Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Some boys just don't deserve sex. Period."


Well, I'm quite pleased that I got through here on Diaryland to make my second entry of the day. I'm not a fan of when people make so many entries per day but I'm a special case in that I need to let out some more things so I can once again focus on reality. A part of me still has that high from the trip no matter how much I have tried to calm myself down by catching up with the local newspapers or crapola from the newest magazines. Yes, I finally finished reading the newest issue of "Plaboy." Go me.

I'll discuss the actual convention and give you a hint at what you will see soon...........

As you know, we travelled from the middle of Indiana all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. Fascinating lil' drive in just around 12 hours. Sleep was often but not good since my head tended to nod downward and then cause a pain in my upper neck area at odd times. You try sleeping in a Cavalier with 5 people that will scrunch you up and minorly argue as to who sits where. Not surprisingly, Sara slept on my shoulder when I was in the back with her.

Atlanta is quite nice but we weren't there for the scenery. All I can tell you is that it is big and quite spread out. Damn, it took us a good 15 minutes just to get into the actual city! A part of me wanted to see Bobby Brown or Whitney so I could get up in her face to hear "Hell to the no!" or do my "Humpin' Around" dance that Bobby wished the Dalai Lama would do.

As I said, we pulled up in the parking lot after 12 hours. We stunk. We stunk bad. Good thing Bri (Sara's good friend from college) had some cologne to spray on us as we waited for the girls to change their tops. 4 lovely breasts to see but I was more interested in smelling better after being cramped in close quarters. Plus, I only have eyes for Sara's.

What I could not believe was the walk downtown towards the hotel we had to walk to. The first thing that happened was a huge amount of people dressed as Star Wars characters came out in a lineup. I could have sworn they were the real thing because the costumes were that fucking good. No joke. Han Solo, Chewbacca, stormtroopers, and all that you can think of walked in a line. Just this once, I would love to know how these people did their costumes.

First, we had to get tickets. Getting them sucked. Sucked real bad when you have to pee while waiting 2.5 hours with various nerds, geeks, dweebs, and those people I've seen beaten up in the back of the locker rooms. Well, this is their day but I've really gotta pee, dammit! My usual being all goofy mannered was dampened by having to wait so long.

In lines, you'll meet various freaks, etc. so this one was no different. There were 2 lesbian goth girls that I thought were cool. Remember that I am attracted to goth and the t-shirt was unforgettable. "Fuck Me Like You Mean It." Yes, something to bring home to Mom, these days, huh? 1 girl in the line decided to exchange shirts with Bri. Good deal since he got a Family Guy one while he gave up his Levis one. I'm just okay on the TV shot, Family Guy, but the t-shirt was cool.

Then, the girl wanted to exchange the Levi's shirt for my white wife beater. I'm pretty sure Sara told her "no" but it didn't matter. No one gets my wife beater while I have an incredible urge to pee. No one.

Various people were in costume while waiting for the badges to attend Dragon Con. We saw a tree woman, goat boy, more freaks than you can shake a stick at, a guy dressed as Twiggy from Marilyn Manson, Wonder Woman, and the list goes on and on. Most were impressive while others had you wonder what drug addiction brought those colors. Again, I had to pee.

About 2/3 through the line, I finally got my chance to pee. Loooooong time just standing there and moaning as people walked by to attempt those secret zippers in their costumes to use the urinals. Always remember to add a trap-door, folks. That's a lesson from Da Hog as knowing is half the battle.

I could go on and on with various things that happened in line but why? Too long. It was Bri, Sara, Chris, Carrie, and I that were pretty much starved by the time we finally got our badges to enter Dragon Con. Folks, if you are going to do this, bring water and necessities for these kinds of events. Plus, something to make you smell nice. Putting people together that have been in cars for so many hours makes for some interesting smells. Plus, many of these people come from their parents' basements with no clue as to deodarants' power. They only understand the Force.

All over you will find people dressed as a character from their favorite comic, movie, or music group. The first one I got a picture of was BloodRayne and my lovely girlfriend took a picture of me getting my head sliced by her. I'm always a fan of women with weapons so why not?

It's kind of confusing when walking into large conventions. We didn't know where the autographs were or who was signing what so we wandered around the middle area quite a bit. Sara and I stuck together much of the time, taking pictures of people we thought were interesting. Like I said before, the costumes were very nicely done.


-All of the characters from The Wizard Of Oz

-Prince (very good, too!)

-Halo 2 (video game that rules!)

-Just about all the Star Wars characters, including my favorite, Boba Fett

-Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and all comic book basic characters like Spiderman.

-A team of black ninjas

-A giant Lego verion of Darth Vader

-A lot of goth heroes from Tim Burton's films.

It was later on that we ventured downstairs where you had to have a badge to enter. I had no clue as to what was up but when I saw certain people, I knew where we were. Celebrities! Good gravy! I didn't know what to do now because my eyes were darting all over the place.

Okay, I got my first autograph and picture taken with Tricia Helfer. She's in the new Battlestar Galactica series found on the Sci-Fi Channel. I've never seen it but planning on this. Tricia was a supermodel before all this acting and, yes, I remember her from the catwalks as I was once a fan of watching fashion. My favorite designer is Calvin Klein but you already knew that.

Anyway, Tricia was quite nice as I talked to her for just a little bit. Geeks were drooling behind me so time was of essence. I'm guessing that Tricia just came in to help raise money for the New Orleans victims of Katrina so my $25 for an autographed 8 X 10 was okay with me. I'm just not big on all that because it feels like you are paying to be a fan. My mom marveled at how pretty Tricia is but it's plainly obvious that my chest is much bigger.

By the way, they are real. Bet yo' jealous and not ready for this jelly.

Now, I was dumbed down for some time. I had a hard time recognizing some celebrities without their costumes, etc. Here I was standing there asking Bri where the Weasley Twins of Harry Potter were and behold! They were right next to me! Embarassed? As only a Hedgehoggy can.

2 celebrities that I have pics of go a little more personal to me. The first is Lou Ferrigno of The Incredible Hulk days. This guy is fucking huge, yo. He walked right by me to say hi to someone he knows and all I could do was pick up my jaw from off the floor. Not that I want to be that big but what Lou's done is impressive. I used to watch that live action Incredible Hulk TV show all the time as a kid while hoping I became a green crayon with an overgrown bowl cut. You've gotta give Lou credit for finding the easiest job in which all he had to do was be big and say, "Arrrgggh" or "Grrrr."

Okay, the second celebrity was Lorenzo Lamas. Not many know him til they see a picture but I've always been a fan of him in some way. First, my dad worked with him while living in California. Second, I was addicted to the night time soap called Falcon Crest as a teeny tiny little youngster because I liked Lorenzo's character, Chase. If not arguing with his evil mother, Chase was practicing his martial arts and wearing fine clothes to seduce the ladies. Somewhere after this show, I became a little casanova as well. The only thing is that I don't dress nice til the weather is cooler.

Lorenzo looked awesome! Girls, I don't know why he isn't up on lists of guys you'd like to fuck. At somewhere around 45 or 50, Lorenzo has kept looking like he was that Chase character all while seducing his fiance, Barbara Moore, Playboy's Miss December 199?. She was right next to him for autograph signing but I didn't see anyone wanting hers. In my opinion, Barbara was acting kind of snobby by not greeting but reading from a magazine. I know my boys would give me hell for wanting to talk to Lorenzo rather than a Playboy Playmate but that is me. Please, don't mention Marky Mark.

I also got a picture of the guy that played Chewbacca. Damn, the guy is about 6"7" so he's pretty easy to pull out of a crowd. The cool thing is that the guy, while being subjected to so many geeks' questions, looked directly at my camera and smiled. Freaky because I didn't think I got him. Nice of Chewbacca to do that.

My only regret is that I didn't find Ray Park who played Darth Maul in Star Wars; Episode 1 along with Mercedes McNabb from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. How could I not say hi to the guy that can fight with a dual lightsaber!?! I'm still getting nightmares on this question.

What I do wish I would have done was taken a picture of Sara with the guy that played the Lone Gunman from the X-Files spin-off as well as with her favorite comic book's creator. Why did I not do these things? I was lost downstairs here for a little over 2 hours. I looked everywhere for the group but was not notified that they had gone upstairs. There is only so much canoodling with porn stars that I can take.

Yup, porn people were at Dragon Con. C'mon, you've gotta know that nerds love naked chicks since they just cannot talk to them. A little Jenna Jameson and Savvanah go a long way to passing the time in the parents' basement after a good long time spent watching Star Trek.

What was funny to me was the porn girls autographing various pictures of them nude. It was horrible to see little yellow stickers on the naughty parts but, once again, I was lost and in no real mood to test out the latest stock whips much less taking a gander at pink parts.

So, I hope this gives you an idea as to what happened in the downstairs area. I'm still not done on describing the trip, folks. There was so much that went on in the car that had me a bit ticked off at Chris in his whining to me that his girlfriend didn't have sex with him. He was so jealous after telling me that he heard me and Sara go at it on the first night. Girls, this guy didn't deserve shit for the way he behaved. More to come! I can't wait to see the rest of your pics, Sara! G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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