Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Batou: "Hell, it's my life. I'll waste as I see fit."

-Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Episode 25

Mail time! Mail time! Mail time! This is where Hedgehoggy answers his critics and then some. You got questions and we got answers! Mail time!

Alright, this just reminds me of why I want to go to Blogspot. I just want to be left alone from people that don't quite get me or understand about life's actual need for common sense. We'll always have critics and such since some of us actually put ourselves up to be judged, etc. There's nothing wrong with having something to say about another's life but when it comes from these types of people:

1. People that cannot spell while saying hurtful things. If you are going to dis, try to show at least a little bit of ability to use your brain. To be of incredible help, "whore" is spelled W-H-O-R-E and not "hoar" and "hoer." "Bitch" is spelled B-I-T-C-H and not "bich."

2. Ignorant people. Those that think we are all set in one motion and that we must live life a certian way really make me furious. Extremely religous people are in this category in their preaching of hatred disguised as "the good word" only to bring others that don't others down with a different lifestyle.

3. Disgruntled people. Namely, those that are jealous and will try to hurt others with nasty words to feel superior.

Do I come off as an elitist? Know-it-all? Jackass? Too tied up in his own life or not living as you see fit? Well, I'm not at all in the thinking that I am above anyone. In fact, I respect the differences in how everyone acts and lives their lives but I tend to bring out my observations while doing so.

I think the TV show, Laguna Beach, brings about what I am trying to say in this diary. You can be pretty, rich, and all that but what comes out of your mouth or in actions really says a lot about you. Namely, we get to follow a camera crew all around as pathetic rich kids with nothing to say show why I'm lost as to what is going on in this world. Empty minds for an empty show. How amazing that we give fame to nobodies!

So, you have a diary? That's wonderful! Now, try and do with it as you see fit by giving us impressive thoughts on what you are doing. Dig deep in that head of yours. Paint me a picture. Now, write it with the hope in mind that I'll understand what you are trying to say. Don't copy others since that takes away the fun of Diaryland.

If it seems like every diary entry begins with "Last night, I got so drunk...." you'll lose me. I'm going to not only grow bored but also question why you live your life that way. Do you go to college? Well, why do you get drunk almost every night while trying to get a degree in order for you to have a job after? Do you think your parents are going to be proud of you for how much money of theirs you are wasting?

I went to college on a scholarship. Fun times and I miss 'em! Like my diary, I didn't waste my moments. I studied hard and partied hard. So many memories, good and bad. Of course, I lost my best friend to alcoholism so I take excessive drinking with a bit of a raised eyebrow. Sure, I drink and that's no secret but I am just not into the whole let's-get-drunk-all-night thing.

Do I sound like a spoiled brat in my diary? I'm spoiled. There you have it. Yes, I am lucky to have parents that didn't spend all their money on alcohol or drugs. Plus, I'm pretty much best friends with them due to my behavior while growing up. Sure, I had lots of sex, dabbled with weed, and even drank a bit but NOT ONCE DID I ALLOW THESE THINGS TO CLOUD MY GODDAMN JUDGEMENT! NOT ONCE! I didn't end up thrown out of a house with a kid in towe, addicted to some fucked up drug, or saddled my parents with a huge burden.

Okay, so I am a bit spoiled. Yes, I have a large inhertance but you don't see me rolling around in dough. I don't drive an amazing car or brag about much of anything. If this comes out in my diary, I am sorry. All I was trying to do was point out a certain love of film. There are no beer bottles lined up in my room that I show others as saying, "Last night, I got so wasted..."

I'm not perfect. There are things I am embarassed about. For one thing, I can only get access to so much money but a lot goes to bills due to my car (inherited from my late grandma and is not "cool"), phone, and other things. As a result, I am not able to always pay for dinner with Sara. I do make up for this by getting her ice-cream or occasionally paying for her here and there. This will all change when I go back to work in the middle of September. Things are tight right now while my savings are close to nil.

How did I get all these DVDs? It's simple, really. Most come from getting them on sale at their cheapest. This took place when the DVD player first came out so I got a very early start. Someone owed me a lot of money, I did my research on DVD players to see if the price was worth it, and I started. People told me they were just a fad but I didn't listen so now look where I am. Over 1,000 DVDs that I also sacrificed for in an insane way. You can also chalk up to having friends that give huge discounts.

While in college and working, I did not get new clothes. In fact, I went all my semesters with the same fucking things over and over. People laughed at how my Air Jordan 5's had holes in the top where the toes meet but I didn't care one bit. My money went to collecting DVDs and the occasional beer with the boys. Hell, I never heard of Abercrombie & Fitch til I was a senior. Pity since I missed out on great cargo shorts.

It was also in college that I had a roommate with a very impressive love of film. He'd do these grand essays on various films that he loved so a shared love of Fight Club, American Beauty, and others had us taking in the sights with owning but also arguing over what we saw. This guy I am talking about soon tried to commit suicide but that's another story.

There's a lot you don't know about me. I don't go out to get drunk every night. I'm fine with people that are stupid since all of us have areas we need work BUT I absolutely hate ignorance. I value women's sexuality but that doesn't mean I enjoy someone that goes around bitching about how a guy doesn't like her after she catches him sucking another guy's cock. It's that common sense thing again in which she wants him to be loyal but she doesn't follow her own rules and then whines about it. Again, I do not care how many sexual partners you have since it's great to explore your sexuality. Just use common sense. I'm loyal to Sara and it's taken me time to see the little bit of something that makes her want to be with me.

I'm happy, okay? I'm spoiled! I have a great girlfriend that I am extremely into since she challenges me mentally and sexually. Sara trusts me and knows me better than most in just this short time since we started flirting back and forth. My parents and I hardly ever argue. I try my best here on Diaryland to make people's days a little better all while expressing how I feel each time I post an entry. Some days, I'll be angry but I always continue to make a person stuck in the office a better one. Wouldn't you rather have someone that causes various emotions than just about how drunk or wasted you were?

I have a hard take on alcoholics due to losing my best friend to alcoholism. This doesn't mean I hate anyone that drinks. Far from it. It's just that I expect more than a day in the life of white trash. Funny stories? Send 'em out! Just don't expect me to read when it's just an empty page of nothing where you ended up on a picnic table with your legs in the air as a parade of boys had their fingers ready.

So, to all my critics, I take what you say. I'm fine with knowing how others might perceive me. There are days I feel like shit but will hide it by just talking about the good parts instead. My days are not perfectly smooth. Read my diary if you wish but I just don't give a fuck. It's when people drop me over the stupidest things that I tend to get mad. Sex? Who doesn't talk about that? You'd think that a girl that fawns over Sex And the City could handle a discussion on facials. Gawd, not everything is going to please you in life.

Well, I am dropping this discussion now. It may sound like I take Diaryland seriously but the whole point is that I am tired of coming across empty entries with no common sense. Who knows when I move to Blogspot.........the middle of August sounds right. Then again, it just aint fun til you get dissed here on Diaryland. We'll see. G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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