Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."


It's funny how that quote just came to me. The main reason is because a friend of mine named Derrick just told me that he went to enlist in the army. A lot of other memories just creeped in like the beauty of the movie, Stripes.

Derrick, complete with new buzz cut, got my attention with this. It was a complete surprise that he would enlist, especially at this time of our overtaking....*ahem*......helping Iraq. Most people I know would run away from any type of military person visiting parking lots (that's what they do here) to try and talk people into what being a Marine is all about.

I'm not dissing the military but when it comes to fighting a war, I'd rather do so for something I believe in. Plus, there is that factor that I cannot fathom having Rumsfeld, Bush, and his cronies leading people to certain death. It's like they are saying:

"You're gonna make us rich, son. All the contracts are signed to our rich CEOs while you fight a losing battle with an enemy that looks as similar to the friendlies. Oops, you're gonna need armor but we're gonna have you resort to getting scraps. Plus, we're gonna not count some soldiers' votes and send you to a fucking desert with no idea as to when you will be allowed back. don't go insane since it makes us look bad, son."

You can look at what I say and make your own comments. Actually, I'd like to see a few people serve their country after mouthing about how amazing George Bush is. Let's toss Brooks And Dunn out a Cessna plane with Britney Spears and that permanent smirk wearing husband of hers, Kevin. Add the Bush twins and Bill O' Reilly while you're at it. The cherry topping? Good ol' Whitney Houston to talk about pooping for morale support and to deal with possible children......armed children.

"Hell to the no!"

Derrick didn't pass the inspection thingee thanks to hearing loss in both his ears. That surprised me since he does fine in my gym while techno music blares and various dumbbells are dropped on the hard floor. From what I can gather, the main reason Derrick wanted to join the army was to help pay for more schooling. You'd think that those tax breaks would help a poor person like Derrick while he deals with termites as his job. Don't get me started on Bush's Energy Bill......oh, that is quite a doozy on giving tax breaks to oil and gas companies that don't need 'em.

I've got a nasty headache so I want to get this nightly entry done. Even though I had a great day, too many thoughts are running in my head:

1. I've got to watch my spending since the trip to Atlanta is coming up. Can't wait to get my picture taken with a squad of stormtroopers from Star Wars or see a bald guy dressed as a pink fairy. By the way, the fairy is way cooler!

2. The fact that Roadhouse has a sequel has me pretty stoked since the screenplay can go all over with this one. As long as they bring back Sam Elliot as Wade Garett, I'm a happy camper. No political correctness since a southerner is truly a hillbilly at heart and a dog named "Fred."

3. My mom has finally designated a date for our garage sale! This makes me so happy since our house will finally be relieved of all this clutter due to my grandparents' things being all over. I'm currently sitting near boxes of too many different items to name. I'd like to have my couches back since they feel so nice to read on them while laying there.

4. Jessica Alba's new movie is coming out soon! Into the Blue is the feel good movie of the year or could it be Keira Knightley's Domino? Keira has guns, lots of guns. Jessica is in a bikini throughout. Tough decision as to whom I'd give mucho boner appeal to. Then again, Marky Mark has the revenge flick, 4 Brothers, and any payback for what someone did to Mama is cool, too. I'm a mama's boy that loves chicks with weapons in tight bikinis.

5. People are really doing these "100 Things I Love" entries. That's a bit excessive but I might wanna do something with one. Plus, I haven't even finished my "5 Things I'm Not Into Sexually." Should I even finish that out?

Well, I leave you be since I want to rest my already cranky head from this headache. Great day but not a good way to end it, yo. Just gimme some Cheetos to lose myself into those orange puffs of instant goodness while coming up with amusing dirty words to use when I call Bald-O. My mom's even worse since she calls him up to ask:

"Gettin' any looooooooooooooovin?"

Yeah, my mom has a dirty mind and it doesn't embarass me. You can hear Bald-O giggling on the other end as he gets a kick out of a former 3rd Grade teacher using words no Phonics book has ever asked a kid to use. G'night.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

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