Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"By the way, did you ever eat paint chips, as a kid?"

-Tommy Boy

Okay, I'll start with what everyone has been talking about all day, gas prices. Here in Illinois, we are at $3.19/gallon of unleaded. Around 11am, the price was a best of $2.76 so the humor was in finding the new price just hours later, if you can call it that.

State lawmakers are in talks on taking away our state's gas tax. You see, we are 1 of 9 states that pulls this shit. While those in our state capital have no fucking clue as to how they are fucking up our school systems and raiding pensions, a simple gas tax just makes things worse in raping those of us barely able to get by. No, I'm not whining but just pointing out corruption pulled by idiots that don't have to worry about the price of gas because their transportation is paid for.

Gay Nick and I got into a discussion on the new price of gas. For him, the price was at exactly $3 in a small town right nearby mine. I'm guessing that Gay Nick saw the price right before it went up 19 cents but for now, I am hoping that there is at least 1 station where a smidgen of relief is in sight of not gouging.

Ah, yes, we have gas gouging in my town. The attorney general is investigating several gas stations for suddenly raising prices but then lowering them suddenly. I've seen $2.89 turn into $2.70 in a matter of a day or two with no warning of oil barrels having their prices go up.

Plus, small towns are falling prey to a lot of pump n' runs in which people fill up and then just take off. I'm sure you heard of the guy working at a small gas station that chased after someone that pulled this only to die. He somehow got caught or run over in the pursuit and, yes, they did get the asshole that did this. I'm sure that many stations will start to use pay before you pump or more credit card only types.

To fill up my car, I am at about a maximum range of close to $40. I'm glad I don't have a gas guzzler like my old car was. The RV my parents bought to cruise the U.S. will be permanently sequestered in the driveway due to a hell of a cost to fill up. Those dreams of cruising the good ol' U-S-of-A are on hold til we stop all this greediness run amok.

Speaking of greed, MTV and some other corporation has somehow gotten it in their heads to do benefit concerts to help those in New Orleans. That's nice, right? Well, I have issues as usual. You see, those people getting up to play and look all "sweat and donatin' with expensive teeth" should be the donators. With gas prices as they are and inflation about to rear its ugly head, don't you think that people with mansions and more than 2 plasma TVs should be forking out cash?

Oh, I know y'all will look at this cynicalism and say, "Hedgehoggy, Coldplay just might play near my house!!!" Well, I like a good ear bashing live version of "Clocks," too, but I don't see why we have to shell out $50 while people up on stage live in such luxury. Their buses are paid for and designers donate all sorts of clothes. I'd be happier seeing Paris Hilton digging a ditch and having to shit in it after working at a goodwill store.

Okay, I'm gonna drop all the grimness of my thoughts since we all know I don't always focus on the bad. I'm totally chill like that, ya know? Things may be bad but I enjoy a good coversation on the fun things in life as we find a pair of microphones to fart in and giggle ourselves to sleep.

I'm not sure whether to thank my insurance company or not. They sent me a sweet lil' card for my birthday (A whole week early! September 6th, for those forgetting.) to wish me a happy birthday (crappy card of boring "Happy Birthday"). In it was a coupon for a free meal at the local Chinese restaurant (How'd they know I looooooove Chinese food?) BUT only if I buy a meal first. It's nice that my insurance company wants to help me become obese due to my love of fried dumplings.

Editor: "Yeah, but you are a walking smorgasbord containing "cream of sum yung guy." Tee-hee!"

So, I'm guessing this is my last entry for a bit of time. I'll be gone longer than usual so I hope y'all have a great week in somehow keeping cool during all this outburst of sadness and outrage towards the world and weather. Seeing those looters on the news has me a bit disgusted but less so for those seen carrying necessities to live on. No, you do not need 4 pairs of Air Jordans but help yourself to toilet paper (I'm sure pooping off a roof has gotta be something to talk about!) and bottled water.

"Don't you (forget about me)"

-Simple Minds

So far, everything is set to take place in which I will be in Atlanta. If you live out there, maybe I will run into you. Just know that I don't like to be touched right away but will eventually be that goofy lil' mess you enjoy reading about after a bit of time. I'm not shy but cautious and cynical so beware of that.

The big issue is what my mother just told me. Atlanta is expected to run out of gas at several gas stations. As if I needed more issues to keep me up at night.......

Okay, I am gonna miss you guys. I've made promises to bring lots and lots of pictures in which, yes, I will hopefully be in them along with weirdos dressed as various comic book characters. I'm looking for a sexy Cheetarah (Thundercats) or Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) to show y'all. Too bad, I won't be dressed as my favorite character, Storm Shadow, due to many things going wrong here.

I'll try to keep up with diaries as best I can or just catch up at some point. You've got to realize that I find it rude to be at someone's house and not be around them thanks to goofin' around on the 'Net. I'm most certainly going to miss my girls, Hiss, Sammy, Rosie, "Hoar," "Slow-Poke," Jen, Summerroll, and others that I talk to a lot. Jeez, I get a lot of notes from those wishing much nudity from me. I know that some curse the fact that only Sara gets to rip off all my clothes for a nightly romp in her bed that ends up with me scratched all over and her exhausted after 10 orgasms. Ever seen a girl drool after too much fun? I sleep with her.

Speaking of sex, I just recently got my sex drive back. It's tough due to my mind being in a state of sadness during all this chaos. I'm just too sensitive for my own good, folks.

Top 5 Signs You Are A Little Too Into Hedgehoggy's Diary:

5). Several days of the week begin with you telling your friends that "you can't believe what this idiot said on the Internet" but secretly wish guys were as truthful.

4). You find yourself in a WWHD (What Would Hedgehoggy Do?) moment at least twice a day.

3). While having an impressive bonking session with husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/, you pause to go read Hedgehoggy's diary. Then, you come back with an enormous smile to a confused lover wondering why you had to answer a phone that never rang.

2). There were many, many strong prayer sessions of some sort for a safe return for Hedgehoggy during all his missions to Indiana. Once his diary has made it clear that there is a new entry up, you start to hop up and down in your seat due to excitement while objects fall to the floor. The cat now thinks you are possessed and will be refrain from leaving the litter box.

1). Each workday begins with you waking up thanks to the dog's or cat's licking your face while laying there on the floor face up. In your right hand is a vibrator while your left hand's fingers "smell funny." Your panties are at your ankles. Neighbors have called to complain of you shouting, "That was Hedgehoggy's best entry...........EVER!"

So, I bid adieu to all and, no, I don't think that highly of my entries here on Diaryland. I'm pretty playful and can't wait to read your latest entries just as I see people continually reading me. Oh, I just wanna hug someone! G'night and as of the early evening, I am sleeping soundly next to Sara.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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