Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Lily white dresses,
sure they're cute.
They also attract a lot of men to you.
But this make you feel vulnerable,
from anything that got muscle.
But you can't take what I would not give,
cuz that's the truth, that's how I live."

-"Black Leather" by Joan Jett

Go ahead, ask me about that possible job. Am I going to get it? Am I still selling myself, my soul and dignity all for a measly amount of change? With gas prices as they are, is this all worth it?

I'm still not sure if I've got the job. Hell, I went to the manager and was told that they've figured out a possible schedule to fit me since I prefer to spend my evenings working out in order to release my stress. Maybe, that's a hint as to what is happening but I also got that line we all hear:

"We'll call you."

Oh, I bet you'd love to find me doing some of those dirty deeds while you spend a good time playing with pencils and staring at the underage girls working with their pink thongs showing, Mr. Manager. Spending my time being dicked around is not for me so I'm not stressing over anything at all. I'll be working in the middle of September, at least that's for certain. The long nights will find me with my co-workers laughing at the usual shit on Springer since women just love to throw the word "ho" around.

If you are up for a flick, Alexander isn't half as bad as the critics said in tearing it apart. The battle scenes are a tad bit confusing even if I know that he was going in a certain direction to attack Devius (ruler of Babylon that had an assassin kill Alexander's father). You'll see what I mean on that first battle with all the sand flying up and not being able to tell who was who.

Oh, but there are some highlights! Angelina is, of course, such a devilish sexy serpent with those dangerous eyes. You have so got to see them as she fights off a drunken husband with a young Alexander watching. Unfortunately, Angelina is used too little so far. I'm only on chapter 21 out of 39 in the DVD.

For those of you that are Colin Farrell fans, and, yes, you can count me in there as well. He may look ridiculous with that blonde wig but the dude put on some muscle. It's pretty amusing to see Colin get all lovey with Jared Leto by hugging sensually n' stuff. Well, it was known that Alexander the Great liked sex with men and women but funny how it's not played quite as such. Just how would you feel in the sex scene, if it were Colin's ass pumping away on not Miss Dawson but Jared's?

Alexander the Great is quite a character. To take 40,000 in his army and conquer quite a ways out past Babylon says something. And to think that he even joined his army in battle, a feat unthinkable for Bush. No matter what, I still wish Bush were to follow the ruling of Cleopatra by providing a blowjob for each soldier before war. She was known for being an amazing queen but why does the History Channel not discuss this? Oral sex is such a beautiful act and can calm the most skittery of men.

Well, my favorite "slut-watcher" was in the gym, heaven I suppose to him. Yep, that guy that calls all good looking girls "sluts" was using the preacher curl machine right in back of the pretty Japanese girl that came up to me to ask my name. I paused to watch the guy stare at my friend, bent over with her ass quite close to his face. I'll admit to being tempted in telling her that her "goodies" are being examined by a 41-year-old with no manners.

I'm sure that this week will be hard on Slut-Watcher since so many of the college girls are coming back into town. My gym is, normally, loaded with girls that make men drool but I take it all in stride. The amount of thongs I have had to see over the years has desensitized me. Plus, many will just say, "Hi, Mike!" as I walk to the drinking fountain. It's at this point that Slut-Watcher will come up to me asking how I know so-and-so and blah, blah, blah. Girls, I swear that you can bring men to their knees if you only knew the power you weld.

As for more on the gym, it was nice having all my friends in there tonight. Jody, Will, Derrick, and so many others that I've lost track as to whom I said hi to. Kim was missing but she was injured in a "garden mishap."

There are pictures of Jude Law's cock on the 'Net. I shit you not. The paparazzi caught Jude changing outside of his mother's house before sunning. Yup, a massive dark bush and a teeny-tiny little weiner are fully visible as he gets into a different pair of shorts. Now, I almost feel sorry for the cheater (with his nanny!) in the fact that everyone will see how tiny Jude Law's wee-willy-weenie is. Plus, I'm sure a lot of girls would appreciate a good trimming. Gawd, it is just so fucking funny how pictures of so many clueless celebrities in embarassing states end up for our enjoyment.

I'm curious as to what is a preferable penis size to girls. Now, I know from a lot of entries here on Diaryland put out by girls that inches matter. My female friends have stated that it must start at 5 inches or nothing gets played with. Weird since I've read about how the vagina's sensitive portion is in the first 1/3 of entry so size shouldn't matter, no? Poor Jude Law as I'm sure even the wilted flowers were disgusted at the bad rap a hanging bite-size weiner is giving them.

You know what's funny? I read that Colin Farrell liked to just unzip and wiggle his cock at people on movie sets. So, what's the issue of him not wanting this 15-minute personal porn video? I know a lot of girls that would love to get their hands on it.

It may sound odd to you but I hope Keira Knightley's yum-yum does not find its way on to the 'Net. I just don't want anything so intimate shown since I really like her as to keeping the mystery. Oh, but I'd love to see Keira's ass! Oh, I'd really, really like to see that while she's holding a machine gun and nothing else!

Editor: "Should we get you a subscription to "Chicks And Nothing But Ammo?""

Well, you can obviously get the idea that I like women that are tough and willing to defend themselves instead of rolling over and crying. Just the sight of Keira shooting up a place in the trailer for Domino is worth many, many wet dreams.

Oh, as for my future Atlanta trip, I'm sure to have pictures taken. I mean, this is pretty big since Sara, and I, with others, will be going crazy with the stimulation all around us. I've seen pics from a past convention and just hope the bald guy in the pink fairy outfit shows up. That's balls, man. Real fucking balls!

So, if I'll do what I can in showing my mug here on Diaryland. Many have already seen me but a few have not. I've got something like close to 100 pictures on CD that will be shown to Sara soon so maybe she can work her magic. Of course, this diary will be locked and only allowed entry by those I've seen here on Diaryland along with those I trust. Like I said before, it's funny to show yourself to people around the world, all close to 200 pounds of wackiness and a girlfriend that challenges him.

FYI: I still want to wear a kilt, someday.

So, that's a possible present to y'all on my birthday or soon after. Hopefully, I can show you Bald-O, Dave, and various others I've mentioned. Sara will have to show me how to do all this since she's the HTML genius.

Well, I'm outta here and will start my own personal countdown tomorrow. It's supposed to be a Friday night that my little ass ends up in a car destined for Atlanta. Hopefully, I'll get lots of kisses from Sara and an adventure awaiting me. G'night.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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