Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The blood-dimmed tide is loosed,
and everywhere.
The ceremony of innocense is drowned;
The best lack all conviction,
while the worst
are full of passionate intensity."

-W.B. Yeats

Ah, yes, there is nothing to start out a great lonely night than to face severe thunderstorms upon walking out of my gym. Go in extremely hot and come out wet! All we would need now is to make a porno but involve some kung-fu. C'mon, who doesn't want to combine kung-fu, porn, and possibly a guy dressed as a giant banana to chase after!?!

Of course, dying heat has me waiting in anticipation to know Sara's schedule. A total trip to Indiana is very, very necessary. Don't you love it when a guy can quote Salt N Pepa? I may get majorly itchy eyes from allergies thanks to Sara's cat but........hey, I'm in a large bed and no clothes on!

So, what do we talk about? Hmmmm...just what is on ol' Hedgehoggy's mind here? Okay, I got my little mits on the newest Entertainment Weekly. Funny how there is a huge article devoted to the Harry Potter insanity all but a little late. Still, it was fun to see people from other countries lose their minds to a great series of books with 1 left to go. 2 or 3 years of waiting? That's how Harry felt when dealing with the Dursleys.

Now, Entertainment Weekly warned people that much of the book would be discussed. Fine. I've read it and had a grand time to the tune of "A-" as my rating. They gave pretty much the same rating as well. Good call? I'm sure everyone has an opinion.

Well, if you have not read the new Harry Potter, shame on you for not getting yourself down to Barnes N Noble, Borders, or Waldenbooks at a decent pace. Many have read, some are still reading, but all have a good idea as to what happened. In other words, tears were shed thanks to a grand death for one of our most beloved characters.

Entertainment Weekly, in thinking about its own originality, lays it thick that Snape just might not be the bad guy after all. Duh! Sara and I discussed this since it seems so right on that he's been out to protect Harry Potter from the beginning. It's always the meanest teacher that you have to peel the layers away to know they're not so bad.

Snape, Snape, Snape, Snape! The character reminds me of my old teacher back in my days of private Catholic school. Miss Johnson was her name and no one wanted her. Not one person hoped to ever receive the most vile of math teachers ever invented out there in the far reaches of the universe. Not even He-Man or She-Ra would be able to walk in the classroom I shared with a woman that seemingly never smiled.

Miss Johnson made us do math problems. Fine. It was the fact that we had to do them over and over and over til we got them right. The littlest issue had us sent back to our chairs til we stopped looking like people from MTV's The Real World (c'mon, they are all so dumb) and actually know how to do this difficult form of algebra.

My mom still kids me to this day how I cried when I found out I had Miss Johnson for math, a woman that never smiled but drove a fucking black Porsche. The joke within me was that witches may fly on broomsticks but the really evil ones drove black Porsches.

The point I am trying to bring up is that Snape is a character that J.K. places for you to think he is a sinister and vile being only out to destroy Harry. Miss Johnson disciplined me so well for my math class that I could easily do what was ahead for the 7th Grade. What I think is that he is preparing him for the fight of his life, Voldemort's upcoming attack that will leave only 1 person standing. Gawd, think, people! I just hate it when readers go for the so obvious and not realize that characters can be so many different things.

Enough Harry Potter........

Random Thoughts:

1. Am I the only one that thinks MTV's The Real World is just full of the most obnoxious idiots ever? Case in point: The boys go out all night to do shots, drink, and try to lure girls into the house while they have work the next day. Unprofessionalism at its best. In college, you get away with this but real life doesn't warrant such things. Too bad I am hooked since I just cannot fathom how much worse these dinks can get.

2. Someone keeps finding my diary under "Funnel in her ass." Cute. Okay, I like to know just what people type in Google for spank material just as much as the next person but 3 fucking times!?! This kind of puts me on edge and wondering just who might actually put a funnel in a girl's ass. Is there ice cream involved because I could really go for some ice cream right now.

Kind of puts me on edge as to Part 2 of my 5 Sexual Things I Don't Get That Others Enjoy. I'm only doing this to share my views with people that have a certain enjoyment with sex, etc. not drunken fucks hoping to get off. Hands on the keyboard and not on da vibrator! You are not worthy to masturbate to this smarty that survived a life with nuns. Zip up that zipper, too. The keyboard does not need to be squeegied again.

As for when I do the next one, I'll just whip it outta nowhere. We'll see. I'm awfully curious as to what girls think since it concerns them more. Boo-hoo! I only got 1 freakin' response to my entry on orgies. Guess we got a lot of voyeurs out there. Okay, you can masturbate now. Find a slow steady rhythm and vibrate with slowly in C-Sharp.

3. Speaking of my orgy entry, I just love Sara's response to me. It's so incredibly amazing (What? You wanted me to say "super-dee-dooper?") to have a girlfriend open to discussing sexual discovery. Too many people follow views set out by stupid rules no one ever knows why they follow. If any boys are reading this, artists are the best in bed. Either that or find the girl reading Kama Sutra books in the local Barne N Noble with a Harry Potter book to hide the cover.

4. Slow newsday? Reporters are raving about the fact that people are eating more ice cream during these hot summer months. Duh! Only, it's the truly original that walk around with it all over their bodies thanks to open-minded sex freaks. I have no problem with a cherry being placed between my balls while pecan crunch is dripping down the sides of my dick. I'll lay there and shout about freedom in doing my best Braveheart impression only the strong of heart can handle.

"Freeeeeeeeeedom! Hooooly shit! That's coooooold! We want our land...balls...uh, land again warm! Girl, that tickles!"

5. I cannot wait to move out of Diaryland. Of course, I'll update here once in a while since I want to keep up with my faves' lives but Blogspot is where it's at. I'm debating with myself as to whether I will tell everyone or just certain people where I've gone off to pasture. No more hanger-ons and annoying voyeurs. Just have to come up with a name that helps to define me. "Hedgehoggy" only came because of my R.A. calling me that due to my spiked hair.

And so I bid thee a goodnight what with this odd entry of various sorts. Kinky moments with ice cream? Funnels in a girl's ass? Harry Potter discussion like a true geek? Nuns with Porsches? Cherries placed in areas your mother told you to stay away from since boys have those...."things" that cause trouble? Hopefully, I'll feel less paranoid tomorrow so that I will unleash No. 2. G'night.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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