Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am..........

I'm thinking of not starting each entry with a quote but with what is above. My time spent at this job is only temporary (and rightfully so!) but what I've learned is that it truly does begin at this odd hour. Many of you are asleep all snuggly with a cat, boyfriend, husband, ladyfriend, or dog but I, yes, I, am tootling around a large store having conversations with ghosts as the baler (large machine to scrunch cardboard) groans. Even machines think my moronic one-liners need a little more pep.

The point is that life truly does begin at 3am if you work with people for far too long. For instance, my boss showed me his ass. Seriously. Doug showed me that his jeans have a hole on their ass portion and I was required to know this as he promptly told me to look. How many of you can say that your bosses showed his/her ass to you? Anyone? Bueller?

It's a lonely night at work for me that finds me in the back of the store. No, I do not fret one bit since I enjoy the quietness away from the managers and co-workers with major hygeine issues. If you can smell him/her from 2 aisles away, there are issues and, no, he is not Muslim.

Do you wanna know what my major form of a break is? It's certainly not the breaks required in which all of us workers are sitting in a room talking completely useless sentences due to many barely even finishing high school. It's more along the lines of a visit to the bathroom to piss and stare at myself in the mirror as I wonder how I am doing. Under the hot fluorescent lights, it is a desperate need to wash my face but I avoid the faucets the faucets after witnessing a co-worker wash them with the toilet brush.

Today, I was thinking along the lines of Sara's question she posed to me while in bed with her. I'm guessing that a sexual session brings out the inquisitive needs that have yet to be fulfilled.

"I wonder what you are going to write about on Diaryland."

Good question. Many of my entries are written in my head about 20something hours before I am here. Little bits and odd thoughts are jotted down in my head as to what to talk about. My mother says I tend to look at the world differently than the average joe since I see the humor or frustration all at once. If you know me, it's a part of why I enjoy sleeping with a girl that can think since it's here that I am happy to share my thoughts.

It's not easy working with co-workers that don't think outside of Playstation 2 games. Yes, I may be able to die a happy man now that I have seen my boss's ass but there is so much more that I need to do. My world revolves around everything and nothing all at once. That's why I'm not exactly keen on bringing over hundreds of people since the general population is dumb. D-U-M-B. Try telling me I'm wrong and I will point out that a man like Bush got elected all while people were warned. It took the tragedy of Katrina to wake up people? I've been aware for years.

Ah, but you want to read about sex. Sex, sex, sex, sex. Yes, I miss it, too, since Sara is amazing in bed. It's so sad that many girls I read or know aren't as into exploring their sexual appetites as she does. Trying everything? Do so because each visit for me to Indiana has something new in store.

Sara asked me why people have sex in the dark. I would do no such thing since, yes, I love to have my girlfriend look at my flopping penis as my trousers fall to the floor. Considering how much time I spend in the gym, I am going to enjoy my body as I want Sara to. Just laying there as she plays with said cock is time well served. If you are new to this diary, yes, I am huge on giving as a sleepy Sara's wicked grin grows while my face finds its way between her legs.

Life is not all sex even if it has been on my mind for some time. Work tends to want this as a means of release since orgasms truly do bring about a small amount of euphoria. Conversations over a span of subjects do that as well. Plus, a good little dog that continues to prance and snort like my little Buffy brings much joy.

I've been reading about the subject of gynophobia. Fascinating that some men have a huge fear of the vagina in that it's considered as "gross" or "smelly." Laughs abound as a true man knows the beauty of it and continues to explore the loveliness.

So, if you ever want to see me when my mind is completely blank, come over when I'm off of work around 5am. It's here that I am passed out face down in my bed after a complete battle to get out of my work clothes. Waking up has me wondering how I got through another night of working with people that debate the merits of Kid Rock. Up jump the boogie!

I'm outta here as I prepare my usual meal of oatmeal prior to that long usual night of ignorant bliss. I'm kind of happy to be back on Diaryland so I hope to get my usual chipper self back. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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