Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but whips and chains excite me."

Whew! Where do you begin on catching up from a leave of almost 2 weeks? Really, it does quite a wonder as to what to say in that kind of time span since I'm pretty much a daily banger of the weird stuff. In no way do I enjoy normal since that is for boring individuals that continue to tell what happened in their day as if it matters. Let's know your opinions and share a laugh instead of being subjected to the idea that your going to the grocery store to get milk warrants an entry.

2 weeks. What can I tell you? A lot. There's so much to think about but putting it all at once as I have to head off to work in about an hour is tough.

Random update and we'll be back to our usual schtick, okay? The basics:

Sara and me: We are still together and quite strongly, I might add. The longest relationship I've ever had continues on as we putter up that hill together. Little bumps come up such as schedules making our get togethers difficult cause disruptions. Nothing like erotic emails to amuse and titilate. Girls say the darndest things.

Of course, I went to see Sara on Saturday. It was kind of sudden since I thought I had work on that day. Nope so off I go in pursuit of knocking on her door only to be in bed with her til the early evening. It seems that human beings can forgoe hunger when naked flesh is pressed up against you. Just why would someone wear PJs to bed?

Both Sara and I have become busy from work but you've got to add Sara's possibility of going back to school. I'm in the back of a store til the wee hours while she's just getting off of work and enjoying the time away from there. It's only just started in me that I could possibly be a night owl since I, truly, do not sleep much. Insomnia has made me its bitch.

The sex? Oh, my! Girls can be so kinky in bed. My little Sara and I are still trying new things to see what we like. More lube to add to our joys found outside the covers. Did you know that when it is placed on a penis that it picks up cat hair just like that? You're never too late in finding out that there are other uses for guys, girls.

I still find it funny how Sara and I hit the local porn place every now and then. It's the perfect thing to do after coffee at Barnes N Noble. You gain a little knowledge around the booklore and then explore your naughty side as massive dildos and "lifelike vaginas" call out to you. Mmmmmmm.........I prefer the real thing. The vagina's loveliness is in no way something you can replicate with plastic and good paint placement. Some men should own a "lifelike vagina" all in our hopes that they can find the clitoris.

Work? I prefer the haunted stockroom. Noises and whispers abound as I do my job. I'm fine being back there as I am away from the managers and prancing about trying to deal with the most dangerous piece of machinery, the baler. I'm tempted to climb up onto the rafters containing mucho toys as it is the ideal napping place. If zombies were to ever become reality, I'd be up there on that account as well. Yes, there are times where I find myself thinking a little too much on the fantasy as zombies, werewolves, and the occasional alien visits. I'm fine with being bitten by a werewolf but not interested in being a snack.

You can, of course, learn a lot about your co-workers at 3am. My boss, Doug, and I find ourselves discussing old bands like New Edition. Little Bobby Brown, before he went to drugs and a crack whore, was in that band. Girly voices chanting "cool it now" bring back so many memories. Those boys in New Edition were keeping it real back then.

So, I must be off to work. I'm pretty happy to be back here on Diaryland as the cable company finally fixed their fuck-up. I'll explain more but I've not much time to get all funky with it as I see so many people visiting my diary after today's surprising update. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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