Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"George Bush doesn't like black people."

-Kanye West

Ya think? I mean, from the images of George Bush visiting people hit hard by Katrina, I'd say that he looked pretty uncomfortable hanging out with them. Republicans have always been seen in my eyes as looking pretty freaked out having to kiss black leaders' asses in order to win votes. Bush was in this category as well but hating that he wasn't getting paid for this.

Kanye has a good point, too. I know there are some of you out there that believe George Bush is amazing as a president. I will drop trou and you can lick my asshole, okay? I'm all for people having a view but there is no excuse for voting for Bush after all those warnings in which he would help the rich and destroy the environment. Well, he did it along with hoping that black people would be swept away during Katrina.

Why am I bringing all this up? Not only do I think that Kanye West has a point but I got into an argument with my hairstylist. In the words of Calvin of "Calving & Hobbes": "Never argue with a person that has scissors." Well, I did anyway only to have a woman that defended George Bush and insist that I marry Sara. Seriously, I'm at a state of complete hysteria when those things were pushed at me.

I hate George Bush. That is no surprise but even more is how he is not even the slightest bit willing to apologize. We're stuck in Iraq to help his rich contractors gather more millions while he surrounds himself with morons or "Jesus freaks" that scare me. I'm sure they'll try quite hard to make abortion illegal but that's an argument for another time.

I'm tired of people standing up for George Bush and his views that have the world completely lopsided to the point in which I get angry at the slightest hint of overly religious arrogance. Megaphoners, beware. I will shove those damn things up your fucking ass if you so much as tell me I am living in sin. You won't shit right for a week and then some.

Has anyone noticed that we are getting so many hurricanes? C'mon, you can't help but hear on the news that another one of those bitches is on its way to a coast or 2. It's simple. Although George Bush isn't directly involved, he is. His letting companies abuse the environment with their chemicals have made the oceans increase in temperatures. I'm no scientist but it makes sense that we're finding the oceans' temps to be up and here come these storms. Not 1 or 2 but many.

Shouldn't the environment be important? The pollution rules are bent by this "Healthy Skies Act" that Bush allows whatever the hell goes. The air quality sucks and more kids are growing up with allergy problems. But, hey, my hairstylist says that Bush is doing a good job all because Bush is a good Christian.

I'm pretty damn sure that things would be different if the people hit hardest by Katrina were white. I'll say 99% positive that Bush wouldn't want to wear a do-rag in the left pocket and flash gang signs to Cheney that it's all good. Give that man a cookie! Bush's idea of people living today is that everyone can just pack up the RV and head on out to a vacation home. A black person is like Condoleeza Rice but ya know what? She's not counting because she has a ship named after her. Does anyone have this amazing talent to have something that floats with your name on it?

Let's talk racism. See the headlines on the pictures from New Orleans? A white couple out collecting supplies was labeled as just that, "collecting." A black kid with bread and pop was headlined with "looting." I'm sure that if these people with power in the news had just that, complete power, the "N" word would be in heavy use. There are days where I'm ashamed of my race.

4 days til FEMA got through to New Orleans. 80% was underwater and is now down to about 30%. George Bush said the head of FEMA, Brown, did *now wait for this* "a heckuva job." Someone is outta touch with how to serve the country and we're not just talking about Pat Robbertson and the religious freaks.

Now, I know my outlook is just a matter of opinion but do you see what I am trying to say? All those Republicans in black churches looking like a lost gazelle surrounded by lions as they begged for votes. Well, where are they now? I'm a basically a big white dude that just so happens to be friends with a lot of big black dudes that are pretty much fed up with politicians handing out empty promises. I always thought that love sees no color.

Now, I'm no 1-sided cracka'. Let's go to the rappers bragging about how they are so tough n' mighty (when their bodyguards are present, of course). Forget about your jewels, cars, houses, and how many bitches yo' gonna fuck tonight. Let's see you help out where the Republicans forgot to. Kanye West donated money to help pay for trucks, etc. Just what has 50 Cent done?

From what I hear:

-Jay Z donated $500,000

-Diddly donated $500,000

-Mater P lives in New Orleans but I have no clue as to what he did.

I'm sure there were more but does anyone else see what I see? Okay, on the TV show, Growing Up Gotti, 1 of the kids was given Sean John clothes for his graduation. Don't you think that Diddly could donate a bunch of clothing to the people that lost all of their things? Money is nice but $500,000 is nothing to these greedy fucks that think we need to help pay for a concert while we are having enough issues with gas. Hey, Jesse Jackson, I'm sure when you are done scaring white folks that you might donate or am I wrong?

Okay, I'm done for now on my soapbox but I'm curious if anyone else out there has anything to say before I go into my pointless babbling..........

Hoodies. I love them and have wanted to find a good soft white one for a while. Fall is just around the corner and I always get the sentimental twinkle in my eye due to my ex-girlfriend's taking of my favorite hoodie. Oh, that snuggly softness of it and my anger towards the fact that I let Beth, my high school sweetheart, borrow it. Well, it wasn't a zip-up but it was so soft that I get all girly sounding.

Found one. A nice Air Jordan hoodie with a zipper will hopefully be mine at some point. I'll guard it like my dad guards his stew, with great fierceness. Now, I know boyfriends are supposed to lend their hoodies to their girlfriends when they are cold. That is fact and I have no problems with that. It's just that I will make sure I get my hoodie back. Such softness for dorks like me!

I'm not going to get married anytime soon. No, no, no, no, no! My hairstylist's telling me that I should think about this bothers me but lucky for me I ran into some sanity. A friend of mine in the gym and I went at it about how stupid it is to get married so early. Everyone needs time to let out their inner ya-yas while finding themselves. Good gravy! I'm still seeing myself as a little boy obsessed with a hoodie and sneakers.

Okay, guys. I really, really, really like Sara. The trip brought out an inner closeness that both of us experienced. I'm glad that Sara sees this as a wave of fun we are riding and to see how it goes. She's been so great to me and it's almost 7 months of all kinds of things that continue to amaze me. Girls, challenge your boyfriends, sexually and mentally. Sara does that to me so that would explain the scars and deep discussions.

Oh, stop your barfing! I've always made it know that my diary would be about everything that I feel. There's so much going on out there, yet, even though I don't feel that my opinions matter, I try to express them. George Bush has caused me a lot of anger while the religious freaks scare me with their need to judge. My bout of happiness lies 1.5 hours away and insists I wrap my arms around her before falling asleep. I miss her and sometimes drive her nuts in letting her know that. I missed all of you out there as well, my Texans, Oz inhabitants, Canadians, and Swedes. Don't worry for I will be back with a good entry on sexual stuff to wipe all that sappiness away. G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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