Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"It's a magical world, Hobbes!"

-Calvin of "Calvin & Hobbes"

Well, I was wrong. The gigantic book collecting every "Calvin & Hobbes" comic strip is actually out in bookstores. Good gravy! The book is not just 1 but 3 huge heavy hardcovers that retail for around $150. To some of you, that price may cause a little hard thinking but, to me, it's totally worth it. The "Calvin & Hobbes" comic strip was, possibly, the place that started off my imagination.

Wanna know how to turn my face red? Yesterday, my mom and I spent the afternoon sorting dirty clothes from my trip. It was 1 big pile that I dumped into a red plastic bucket and needed to be seperated. Well, my mother sat down on the couch near me to help out when all of a sudden she held up a pair of red/pink Victoria's Secret panties.

My mind: "Hey, I know those panties!"

It was a good thing I shut up at the right moment even if it's embarassing to have your girlfriend's underpants being held up by your mother to ask: "So, just what day of the week do you wear these?" Yeah, and I knew that pair by heart because I pulled them off Sara last week. Once again, it's a "good gravy!" moment.

I'm not completely sure how Sara's panties ended up in my suitcase but I do know that much of our clothes were all over the floor in her bedroom after the trip to Atlanta. Somewhere during my picking things up to pack, a pair of pink/red panties ended up stuck to a shirt or load of socks. Oh, how that sensual scent is laced in there just calling for me to get my ass to Indiana!

Oh, I couldn't get on Diaryland last night so I just gave up. That's why there was no entry, dammit! Bloody hell when I had so much to say. All's kind of well since the power went out after I finished watching Battlestar Galactica (1978) as Rick "Jessie's Girl" Springfield was shot down by Cylons. My first thought was how he was going to sing that song we all know of him. Damn my imagination.

As for the pictures, good news and bad news. The good news is that half turned out real well. That bad news goes along with this as well but don't fret. I have 1,000s of me with the boys, etc. that I've saved from trips so special things will be put up someday. I need to see Sara soon in order to get help from her on putting up pics and more from our trip. Be patient because I really wanna show you me.

So, I'll hopefully be back to talk of the trip and the loveliness of having dogs go through my suitcase to steal my toothbrush. Who says dachsunds don't brush their teeth? *Boolah-boolah!* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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