the mere annoyance out of my mind. Somehow, people still think I would be a great father due to my strange personality of being.....uh.....well, Sara says "cute."

Of course, I am now finished with the new Harry Potter book as of 9:07pm. I found myself dying for more due to an ending of much sadness and desire for revenge. I'm quite happy with a few things but also sensitive to others since I tend to really get into a few characters. It took me a while to actually like Harry since I despise weak people (he was at first). It was always Hermione, Snape, and even Neville Longbottom that had me in awe. Harry reached my faves with a few good strokes of his wand in dealing with various obstacles.

I've been reading a few diaries that also mention the new Harry Potter book. It seems others are saddened and hate the feeling of being left at a very crucial point. Aren't characters supposed to make you feel?

So, I am alive and in need of catching up with a few that emailed me. It seems I have made myself a bit popular here and there. My entry on assholes brought quite a few hits. Am I the only one that finds this amusingly funny? Randy? Possibly. I'm just the type to hit on things no one else seems to want to discuss for fear of losing readers. Me? I've lost so many on the stupidest of things that I just don't give a fuck.

Again, I am tired and will definitely get into the weekend since the party for the Harry Potter book's release was quite an amusing event. In no way was I bored but Sara did find the need to slap my hand a couple times for the naughty doings my hands tend to follow through with. Funny how on that night, I watched child after child need to be carried by the parents thanks to a sleepiness when the excitement gets to them. I'm sure I just needed to be spanked.


-Having intimate discussions on sex while children rome around tends to help pass the time.

-Hand slapped? Why, Hedgehoggy just keeps letting his fingers do the wandering!

-4 hours. Close to 600 people. A bachelor party? Was I really there?

-One of the oddest things happened on a Saturday night. Reading! Could I make you snore more than that?

Entry? Oh, I'll get into it all tomorrow afternoon or a bit later. I'm sure I'll sleep til after 10am due to spending the weekend nights up til 4am or later. My body just cannot hack that kind of thing anymore. Even badasses need a special naptime. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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