Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Pins and needles, nice to know you, goodbye!"


Oh, it always hurts in some ways to take some people off my faves list but it's a must do. I rule my diary with an iron fist since I see things differently. With me, I will give you the truth, not sugar coat it like Dr. Phil or other morons you'll find around town leeching their ways through life. Nope, I'll take you the park and tell you the names of all the child molestors and which animals might want to eat you depending on your height.

Why did I drop a few? I'm growing tired of people constantly reading my diary but not adding me as a fave. It's not that I take this damn thing seriously but it embarasses me when I do my best to inform/entertain or whatever the hell you see me as. I'm nice, truly, truly nice but I'm just not someone you fuck with.

A certain person spent around 4 fucking minutes reading a few entries. Now, I just so happened to have that ol' whiny woman as a fave so I don't know what it was that interested her since I called her out with a note. No response. Dropped after I see her checking me out again and again. I'm not sure why she thinks her diary entries warrant such impressiveness but some were quite funny while others just seem to be about the same ol' shit.

"I want a man."

Well, I just get tired of people pestering around in my diary like how the teenagers stare at me when I work out at the local gym. If you want to talk to me or read me, just do so. A part of me gets paranoid at how I feel like I'm being judged over something I wrote. I know for a fact that she read my entry on facials so that made me laugh at the amount of time spent on that one. I'm not mean, arrogant, or rude no matter how much my diary might give out. Words typed are a whole lot different than said. I'm really quite a sweetie but can unleash hell in less than a second when fucked with.

All I can conclude this with is that I do my best. Yeah, some of my entries are loopy but do you want to know what some guys think? I mean, really think on topics that you tried to get out of guys since I know how unresponsive many can be. That guy I told y'all about that calls all the pretty girls in my gym "sluts" reminds me of your issues. He'll only discuss football or......again, sluts. I'm pretty sure he lives alone with a satellite with over 1,000 channels since he did tell me that he gets all the football season games.

Lucky him.

Visited the Evil Empire and its overworked soldiers that have not seen sunlight for long periods of time. Good gravy, the students are back but that's not all! The lines of so many people with lost expressions on their faces had me either laughing or disgusted. Now, we got the usual Nascar dads with their massive beer bellies and Marlboro toting wives that weigh more than the pick-up trucks but people nearly ran into me in aisle after aisle.

There is no way in hell I enjoy visiting Wal-Mart.........*ahem*......the Evil Empire but when I need my film developed, I will go by any means necessary. At least, til I get my digital camera, which I squandered in opportunity last year for a 46-inch high definition TV. Only a few football games will be watched. those that involve riots or the latest streaking with a painted bullseye on an ass.

FYI: A guy ran onto a foreign golf course during a big play with his back painted. The caption: "The 19th hole" with an arrow pointed to his asshole.

Oh, how I nearly forgot that picture of Sara in Borders holding the Kama Sutra book like the true intellectual she is. There is no embarassment with her as she reads such topics on why women take longer to orgasm complete with naked people. It is actually me that takes far too much time but I'm getting better. My record was over an hour but that was a handjob on the road while she drove.

Another set of pictures had me in rememberance of the Harry Potter night. Yup, kids dressed up as Harry and Hermione were quite a sight on that July 16th night what had Sara, Carrie, and I waiting 4 hours for our books. So sue me if you don't read Harry Potter but I enjoy my imagination of a mix of light and darkness. The whole event will not be something to forget what with madness and the fact that I actually was able to be around children.

Other highlights:

-The arm wrestling match that had me lose all of them with Dave, Bald-O, and Blondie. Yes, I got ridiculed and taunted but who's been single for years? Not me. Smelly boys have no right to tell me how to change while they continue to lose points with women over their habits.

Once again, I ran into my ex-girlfriend's dad.........or parents. I was never into knowing the mom since she was always a controlling old troll. My high school sweetheart was always quite nice and guys I know are shocked that I did not do "the deed" with her after being repeatedly asked by her. Nuns had my mind warped but I'm quite happy.

Beth was my high school girlfriend's name. You already know a bit about her so I'll just do the quick version. Beth played tennis, was a brunette, and drove us to the prom thanks to me crashing the car. The dad and I were always amused with each other's odd sense of humor while I'm sure it was welcome change from that thing he married that glared all day/night.

The usual in conversations takes place. I learn a bit about Beth in Seattle while I mention that I have a girlfriend named Sara along with little bits about her. Now, we all know that those words are going to find their way to Seattle since parents will always find some way to pop up ex's being with someone else in the conversation. Plus, the dad knows that little way to my heart by mentioning how much more muscle I've added since so the conversation did get further than usual.

*Bambi eyes*

Now, this'll sound odd. I liked Beth's dad and hated how he had heart issues. Most of this is due to the troll he married but also the troll's desire to eat out ALL THE TIME. The salt took its toll on his heart but she insisted on keeping up with dinner out. Well, I asked Beth's dad how he's doing and a big thumbs up showed while he put down Kinky Freidman's book. Martial arts is what's helping.

*All of this was done while the troll stayed several feet away reading a book-Yes! I didn't have to talk to it.*

So, it's the 21st and to you it's just a Sunday. For me, this is pretty big. As of February 21st, I have known Sara so that makes it 6 whole months. No biggee, again? This has been my longest relationship even if I knew Beth for some time after we broke-up. Sara and I have been going strong even after a few arguments, various issues, and things we all go through. It's hard to put into words but I could give a good example with our taste in sex, it's never ever the same and gets more intense. Sara's even wilder than I am so I'm learning more from her.

So, I hope this has been an entry worth its weight. I put some major effort into showing you who I am and what I think each night. Not every entry is going to be some pizzazz filled dream but I try so will someone, please, just admit to liking me? Only on occasion do I whine but can't I be considered even if I'm happy? G'night and a special kiss to Sara. Gawd, I wish I was in that bed right now.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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