Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am..........

Not exactly in the best of moods is the best way to describe me. You have to admit that if you are feeling great, as I was yesterday, the only other way is down.

A great way to show how worn down I am would be what I came across in regards to that fat spider I mentioned a short while ago. Remember him? He was living right above the downstairs toilet silently perched on the light. Well, he was a big boy that I had to flush yesterday. Ol' Floyd hung himself, died, and went for a spin after Mom told me to take cut him down. I'm serious in that, yes, Floyd died while hanging himself from the light. Debt? Too many kids? Woman threatened to eat him? We'll never know.

You don't get things for free, these days without a catch, right? Well, I was given a free bag of 100 comic bags to help place all those comics in the storage room of our house. I've very rarely ever come across a real genuine store owner like this one so I'll never forget it. See? Even guys with massive amounts of tattoos, plays in a heavy metal band, and works with employees that would scare your mother are nice.

Michael Damien: "Hey, kid, rock n roll! Rock on!"

I'm hoping work will pep me back up as there is nothing like watching clueless lovebirds do their mating dance. Plus, I'm sure my boss will discuss more sexual matters with me or another argument on my virginity will be brought up. Yes, I did last for 43 minutes my first time.

Tomorrow, a whole new newsworthy development on Ugly and Stinky! She wears a paper bag and he is required to be hosed down by the local fire department. Well, it could work.

The pictures of Christina Aguilera's wedding were very tasteful and nice to see. Just why the groom had to thank his parents for giving him a huge penis is a whole other matter. Me? I just wish I could cum quicker so I'd probably give a few relatives the finger.

Well, I'm outta here and wondering why I haven't heard from Sara in 2 days. I've got a huge upcoming entry on something my boss said that kind of rattled me. I hate being paranoid as Tom Cruise's face looks at me from the box art for the DVD, War Of the Worlds. Yes, I caved just to see the pictures of the aliens. I'm a sci-fi freak that doesn't want to look at Tom "Pass me the turkey baster as I impregnate this bitch" Cruise but things that overtake national landmarks. At least, they don't smell like those obsessed with 72 virgins. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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