Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am.........

Well, I guess we can chalk up my absense to me being in Indiana. If not, you have no clue as to anything about me or my weird life of needing to cross states all in pursuit of trimming my girlfriend's shrubbery. The joke between her and I is that I didn't end up with a very nasty scar in doing so this time.

Editor: "Ja, your ass wasn't underneath the water spout as the words, "Spread 'em" came out. Cheers, mate."

I'd like to give a shout out. Normally, I do it for people n' all that but this ones for a DVD. No, we are not discussing my love of the uber violent and disgusting The Devil's Rejects thanks to it doing what it set out to do. This time, it's about the loving tribute Tim Burton did for Willy Wonka, Charlie And the Chocolate Factory.

Why? Well, if you haven't seen Charlie And the Chocolate Factory, do so. There is a scene that is quite fascinating all due it containing squirrels. Yes, those squirrels that tend to throw acorns and nuts but, maybe, they're just at me because I just hate it when I get them stuck up the bottoms of my feet when walking out to get the paper.

Long sentence.......must rest.......*whew!*

Anyway, in Charlie And the Chocolate Factory, the squirrels open nuts to sort since they are the best at doing so without doing damage. At least, that's what Willy Wonka says as bad nuts are tossed into a bin by way of a giant candy piece. Normally, you'd see these little critters suck up the contents into their cheeks like your mamma does when finding yo' "secret stash."

The DVD of Charlie And the Chocolate Factory shows how they trained the squirrels, Flash and Co. to do so. Be sure to get the special edition version of the flick because that's where all this is, unlike the ho-hum just the feature DVD. Squirrels can be trainable? Well, I guess when you're really, really into nuts, anything's possible.

Squirrel chant: "Nut! Nuts! Gots to get them nuts!"

Abortion. Why does this cause so much in debate? Isn't it a woman's right to choose, after all it is HER body? This new guy up for the Supreme Court, Alito, is definitely against abortion after papers were found to contain his stance. It's a very scary world when our laws will be overrun with religious freaks.

Indiana? Interesting visit that started off with a misunderstanding. In Sara's words: "You are always invited." It's just that I have to have these words said to me or else I just cannot come over due to my feelings that I am intruding. Yeah, it sounds like that old gig in which a vampire cannot come into your home until he/she is invited but that's me, folks.

The thing that threw us off was that I was expected to be at Sara's to attend the football game with her parents between my local college and hers. She didn't get back to me on whether they found an extra ticket so I just assumed I wasn't going. The parallels of my little quirks can be a bit of a pain in the ass.

Everyone has their quirks but here are some of mine:

-Will not come over til an invitation is definite unless it's an emergency.

-Will not email you unless you emailed me since I feel like you don't wish to hear from me.

-I can be extremely talkative for 5 minutes but suddenly shut up just like that.

-I love animals more than people.

-I care nothing of popularity but I hate how people drop my diary but then come back to read.

Everyone has something. Those are just a few of mine as I hate how this world is getting more and more conservative. We Earth caring liberals are finding it harder to present our little quirks that help make us amusing.

Many of you know of my insanse love for throwback cartoons like Inspector Gadget, GIjoe, Transformers, Heathcliff, and so on. It was a great surprise, after dealing with Best Buy's usual insisting that I subscribe to magazines that make me feel light-headed since I've always wanted to know what Eva Longoria knows about body hair, Duck Tales came out! Oh, if there was one thing Disney did right, it was this being on weekdays as I followed Scrooge McDuck, his lucky dime, and nephews on their search for treasure.

We all know the song.........but c'mon, let's give an almighty finger to the sky on it.

"Life is like a hurricane,
here in Duck-Burg.
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes.
It's a duck-blur!
Might solve a mystery
Or rewrite history......
in Duck Tales!
D-d-d-d-d-danger lurks behind you.
There's a stranger out to find you!"

Oh, there is nothing like coming across things you loved as a kid as the world's complete and never ending ignorance took shape. Here, you could travel the world with Huey, Dewey, and Luey as they helped Scrooge McDuck solve a mystery while those no-good Beagle Boys tried to steal things. Of course, Launch-Pad, Scrooge's pilot, was called "Lunch-Pail" by us. We kids had a sense of humor as we'd do our best to immitate the theme song to Inspector Gadget, too.

So, my tomorrow? Resting before work and to get another glue stick for another gigantic scrapbook of my life. It's time to go back and revisit those pictures of the last 2 years as they have piled up in my room. Don't worry for I have not forgotten about my promise to update my pictures page as you will see more of my life. If you look at it from a different viewpoint, it is funny to know that a reader has seen my completely naked many, many times.

Editor: "Uh, last night? I'm pretty sure it wasn't just you in the bathtub while a female looked down at your penis to say, "It grows." You thought she said, "It's gross." Good times, mate!"

Very funny. Have a great night as I am back. Yes, I know I owe emails as I will do my best to send 'em out. Smoochies boochies for I am back again. Can't wait to get into a heap over the topic of sex again. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon.
0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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