Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N."

-Dazed And Confused

Remember that disabled couple I keep mentioning once in a while? Oh, I saw them again just sailin' by on their two-seater bicycle. It was kind of cute and it's so nice to see this couple so strong no matter how cruel life can be towards them. She's blind while I have no idea what's with him as they shop and live on this bike, their only means of transportation. Winter is reserved for riding the bus so I'll miss them after the Fall.

Every Sunday morning, I look at the ads from Best Buy and Circuit City just to know what DVDs are about to come out on "DVD Tuesday" as we freaks call it. I know Wal-Mart named it first but I just don't give a flying fuck right now. It's just me with a large cup of orange juice, the local paper, and an egg sandwich.

Well, I looked at the ads and only 1 thing interested me, the new Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Season 2 set. I was a little suspicious since I could have sworn there was something I wanted to see making its DVD debut. Shouldn't have relied on a conservative company for such a thing in advertising Inside Deep Throat.

Isn't that interesting to you? Well, okay, maybe I'm more hyped up over the movie, Inside Deep Throat, because it's such a cult classic porn film that was made for $25,000 but ended up making over $600 million. Just a woman making a trip to the doctor wondering why she can't orgasm only to find that her clitoris is in the back of her throat. What's a male doctor to do but insert his penis as we see some of the most amazing oral sex given to a man!?! People still talk of Linda Lovelace's deep throating technique to this day!

It just so happens that the actor who played the doctor in Deep Throat was interviewed in the newest issue of "Black+White," and Australian magazine that is absolutely gorgeous in photography. The 1970's were a time of trying to rebel by showing sex on screen but put forth in front of the courts over a city's obscenity laws. Trust me. I did a HUGE 23 page paper on porn in college that got some attention so I know my stuff.

The point is that the Republicans were in power during Deep Throat's reign in the theaters as even famous people like Warren Beatty were seen entering the theater. We all know that to throw off the hint of scandal of Watergate, Nixon was into having porn prosecuted. Smells like how Bush wanted to avoid things here by going to war. I hate Republicans because it seems like all they want to do is ruin our good times.

You know what? I'm thinking of just doing a large entry on why I love giving women head. How would that go, since, I mean, most of you readers are women? Would it offend you to read such a thing in knowing what I'm thinking as I am down there licking/sucking? I've done an entry on the receiving of blowjobs but not much of an ode to my getting the job done. Y'all are mighty salty down there. Do you want to read an entry on my views as to orally seducing?

Want to know the power of movies? Well, I was just laying on my bed with my good bud, Buffy, as a normal Sunday night means TV time. You've got Simpsons, Girls Next Door (life in the Playboy Mansion as you know I admire Hugh Hefner), and various other shows. Family Guy is okay, smart but just okay.

As I was passing through channels, I totally forgot the debut of the Lord Of the Rings's The Two Towers making its television debut. I've seen it about 3 or 4 times and it still holds so much power. The battle of Helm's Deep in which man is pitted against Urak-Hai kept me in such a state of love for this kind of filmmaking, P.J.'s. The book never looked better but there was a little flick called "Dazed And Confused" that has a making of on AMC. 2 great movies at the same time and I had a hella time flipping back and forth.

There was a scene in The Two Towers that I continue to go nuts over, when Legolas returns the pendant to Aragorn after he had supposedly died in battle. The honor between these 2 people just had me begging to know why we cannot have this to this day. We've seen a city covered in water while an administration fucks up and still continues to lead us further into despair. With Bush, there is no honor or actual love for the environment all because his faithful followers hold too much power or are just blind.

Remember that girl that keeps majorly hitting on me? Well, I'm not as blind as I once was since I tend to actually notice things now. There's that look she gives me and the clumsiness as she talks to me where it is just completely obvious. There is always a point where things fall and her face blushes. I'm guessing that there is something about me that gets the attention of the cute girls with pierced noses or ears. I'm just a really friendly guy, folks.

Joe made a statement to me that shocked me in which he said I should date the girl that keeps hitting on me all while continuing to see Sara! Again, whatever happened to honor or being faithful? Geez, it's like it's just something most don't do because it's out of style. No way would I ever see someone behind Sara's back even as it's quite an ego trip to know someone else likes me as well. Flirting is healthy and fun to liven up a person's day. Joe, as nice as he is, has this 1 little thing wrong in which he takes it a bit further.

So, there you have it. I'm itchin' to talk about my views on giving head to girls if ya want to know. What, in my head, could I possibly do to shock you since my diary is all about the truth in life's little possibilities? Of course, I'm missin' Sara, as only a boy with a hatred for the bible thumpers but more honor than they'll ever exhibit. G'night. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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