Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Joke: "What do you call a breakdancer with no arms and no legs?"

*Answer at bottom*

And so I survived my first night in the trenches with swollen feet and a tired ass. I'm sure porn stars could relate but only the truly crazy ones that include midgets, elephants, and the occasional well hung mental patient trying to break into acting.

We all know how I come across the weirdest shit in the parking lot. Come to think of it, there should be a movie made on what happens there. If they can do it over the days of 80's heavy metal, they can do it with a toy store gone mad complete with a woman named "Crotch Rot."

Now, stop me if you've heard this one before but has anyone had a time where a bunch of Mexicans had their car break down in front of you? I did and it was like one of those small clown cars that kept allowing clown after clown to exit. This time it was a bunch of Mexicans that you could have sworn were working the lines at La Bamba.

Other than watching a herd of Mexicans make their way to the store to get help, I took the time to learn a new way to drink liquor out in the open. Cereal boxes are now used to hide yo' Colt 40 after a long day of shopping for your 20 or so kids. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is an interesting kind to hide the fact that you've been smokin' endo and sippin' on gin n' juice. Don't you just love it how I'm a downass type o' guy?

Why people dump dirty diapers is a question I've had for years. Of all the places, my parking lot is central for all this. The kids shit green these days so I've gotta wonder what's up with the Colt 40 right next to a dirty diaper. Now you see why I wear gloves pretty much half the time I'm at work? Not only do I work in a bad neighborhood but also with gangbangers that enjoy a good time of taking their hot lil' ho out for a good time in my parking lot. 3 used condoms and counting while I've yet to see another 9mm bullet shell.

After getting home at around 5:20am hoping to see an email from Sara (nope), I pretty much passed out instantly even though I hated the fact that I forgot to brush my teeth. Contacts were out but my unclean teeth had me pissed at myself.

Would you believe I woke up at 10am this morning? Not sure what it was but my thoughts on the Veronica Mars box set might have had something to do with this. At $39.99 thanks to Target, not a bad deal. For one thing, I had to buy the set since I have no clue as to when I can start watching thanks to my work hours being all over the place. Just wish my Target had put out this set instead of making me walk all over on my sore feet.

Know who Joss Whedon is? Fans of Serenity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Firefly know all too well so just head to these insane loyalists that enjoy originality above the crap of Friends and Joey. Who watches these shows is just a bunch of people with no sense of wanting to think while watching.

Joss Whedon did an extremely nice review of his love of Veronica Mars for the newest issue of "Entertainment Weekly." Everything I've been trying to say about the beauty of this show is summed up perfectly. No one holds a candle to the addictiveness of Veronica Mars, her detective skills, and the greatest dad in the world. You just have to see it to understand what I am talking about.

If you forgot to tell me that Keira Knightley was on Jay Leno, don't fret. I've had it TIVO'd for a viewing soon. Lucky for me, the movie memorablia place is in town on Thursday and I have that da off.

So, I wish you off as I have work in..oh, say..........less than 6 hours. My sore ass is not looking forward to this at all. As crazily sexual as I was feeling this afternoon, I'll do something soon as I said. Now, I'm just trying to rest up for another rough time in the trenches with morons and the occasional band of Mexicans. My life does sound like a porn movie of the gangbanging type, only I just type it that way. G'morning, g'afternoon, and g'night.

Answer: "A clever dick." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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