Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life begins at 3am..........

And so I bring a quote that pretty much sums up how I feel. I know some of you may be missing my weird or just plain incitefully ridiculous selections on what matter to me as I type each entry. They'll be fully back to normal once I am done with this fucking seasonal job that has me always questioning my sanity. And the quote that means a lot to me:

Ripley: "How long after we're declared overdue can we expect a rescue?"

Hicks: "17 days."

Hudson: "Seventeen days!?! Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last 17 hours. Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before. And they're gonna come in here......"

Ripley: "Hudson! This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training."

Hudson: "So why don't you put her in charge?"

-Aliens (the scene where all the Marines must make a last stand as their ship to leave crashed due to a sneaky alien)

The reason for this quote is that I have 7 more days in a row of this seasonal shit and I don't know if I can take it. Yesterday, I slept for about 75% of the day after work. I just could not get up at any time thanks to sleeping like a log here and there. This is so unlike me but you already know my crew and I do the work of 15 people while we are only 7 or 8.

I know you've heard it before but I really do miss the Holidays in which I could sit back and enjoy them instead of finding myself asleep til 3 or 4 only to find the daylight has left me. Deep inside, I am depressed but I haven't let it get to me just yet. There's too much work to do.

Last night, I got felt up by a perverted Mexican. Yes, it's true as I seem to attract the weirdos at 3am or as everyone's realness makes an appearance. It seems that while wearing a t-shirt that Dirty Sanchez cannot take his eyes off of me, my muscles that is.

So, I spent 2 awkward moments where Dirty Sanchez finds the time to put down his mop and feel my pectoralis muscle. "Pecs." Or oversized "man boobs," if you will. I'm not sure why they attract a small Mexican that constantly flicks his tongue as a way to attract ladies (they all seem to run away so...) in order to tell them he's got some major oral planned.

I've been through this before so it's nothing new to have people enjoy feeling my chest muscles. To many, it is weird to see a person with what most men do not have unless they've done a millions of push-ups. Even girls love to play with them

Oh, and to give you an idea as to how weak I've become during these nasty hours............

In the children's book section of the store, there is a cute book with a picture of a puppy looking out the window. It may be a drawing but the title got to me as I wish all pets would find homes, good homes. "The Puppy That Wanted A Boy" or something like that just got to me. Who doesn't want a puppy?

So, work has brought a lot of my crew and I closer as we are singing showtunes, knowing each other intimately, and urging each other on. Doug, my boss, has taken it upon himself to fart whenever someone is around to enlighten the mood some more as he asks me about how I feel about the female co-workers' tits. Weird and creepy but I'm too tired to care.

Yes, Ugly is still getting weirder in her obsession with Stinky. Not sure when this is going to go bust completely because she is practically stalking him. Boys and girls need space but Ugly does not know that.

Of course, I miss Sara a lot. Good gravy, I wanna kiss her again and end up in bed for some major attention of the erotic kind only to find ourselves talking well into the night. Right now, I wouldn't be that hot in bed but rest will bring me back.

And so I must quit due to preparations for work such as eating something after feeling like shit all day. Hope all is better with you guys but at least you don't have Mexicans wanting to feel you up. G'night, g'morning, and g'afternoon. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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