Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am.........

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed by having too many hobbies? It's day in and day out for me to work on something that makes me feel is a long ass itch to scratch. The piles of things that seem to call out my name each day drives me fucking nuts because these are the things I tend to work on when not at work. Yo, I am wack.

Allow me to break it down:

-My scrapbook is now being worked on, once again. As if the massive one prior was enough, along came a pile of pictures I either forgot about or just became new. Many have sat there near my TV waiting for me to find each picture a home rather than allow all that dust to collect.

I'll admit it is fun to see pictures of Sara, the convention in Atlanta, Bald-O's drunken fest with a beer bong, or just plain crazy people I met along the way through life. What really set me back was finding pictures of the 4th from long, long ago in which I was a boy completely unrecognizable when compared to today.

My only issues are the glueing and sliding each set of pictures into a clear sleeve on my bed while I also try to pay attention to MTV's "Making the Band 3". Little things that P. Diddly does kind of set me off because I do not enjoy seeing morons parade themselves as being an awe inspiring sight.

-My comic collection is more massive than I thought as I pulled out more long boxes filled to the brim with valuable comics. I'm guessing I have over $5,000 worth as just a starting point from all those years. Man, if I hadn't quit temporarily for those years in high school and college, it would be far more so easily but education called as entertainment took a backseat.

The storage room is where I am doing all this so one has to watch his/her step upon entering. You'll find Ultimate Spidermans, Ultimate X-Men, and so on as I try to put all in order, something I should have done long ago. I'm really, really feeling overwhelmed on this project since I'll need 2 to 5 days on just this while I'm still in need of comic supplies.

-The magazine collection is the easiest since that is not quite as large in regards to issues obtained. You'll find my complete Playboy collection a bit out of order but that isn't the area I am onto. It's more along old issues of things here and there that are too numerous to explain. I just like controversial mags, especially Rolling Stone with those early Britney Spears articles that got some major flap. It wasn't over her singing but what she was wearing. Some people will pay big money for any pictures of Britney Spears posing all sexy like but I still love myself a little Christina Aguilera.

-Let's not forget my other hobby, now. Working out has me now not quite as talkative with the usual folk. Of course, I see Gay Nick and Joe but my mind is so on my hobbies as stated above that human interaction has taken to second place. I really just want to get all this done and have the storage room cleaned up. My mom would like her take in the stock of toilet paper back to normal.

Note: If the world were to run out of toilet paper, just come on down here! My mamma bought it all in case the whole family got a case of the runs or a 6-flusher is needed to set thyself free! We're so proud.

Yes, it's obviously weird that I have had the last 2 days off from work. Very weird. Doug wanted me there but my schedule said "no" thanks to the boss of all bosses. Tomorrow, I will be back to clearing up those floors and saying ciao to all those used tampons/pads. Somehow, I have come up with calling them "tea bags for kool-aid."

Seen my spider bite on my left arm? It's no longer painful or quite as red with that annoying swelling. Strange as I have defended spiders time after time only to be bitten 3 times this year alone.

While just spending some quality time peeing, I looked up when I really should have been keeping with good aim. It was here that as I'm sure I was awwwwwing from relief that I noticed a rather large house spider perched up on the light of the ceiling. On a more close inspection, it became obvious as to where those annoying flies that came into our house to escape the cold went. This spider had a large belly as I'm sure it would like some more. Just can't wait for my mother to visit the loo as it may drop in to say hello.

I love spiders but cannot understand why they don't love me back. Still hoping the venom will turn me into a superhero so I may help the Democrats take back America from the corrupt old men with only the thought of greed on their narrow minds. I'd bring Gay Nick to see if his kissed would bring some kind of jolly good times for these grumps in need of prison cells.

Think you've got hard times? We've just found that my dog, Jethro, has a blood disease. All of this has a major overhaul in regards to food. No more table scraps from me or my family as he loves those. It's quite serious in that Jethro has a special expensive diet food just for him. Oh, I hate it! Jethro is one of the cutest little Yorkshire Terriers around and so friendly once he's comfortable with you.

Our little Jethro has been through a lot in the past 3 years. From nearly wasting away to death thanks to acid from his stomach releasing to surgery where he barely came through, and now to a blood disease that has him wanting to eat 24 hours a day. Jethro is more than a pet to me.

So sorry if this entry is dull n' all. I'm just a bit overwhelmed with my hobbies so my feeling of how far I've fallen behind has me aggravated. Being a perfectionist sucks in that I constantly tell myself I am just not worth it. It's so difficult to get me to sit down on a couch just to watch a little TV without doing anything else. Work tomorrow so I'm feeling like I'll never be done. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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