Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Ron (to his dog): "What? You poop'd in the refrigerator? And you ate the......whole wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not mad; that's amazing! How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay."


Only a pet owner can appreciate the above quote. We know how dog, cats, iguanas, llamas, turtles, and all sorts of animals just surprise us in their habits. Jethro enjoys gettin' down by bringing his squeaky toys to play with by making a musical-like sound only he can dance to. Ellie-Mae, the other Yorkshire Terrier, will take the toy and throw it up against the wall if this pisses her off. It's fun to have 2 dogs that behave like a married couple.

Now, Clyde, is just a riot when he has to poop. He'll do his little dance BUT he insists on privacy. I have never had a dog that needs to be left alone to poop. Ever! Clyde will go off in a corner or darkened area away from me as best he can. The best is when he jumps up onto the bags of pea gravel. If you're lucky, it'll be one of those days where the meatballs will come rolling down.

So, Fiona Apple has finally been allowed to release a new CD. Of course, I'm a fan and have been that way ever since "Sleep To Dream" and "Criminal," songs I would wait for MTV to play late at night because they work so well at that time, almost like a lullaby. Of course, MTV as it is only plays 8 fucking videos all day in which it either has Jessica Simpson or Beyonce.

Of course, Fiona Apple has a video but I'll probably never see it. I'll always remember the eerie sexiness of "Criminal" but it's "Across the Universe" and "Never Is A Promise" that remain in my head. There's something about Fiona's eyes as she walks towards you on that darkened street.

Whatever happened to seeing music videos that made you so fascinated with what you just saw? I'm not a huge MTV watcher but I do try to keep up with what's popular just so I don't feel like some geezer that remains stuck in the 80's. What I've seen warrants nothing to talk about so I don't know why MTV feels they need to celebrate video awards. All 8 videos will be up to receive while anything different (namely, without half naked girls dancing or cause you to think) is frowned upon.

Does anyone remember "Hazard" which was by I *think* Richard Marx? It was about a murder in which the person caught was the one that did it or others tied into the video. Eerie song but that video plays in my head once in a while.

Some people have problems with the Black Eyed Peas but they don't bother me. It's Ashlee Simpson that I just cannot stand. No talent but with famous sister gets you a show right away, huh?

Enough! Music of today pretty much sucks but that's nothing new. If Britney Spears's husband can be allowed to record an album, we all have the power to avoid it. C'mon, who's with me on this one?

The Evil Empire has landed onto my town in a big way. We now have 3 or 4 Wal-Marts, all super enormous to the point that you will just have to get lost with the half-dressed Nascar crowd of idiots that don't feel a need to remove the Marlboros from their lips when they tell the state trooper to kiss their ass as they shop to feed a fleet of young Dale Earnhardts. Well, the Evil Empire done pissed me off!

Okay, do you have a chain grocery store called "Meijers?" Well, this new Super Wal-Mart somehow secretly got ahold of a lot of the baggers/stockers there, hired them on the spot, and has started an all out price war. I know the consumers are supposed to reap the benefits but I am just not a fan of Wal-Mart and its way of doing business.

Some of the workers of Meijers went to the new Super Wal-Mart to look at the prices there. Guess what? Wal-Mart kicked them out while they think it's alright for them to do it. Gawd, I just cannot stand this store and it's not just due to my own experiences. Wal-Mart just represents all that is bad in this world, namely the way Bush wants America to be.

Have you ever seen the sweet storytelling movie called Big Fish? You really should since it has this huge amount of charm and goes where you least expect it. Everyone I know that has seen it tried to get me to watch it. Well, Sara was all it took.

I just read the guy that played the giant in Big Fish died. At a height of over 7 foot and 32 years old, Matthew McGrory was pretty unforgetable. Even if I doubt he'd want your sympathy on his health problems, it's still hard to feel sorry for him. Peace the spork out, dude.

I'm not exactly in the mood to write. Although I've had a nice day of 2.5 hours of grocery shopping that ended up with spending a good 15 minutes in each store looking for Cheetos, my head's not into creativity. Plus, I'm angry at Wal-Mart's desire to stomp out our Meijers, the place I shop at for groceries.

However, I'll admit to a small bout of jealousy. There are various people on Diaryland that send each other care packages. Wow! I'd love to receive unique items from Paris, Australia, Texas, Canada, Michigan, Sweden, Florida, and wherever else I can feel loved. Pictures of people, dogs, cats, animals of unique nature, odd beer, t-shirts with funny slogans, dirty magazines, and whatever you can think of would be the coolest!

*Makes a great birthday gift since someone (Oh, I wonder who!) is gonna be facing one in early September. Oh, I just have no shame do I? I'm just gonna have to slap myself.*

As much as I hate to sound like a complete tool, it's awesome to know people from all over the world that read you. The only thing this reminds me of is how my grandpa used to collect shot glasses from whatever state he'd been in or 1 that I had gone to. I'm jealous of people sharing things back and forth because I used to do this with Sammy in which she and I would exchange pictures each year. Due to her busy schedule, we only hit each other back once in a while. I miss that.

Some people do Diaryland to talk, brag, or just start shit but I love to meet and know what others are thinking. Pictures of various things in other countries and states just tickle the creative portion of my brain that you'd think a commotion is going on in there. It's too bad we'll never actually meet (though I am going to Texas sometime to meet Sammy) but you'll see my charming little face if I've seen you. Just be patient since I am a tiny bit cautious.

So, I am off to sleep after a day spent avoiding The History Channel. There is only so much I can take since the bathroom is near my parents' bedroom where you'll hear about the history of glass blowing and appear to be talking to yourself since a lot of "No ways!" and "That is so cool!" seem to pop out. Am I the only one that still wishes for a well documented account on blowjobs and the marvelous women that gave them? G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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