Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"So, eleven hundred men went into the water, 316 men came out. The sharks took the rest. June the 29th. Anyway, we delivered the bomb."

-Jaws (Quint explaining how they delivered the Hiroshima bomb with regards to the U.S.S. Indianapolis)

Shame on you that don't know the movie quote from above. I practically learned that thanks to the masterful storytelling of the actor, Robert Shaw, in how this whole thing that leads up to this all from a comparison of who has the biggest scar. This is totally male in how we act when surrounded with each other with no women so it's not just this story but also how real these words were in sending a chill down your spine. There is a reason Jaws is considered one of the best movies ever made.

*Sara, I might be able to come this week! I just need to wait til this Sunday night and see if my grandparents have a doctor's appointment. Hit me on when it's best.*

Sorry about that. I just needed to get that out since I'm quite happy that I've just found a possible time to go to Indiana. Yes, again! There are times I am definitely needed here thanks to my mom wanting to see her own mother which results in me babysitting 5 noisy dogs.

Since everyone else was doing it, why can't I?

5 Things I have no fucking clue as to why people enjoy them while I sit there scratching my head.

1. Wal-Mart-This place is just plain evil. If you know someone that works there, you will have to listen to them complain about how horrible they are treated. Listen well because they are right in how workers are very much slaves or fired over the simplest of things. 2 girls were fired when they were caught on camera eating a few peanuts from thrown aways. No big deal? Well, the managers did not allow the girls to have a lunch break of any kind so I guess 2 peanuts are, like, really important in getting your point across.

First of all, it's not just working there. I know because I did at one time and ended up being sexually harassed. Long story that I am not going into here. The whole evil of Wal-Mart is that they think on the whole account of destroying other stores once they come to town. "Stomp the Comp" was not just a saying but a tradition to cause other stores to close down. Wal-Mart will bully until it gets its way. I was so happy when that Wal-Mart C.E.O. died in that small plane accident since he was bad, real bad. According to Bush's America, he was good.

Also, Wal-Mart sells slave labored goods. Ever wondered why t-shirts are around $7? Easy. Look at where the shirt was made. Wal-Mart boasts of American Pride but the bullshit is on the moron that thinks this is true. Hardly any clothing at Wal-Mart is made here but thanks to someone working 4 cents/hour.

Yeah, I could be considered a hypocrite in that I get my pictures developed at Wal-Mart but that's it. No clothing (Ugh, who'd want to!?!) and barely any merchandise will ever be bought there. Love to see all the rednecks with Nascar #'s on sleeveless t-shirts walking around looking confused. Even worse is that this is about as dressed up as Wal-Mart shoppers get.

Oh, I could go on and on about Wal-Mart but why? People should already know by now how this company works. Many of my friends have had problems relating to prescriptions, paychecks, and rip-offs that will be kept quiet all because they have to. Just ask a Wal-Mart worker what the "Wal-Mart stomp" is.

2: Dumb celebrities. Just why are P. Diddly, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Jello, and many more allowed to make more money than we'll ever know? They have no talent, although P. Diddly knows how to market himself (by appearing in every person on his label's video). Hell, he even tells girls that he is looking for talent to sign to his label but I've never seen anything out of him.

We all know how much I hate Jessica Simpson. Why is she in a movie, anyway? People are working their asses off to be in the movie industry while she is just handed a major role in Dukes Of Hazzard!! Plus, Jessica plays off being dumb as an okay thing to do. I hate people like that that help dumb down America.

3: Rappers. Oh, how I loathe thee. Rap used to be fun with De La Soul, Eric B. And Rakim, Salt N Pepa, or even Ice-T. Back then, it wasn't about how much money you had or how many cars you drove. Ice-T even talked of getting your ass into the library because being smart is a good thing.

Now, we have rappers bragging and making young black males (oh, and even white ones, too!) think that the only way to live is if you are a pimp or have various toys such as cars or big houses. If you have to, sell your sister for money and stash the drugs at your auntie's house.

Funny how I kind of miss the old gangsta rap that would scare a white fool about how many caps 'll be in yo' ass. You'd come across so many white kids trying to act street tough but you'd only end up laughing what with all this new harsh language only a "G" would understand. Now, you just have to have a pair of Air Force 1's, Apple Bottom jeans, and a G-Unit sweatshirt, perfect for the overpriviledged white kid. Just don't forget which pocket to put yo' bandana in or you'll get shot. Always on the left.

4: Smoking. Now, I smoke a cigar once or twice a year so, again, I could be considered a hypocrite. Fine. Everyone has opinions on me and I don't give a fuck. It's that I don't really understand the rebelliousness of smoking cigarettes at all. You're giving money to The Man whom does not give a fuck about you at all, namely a large corporation that would love to get you hooked once out of the womb. Seriously.

I've smoked here and there in the past but only for a year. The reason why was to see what the appeal of smoking was since I like to try things before making a nasty opinion on them. A cigarette is fun to have in your fingertips while in bars. That's all. Nothing else is interesting about them. I also just love not being able to breathe or smell how good my girlfriend smells thanks to someone smoking around me. Thank you.

I'll admit that smoking kind of looks cool. When I went to Canada to see PenDragon, she smoked so sexily that I just had to stare at her in the pubs. She could make such good use of how she blew out the smoke and have that look on her face. However, smoking is still not cool with me. Ugh. Yeah, I know cigars aren't much better but everyone needs a vice. What's yours?

5. People that dress from head to toe in 1 clothing line. The worst is the people that wear all Abercrombie & Fitch clothes. Ugh. Sandals, undies, jeans, shorts, perfume/scents, shirts, and those ugly seashell necklaces. Oh, how I want to rip off thee and toss for a hermit crab to find!

If you live in Canada, just know that Abercrombie & Fitch is pretty much the same thing as your Roots clothing line.

I'm not against anyone that wears Abercrombie. Hell, I love the cargo shorts. The shirts, I can barely wear since my arms are too thick for their sleeves. It's just that I hate those people that are only open to one clothing line in that it gives off this vibe of how close minded they will be. Most truly do tend to turn out to be snobs. They may be nice to me but......oh, how I want to hit 'em when they start talking about other people as if they are so much better.

*Where is this quote, Hiss?*

Well, I'm going to cut off here since I'm just dancing all around that I might leave this week to see Sara. I should get into a discussion on what one of my friends said in describing her as a "slut." Huh? One of my friends asked me about a girl I know in the gym since she hasn't been around for some time. I told him that another friend of mine had been with her and that's all I know. So, the guy said, "So, she's a little slut, huh?"

Or as Andria would say, "Hoar." That one made me laugh since so many guys cannot spell when they do their best to dis a woman.

Well, the point is you can go all over the place when the word "slut" comes up and how it is so pointless and stupid that men cannot fathom women wanting sex without being labeled. The term "man-whore" just doesn't hurt men's feelings at all. All I am saying is to enjoy having sex, okay, girls? Sometimes, even I am ashamed of how stupid males are.

So, with all that in mind, I'll sign off. Hopefully, I'll have a super-duper entry planned for tomorrow. I've got a kick ass quote n' all to start it off since it's a fun one. Normally, I don't plan my entries and such but this one should be a goofy but sexually amusing. On to The Sopranos! G'night.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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