Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"That man is fine!"

-Older black woman talking about my picture of Lorenzo Lamas.

Okay, I know I have teased quite a bit as to what I have to show y'all in pictures when it comes to the Dragon Con convention in Atlanta. Just be patient, my little possums for it'll be worth it. Besides, I'd also like Sara to see them first and have her laugh her ass off at various things we'll be reminiscing about.

I never thought I'd hear this out of Joe, though. Remember, this is a giant 6"5" ex-college football player that once weighed over 300 pounds and is now single. I'm kind of saddened that Joe is over with when it comes to his ex-girlfriend, an artist, since I really related to this. Both of us came to the conclusion that having an girlfriends that are artists makes for some amazing times in bed with them. Joe's words:

"Holy shit! That's the Weasley Twins!"

I never knew Joe was big on Harry Potter until tonight. This was his first time seeing my pictures as he had just gotten back from Chicago for meetings. Joe does not like meetings.

So, I promise to one day put up the pictures that I'm pretty sure y'all will like. My lovely girlfriend, Sara, is in 1 of them that I must say is my favorite of them all out of the whole road trip. It's all of us, Bri, me, Sara, Mike (Bri's brother), Carrie (Bri's twin sister), and Chris (Carrie's boyfriend that I am pretty sure will be dumped soon if not now). Yeah, there is that picture of me with the ex-supermodel turned actress, Tricia Helfer, but no amount of Battlestar Galactica can take the place of an artist that leaves me with bite marks.

I swear I get the giggles when Sara bites me.

It was funny to see my friends from the gym, especially the older black ladies, that started talking about the lust they have for Lorenzo Lamas. They may not be as up to date on doofuses like Omarion but they sure know white martial artists that ride motorcycles with an Indian for back-up. Is it wrong that I have a special place in my heart for Lorenzo thanks to Falcon Crest. They so need to put that on DVD so I can relive those days of being tiny and in awe of a rich boy named "Chase" that just so happens to be much better than your average beefcake from back then. Danny Bonaduce has a show on VH1!?!

Everyone has a different definition regarding what is sexy to them. You see, I was thinking of what I find it to be and kept popping things out of my head. As you can see, I think about the sexiest things at the oddest times, while playing with my little dog, Buffy, on my bed.

Sexy is..........

1. Eyes, especially eyes that hold mysterious thinking as she looks at you.

2. Deep kissing in front of Borders at night as an Asian girl walking with her boyfriend stops to smile when she catches sight of this.

3. Being pulled into an alley or room to be kissed when least expecting this.

4. Watching her dress in the morning.

5. When she gets a new pair of panties, doesn't tell you, but makes their debut by wearing them in front of you.

6. Stopping at a stoplight while she's driving and she decides to stroke my cock with her right hand only to have a huge smile as it's quite obvious that I am hard instantly.

7. Trying to find a quiet place to have sex at the park under the moonlight.

8. Undressing in front of her as she is already in bed. The eyes start at my face, down to my chest, and then finally staring at my penis.

9. Being completely naked in the bathroom waiting for the shower to heat up. Once it does, she bends down to give a soft kiss on the tip of my cock and runs into the now hot shower.

10. Watching her do her lil' dance of happiness when something goes completely right.

11. Her running up to you in a bookstore of comic store to show you something that means a lot to her.

12. Watching her look/read the Kama Sutra in Borders and hearing her say: "You take a long time to cum."

13. Watching Harry Potter in bed completely naked.

14. When she falls asleep first as I run my fingers down her back and shoulders.

15. Running down the hall completely naked before her roommate sees us. My butt made it's debut.

16. Watching her lose herself to a song while singing to it in the car. Does "Rent" ring a bell, Sara? Gawd, you are good at that!

17. After sex, I love it how she plays with my penis and puts on a show. I'm sure Spook would be amused. That cat sure is.

18. Hearing her moan when I first put my fingers inside her. That arched back and closed eye look is so pleasure filled.

19. Trips to the porn store for laughs and possible shopping. Who says girls don't like toys?

20. Those times where she lay on her back to take off her panties only to have them land on my face after being thrown at me playfully.

21. Somehow, I think candles will make their way into bed. Not sure yet but I always found them sexy in movies.

22. Fingering her and then licking the juices dripping downward.

23. That wicked little grin as my face makes its way down to signify that I am going to go down on her. Big smiles! Big smiles!

24. The times spent in the bathroom showing me my scratches and marks from the latest sexcapade. I don't think I have ever left Sara's apartment without something to signify nighttime activities.

25. Talking about sex in bed. Nothing is forbidden and people would think our language was a bit too XXX-Rated.

26. Just having her want to place her arm around you as you walk through a mall.

27. Resting periods are spent naked and in bed til we have to do something like eat or coffee.

28. Watching Bill Maher on Real Time and just laying on her soft breasts.

29. When she insists I wrap my arms around her right before she drifts off to sleep.

30. When she insists I have to sleep naked. At this point, I am playfully keeping my clothes on but she tears them off.

31. Sneaking into her apartment and quietly getting into bed with her at, oh, say around 7am. One of my favorite times.

32. Chocolate syrup being placed in the most unlikely of places and then licked off.

33. The fact that she wants to watch me cum so she makes a nice little nest or adjusts herself to view this event as my eyes roll back and toes curl up.

34. Deeply kissing her, putting my hands down her panties, and feeling how wet she is.

35. That time in the morning where she turns over to place her head on my chest and fall asleep.

Well, that's just a tiny portion of what goes on that I find sexy. I'm a bit too sleepy as to adding the whole bit even if I'm in a much better mood than yesterday. Cute short email from Sara telling me how much she misses me along with a picture. Makes me want to drive on out to Indiana pretty soon.

Oh, today's weather was so cool! "Cool" as in lightly cold as I walked outside to fling my dogs' shit off the deck. Perfect for a hoodie, namely a white Air Jordan hoodie I have my eyes on. As I said before, my ex-girlfriend, Beth, stole my old one. The AJ hoodie improves on my old one with a complete zip-up so this will make it easier when I let Sara borrow it. Yeah, all guys with girlfriends accept the fact that when they get cold, we are recquired by law to give our hoodies to them while we freeze. I don't mind this but I do want my hoodie back. I love hoodies.

Well, I'm off to bed as it looks like I will be going back to work soon! Next week? Depends on when I get this application filled out (Don't really need to since Doug wants me back........bad) for the usual documenting. Not looking forward to getting up at 5am but we'll see. G'night and stay sexy, girls. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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