Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"The Dude abides."

-The Big Lebowski

First of all, every fucking TV is tuned into CNN or a channel doing much discussion on Hurricane Rita's bearing down on South Texas and Lousiana. My gym, usually playing any sports channel had CNN on when it came to all of its TVs, while the cardio room played a mix of sitcoms to keep people's minds off of the minutes left to run/walk. Even the cigar shop (oh, my vice!) had its lone TV turned on to CNN's reporting of Rita.

It's been a while since I've seen so many TVs tuned into the same thing but this is truly the case for much sadness. Will's brother lives in Houston and is riding the storm out. Joe has friends down in Galvenston that have retreated to friends' places in Oklahoma. I hope all my readers are safe along with other Diarylanders. For once, I am really learning all the geography I ignored back when the nuns had me by the balls.

Run, don't walk to get the new Rolling Stone issue. The latest "Hot Issue" has everything! We've got an interview with Fiona Apple (thanking fans for the apples sent to Sony), an interview with Keira Knightley (my heart goes a bit stronger as she tells the interviewer to just guess what naughty thing she's done with her tongue), much criticism of Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath (complete with quotes and stupidity in journalism), Evangeline Lilly of Lost looking scorchingly hot on the cover, goth has gone reggae (Whoa!), and so much more. It's been a while since I've had a magazine that I'm still not done with after 2 lookovers.

Saw a small portion of a taped recording of Dancing With the Stars. The segment that had the little kids who took dance were pretty damn interesting. Some were brother and sister as they interviewed with amusing barbs towards each other. Dancing is pretty damn nice but I just cannot fathom the fact that my mother wanted me in ballet as a youngster. Seriously. My mom had issues. As if the nuns were the worst, I'm sure me in tights wedged up my balls would be much, much more.

Editor: "So, are you saying that you have big balls o' glory?"

Gotta love gay guys and their fawning. That's all Gay Nick did as he told me about the sexiest male bodybuilder that shared gymtime with him last night. He had to come in late so I was long gone in seeing this. I've very rarely ever heard Gay Nick talk about anyone like that, except how he'd like to drain Hugh Jackman's balls.

And the lovely Sara commented to me about my entry on my love of going down on a girl. Yes, if you didn't quite get the inside view on this, it was all about her. Impressive nights are spent licking Sara's wet hot cunt's juices and enjoying that scent.

Is it a horrid thing to think about sex all day as Hurricane Rita is making its way in the Gulf? All I can think about is Sara bent over her bed while I taste her from behind after feeling how wet her panties got from all that foreplay as we do that gets both of us breathing heavily. I'm such a foul, dirty, and positively dirty boy that needs to be spanked and have his balls fondled. Seriously, yo.

So, I am off to tinker a bit. I'm back after a night of signing papers as I am about to go back to work for the biggest morons you've ever seen. At least, I don't have to work with Crotch Rot but deal with some serious sleeplessness due to a change in sleep patterns. It's all good when playful flirting, loud heavy metal music, and really pale people get together. We're so fucking loony and we love it that way. G'night and I hope you girls get eaten out tonight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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