Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Gay marriage won't lead to dog marriage. It is not a slippery slope to rampant interspecies coupling. When women got the right to vote, it didn't lead to hamsters voting. No court has extended the equal protection clause to salmon. And for the record, all marriages are "same sex" marriages. You get married, and every night, it's the same sex."

-Bill Maher from "New Rules" Page 113

It's always nice to realize that all those years in college paid off. Not only am I here and not out there but I have now taken upon me that sleeping with a stuffed animal aint that bad, man. Seriously, this damn red/white cow thingee that squeaks just stares at me with the printed word of "Love" so how can I not kick the little fucker out?

Actually, I now have a stuffed animal or "squeaky toy" as we call 'em since my dog, Buffy, needed something to play with in my room. Yeah, I'll lay there to read "Fingerprints Of the Gods" by Graham Hancock while the sounds of many weird mice make their voices known. Buffy just loves a good squeak-fest that brings out the best in her while looking out the window to tell the neighbors' dogs to go fuck themselves.

Girls. They can be so territorial.

For the first time in a long time, actually years, I rented a DVD at Blockbuster! Wow, it has been far too long for me to venture in a place I dread. Blockbuster has always been the store that puts profits first over customers with that whole fighting with them to select widescreen over fullscreen years ago. Oh, how I was so mad to not be allowed to see flicks the way they were supposed to be seen. So, I bought what I wanted but rented for my dad.

What did I pick up? Well, I thought you'd never ask! Since I've been wanting to see it ever since I first heard about it, Alexander. Now, I can overlook the blonde Colin Farrell problem since, let's face it, looked awful. Angelina Jolie in all her glory, apparently with snakes, makes an unforgettable appearance. Anything with her is worth it as long as she is either:

1. Tough as nails.

2. Naked! Naked! Loved Gia but wanted bush! Please, put out da bush!

3. Armed with automatics or knives. Is it any wonder why Mr. And Mrs. Smith is a wet dream to me?

Colin Farrell may be cool with me but that blonde hair just makes him all icky-like. We'll see how he does in this flick that is close to 3 hours. Sword fights, major battles, and Angelina will make the time fly by. It's too bad that disk I got for Alexander had nothing for special features so I'm curious if Blockbuster has something to do with this. I coulda sworn the ones at Best Buy had lots o' stuff.

The other flick is foreign and carried high reviews. The Nest. It's basically about 3 sets of armed theives. Someone double crosses to the point that the person with the loot ends up cornered in a warehouse trying to fight her way out. Yep, "her" is quite handy with weapons so I can't wait to see what makes this movie such a gem to those pissed that Americans overlooked it.

So, I have a story. It's not entirely new since I've mentioned it once long ago. You see, I ran into someone that knows the full story of all that I tell so I was in this store with a woman wearing a white t-shirt saying "I Love Lesbians" talking all about what we knew. Would you believe that I have that exact same shirt?

Just the fact that I admitted to working at Wal-Mart, once, should show some humility. If you work there, I feel for you because it is the most evil place in the world when it comes to treating its customers and workers. Obviously, it's worse on the workers but most will try their best to hide how it is since this employment may be all they have.

The woman I ran into remembered me after all those years. I'd never talked to her til yesterday's little run in. She even remembered my name! Holy shit! It was here that I just had to know why this woman, that is obviously a lesbian, still knew my name after all those years. Hell, I had never really talked to her.

"You were the hottest guy working there."

Talk about a major ego-stroke! My jaw pretty much dropped with those words. When I thought about it some more, that's not a big deal since most of the people I worked with looked like they needed a lot of help in the personal hygeine department. Wal-Mart attracts that type of worker and clientelle.

One of the reasons I quite Wal-Mart was because of a woman I was required to work with. She and I went into another town for management training, etc. at that town's Wal-Mart. It was hell. Obviously, this woman and I talked a bit since it was an hour's drive to and from. The next thing I knew, I was telling this 36-year-old with 2 kids that I was seeing someone (Tami) and to stop hinting that she wanted me. Hell, this pile of steaming shit that was talking to me was also married!

Time went by and I didn't see this woman again. I was pretty happy about that even if I had to deal with a nasty manager that was later moved to another store (1 big thing I talked to the lesbian about since we both had problems with him). It was 1 day that I suddenly had to be called down to the office to deal with accusations by you-know-who that I came on to her.


Oh, I had to write a long letter telling all that was said between this disgusting piece of steaming shit and I while in the car. It was here that I almost lost all trust in women. In no way did I even show the slightest bit of interest with a 36-year-old woman with 2 kids. For 1 thing, I was seeing someone and I have my standards. This accuser didn't have all her teeth and talked a lot about the drugs she did in the past.

So, what did I do? I quit. After being forced to write out a letter that had to detail what a co-worker said regarding her homosexuality (different lesbian), I just felt like a complete betrayal. Earlier, she had told me how a friend of hers was killed when it was known that he was gay. There was no way I would put up with all this shit that had no merit from that married woman. The manager was a complete nazi, and when I left, he pretty much fired everyone. The lesbian told me that a lot of the later workers ganged up on him to get him sent away. So, somewhere in a Wal-Mart out there, a man or woman is getting chewed out for nothing.

It's funny how bad memories can get but soon kind of whimper off. I still remember a few things but running into that lesbian was cool since I know I was right in what I did. You see, a part of me was feeling awful in being forced (2 managers kept me in the room) to tell a lot of intimate details about someone that I worked with. She didn't want it to be know that she was a lesbian but she told me. Oh, the dialogue about learning what lesbian sex is all about was fun! 2 women I trained with. 1 bad and 1 good. Am I some kind of sexy looking sex-god or something?

I've read that I am not alone in my dealings with Wal-Mart. A lot of people have issues in how they were treated as workers. Even customers cannot stand how the merchandise is obtained, most clothes are from slave labor and I aint shitting you. I only shop if I must or to get my pictures developed. Try getting the ones done that involve nudity. Wal-Mart will give you a piece of paper that says, "We cannot develop this due to our restrictions." Guess boobs are obscene, huh?

So, how are you? Good week? Bad week? I've got an application to fill out that will be turned in tomorrow. I'm not hopping up and down for this job since I'll have one guaranteed in September. It's just that I take what I can get and I'd rather be doing something. Anything but Wal-Mart........

College educations really pay off, huh?

So, I'm outta here. Yes, this little sex god needs his rest since a workout is planned for tomorrow along with squeaky toys to toss for Buffy. I've also got to pack for Indiana. My balls are so smooth and ready to be played with! G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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