Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
And so we enter the chaotic mind of Da Hog.........

There is a super special love I have for grocery stores but it's the combination of nerds added to it that makes it an unforgettable trip. Take a geek, add a grocery store, and place him/her in front of the automatic doors. Voila! The nerd thinks he/she is a Jedi! Don't get it? Watch for those that motion with their hands as if the door opens for them while walking forward. Geeks, nerds, dorks, losers, and dweebs come up with the best stuff in these dire times.

Why I am in the midst of a chaotic mind:

-I cannot sleep. Each day finds me at a high rate of possibly 5 hours if I am lucky. It's like my body hits the bed only to get all hyper all of a sudden. Staring at the ceiling has no help on me as I do my best to think I am walking through infinite space. Hey, I'm kinda geeky, too!

-I'm wondering if I should get my butt to Indiana since I left my glasses and Sara's pictures from Dragon Con. It'll have to be tomorrow at early evening but I don't know her schedule or whether she wishes a visit so soon. Of course, I miss Sara but there is this......

-I start work on Tuesday at 7am. I'm a morning person but you need to see above. With very little sleep, I'm a ticking time bomb for an instant nap in the trenches I work. Add my motor mouth since I work with another comic book obsessed freak and I'll wear myself out. Yes, there are moments where I talk myself til I'm poop'd.

-Domino starts October 14th. In case you don't know of this little flick, it stars the lovely (and I mean, LOVELY!) Keira Knightley armed to the teeth and storming down doors looking for bail jumpers. Now, that is just orgasmically insane enough that ah need to see this Oscar worthy (shut up) flick with Sara (hopefully, I will not have to drag her). Just ask her how many times I bring up this movie in conversation.

-I'll be working mornings starting Tuesday so I'll work out a time for when I will do an entry. There is no doubt I will miss doing them right before sleep since they help me calm myself down a bit. No talking yoga to me. I'm a weight-lifting ball o' muscle with no time to get into awkward positions that only a cat would understand.

-Mornings bring a new type of terror not seen by me since the earlier portion of last year's tour of work. Crotch Rot will be my supervisor til I do overnights. Gotta love a woman with a really dark colored tooth and a look as if she eats small squirrels when out in the woods. Oh, how I remember being written up only to just laugh about it. Crotch Rot, as everyone working around her says, loves power. She just hates it how I am not scared of her due to my boss, Doug, loving me.

-Speaking of squirrels, they have declared war on us. The sidewalk leading to the front yard has been laced with a large amount of half eaten or destroyed acorns. Ever stepped on one? Quite painful when going out to get the newspaper as these little terrorists enjoy chanting: "Nuts! Nuts! Gots to get them nuts!" Bastards!

I know I was going to go on about a topic that tickled that weird part of my brain but I'm just too all over the place with myself. You'd be, too, if you saw what my mother has done to the dog.

Buffy, that lovable little Yorkie full of barking power, wanders the house in a t-shirt (says "Mom's Girl" on the back) that makes it look like she is wearing a tube-top. I'm not joking that this small t-shirt finds itself wedged up to what my mom and I swear looks like a bust. The reason is simply because of what looks like belly you could refer to as a "gut" or "pot o' flab."

It's cute, really, as Buffy wanders the house in search of food or something to bark at. You can't help but marvel at how this pink t-shirt or tummy baring fabric has brought out the complete trashiness in her. I love it!

The reason for the t-shirt is because Buffy got shaved down due to matted hair. It was kind of tangled due to her not allowing us to comb certain portions. Instead of looking like a reverse lion hairdo (We could not comb the upper portion but the butt was fine), it all had to come off. Since the weather gets chilly at night, a t-shirt is best for that little Yorkie with some major cleavage and a gut.

Tempting to take a picture but I am out of disposable cameras so someday there will be a pic up of her along with my other 4 Yorkshire Terriers that have made this one of the noisiest houses EVER!

So, that is what is going on in my fucked up mind. Jedis, squirrels, and Crotch Rot. Saying all this makes it look like I am dealing with people that own lightsabers, squirrels that talk, and my crotch is going through major problems. Should I take off for Indiana? G'night.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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