Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Droz: "What's this? You're wearing the shirt of the band you're going to go see? Don't be that guy."


Well, I am about to take off for Indiana in, oh, about 2 hours. It's a 1.5 hour trip that has me see the same roads I've been seeing for so many other moments I've travelled there. You know you've become a pro at these things when you start to know all the exits by name and how long til they come up.

I've been debating within myself as to what topics to play around with on a future entry here on Diaryland. There's also the possibility I will unlock my diary. What to do......what to do. I'm extremely friendly but cautious.

Remember Slut-Watcher, that jackass of a guy I know in my gym? If not, he's basically this guy that comes up to me all the time calling all my friends "little sluts" or "whores." Geez, you'd think that someone would have a little more respect for friends of others.

Well, one of my friends, whom happens to be extremely beautiful, was talking to me. Yeah, she barely wears any clothes and all that but she is a friend while I'm so used to half-naked girls all around me. After I got done talking to her, Slut-Watcher comes up asking me about her. Trust me. All guys stare at her.

After a bit of time, I mentioned to Slut-Watcher that I had to ask my friend a question since it's the first time I've seen her since early this year. Well, after that short discussion with her, I was again approached by Slut-Watcher. What about? He asked me what time I'm getting that blowjob.

Okay, do you see where I am going? Slut-Watcher is an incredible catch for you girls. He has very little mental capacity in his thinking that all pretty girls are "sluts" or "whores" but also this amazing thinking that all girls are just for sex. There is no possibility as friends.

I've never met a guy so full of an inner hatred for women in seeing them as nothing but a place to stick his dick in. This girl I am talking about is 17 or barely 18 and I've been friends for some time with. However, it is all irrevelant to Slut-Watcher, a man that is obviously very single.

Slut-Watcher never misses a beat with me since he is obsessed with football. Obsessed! His Sundays are spent in front of the tube with beer, a lot of beer that has him drunk by half-time and passed out shortly after. Does Slut-Watcher need to be cleaned up or what!?! I even asked him which brand of beer he drinks. Spoken like a true alcoholic:

"Whatever's on sale."

As I've said time and time again, some people are single for a reason. I just cannot handle losing myself to a cause of getting drunk each day/night, eating everything in sight, and viewing women as maids with nothing but 3 holes to squirt in. Oh, how I'd love to take a picture of Slut-Watcher to show you who I am talking about as well as to avoid.

I'm curious if anyone has an opinion on guys like this, those that see women as nothing more than to fuck.

I also feel kind of bad. I mean, certain people just don't get life or understand that it's not all about just them. It was always my thinking that people like Slut-Watcher only existed in movies or stories since even the most evil of guys turns out to have feelings in some way.

Enough! I'm leaving as soon as dinner is ready and I've yet to pack. Of course, I am running on very little since I only got a little bit of sleep. Buffy, my little dog, decided to awaken me with some bizarre makeout session I was not aware of. I'm not kidding. Little dogs lust for me or something like that since she decided to curl up next to my face and lick me til I'm up. G'night, g'afternoon, and g'evening. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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