Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Seasons change with scenery,
weaving time in a tapestry.
Won't you stop and remember me?"

-"Hazy Shade Of Winter" by The Bangles (originally written by Paul Simon)

I'll tell you that a great night is a morning of 10 minutes trying to find your clothes that are somewhere hidden within the floor's contents. Takes a while to find your socks n' stuff when you have a girlfriend that throws your clothes whenever and wherever. Even the cat has gotten into the act of watching sex or heavy making out.

Cat: "Dammit, that's not the way it's done!"

As much as I'd love to do a year end entry right this very minute, I can't. My mind is all over the place on things other than my own life. Does anyone else think that the year of 2005 was the Year Of the Suck. I was telling Sara this in that the morons of the world re-elected Bush to start things off, a tsunami hit but people were told that the supermodel on vacation's boyfriend's being swept away was far more important than people losing their homes, the hurricanes, Katrina and FEMA's amazing response to people in need, and Bush's insistance that we stay the course in Iraq. Kenya West may have said the quote of the year: "George Bush doesn't care about black people" but you can also add some white people as well. How many think the soldiers should have been back from Iraq a long time ago and replaced with Bush's daughters to help bring an upserge in the sales of alcohol in Iraq?

I've been reading some impressive year-end entries here on D-Land as they inspire me to do a good one. I'm all about not necessarily the right stuff but the "weird stuff." Not one to do things exactly as others do is me. My year, obviously, was pretty damn good with only a few bumps. You can reread my whole year or just wait til I get back with a page of notes to discuss.

Of course, being away from Sara had us exchange Christmas gifts just last night. For me, I got a lunchbox. Now, this is no ordinary lunchbox but a magical one that is outlined with the images of one of my favorite comic characters, Chastity (half human and half vampire but all black thong with katanas). The only problem is that there is no freakin' thermos, yo! How am I gonna keep my Spaghetti-O's fresh? Some people still stuck in their childhood enjoy Play-Doh. I enjoy a nice new lunchbox that reminds me of my 1st Grade one, a G.I.Joe one that had kool-aide in the thermos and a blogna sandwich to giggle about in making my buddy, Pete, lose milk out of his nose. C'mon, you know the bologna song.

I also got a lithograph of the Chastity character that has her along with many of the baddies she faced throughout the years as the comic creator is no more. Chaos Comics! faced bankruptcy so we no longer have werewolves of she-demons that seem to wear the same thong over and over. It's no wonder they're pissed off since the males avoid funky smells of that type.

What did I get Sara? Simple, some special cream for her dry skin, a Boondock Saints t-shirt too big due to the smallest size available, a Mystique action figure due to her love of the Marvel X-Men character, and a sign language book. Sara seemed more into the book due to her finding the language fun as we do each day. You really should know the deaf alphabet in sign.

Yeah, Sara's at work so I decided to clean up her room a bit. The bed is pretty much made as I will attempt to take a nap later on in order to stay awake for tonight. My sleeping problems are still around as evidenced by my almost falling asleep while Sara and I watched Veronic Mars's first season DVD set. She's still trying to figure out who killed Lilly, Veronica Mars's best friend. Very good ending to the season.

*Sara's cat, Lenore, just entered the room and is trying to get my attention from her favorite blankie*

Tonight is a party as Sara and I picked up a bit of booze, me with Corona, of course. It's at a friend's as we toast to ending the year of 2005 and hoping Bush gets impeached and Paris Hilton gets run over by a truck several hundred times.

Thank you to all of you that left notes as I am a bit too busy to come up with anything witty to say back. Another year has gone by in which I am still here on D-Land. Amazing since I, seriously, thought I'd be gone in only 2 years. There are some people that make me feel like they truly get what I am trying to say here in this little world of conformity as liberals are being stated as narrow minded. Aren't the conservatives the real problem? They're just as fucked up as that guy staying with his Runaway Bride, still smiling like a shmuck playing pocket-pool in with his balls thinking it impresses women. Is it any wonder why I hate most Christians?

So, I am outta here to chill out a bit, finish the flick, Serenity, and eat the rest of my Moe's burrito. *Waves to Canada, Miami, California, Texas, Australia, and everwhere else* I'll be back with something more inciteful, okay? Hey, it was a year of sex, frustration, and the glory of seeing the socially challenged possibly in love. Can't get much better than people that smell like onions getting together with a woman that looks like Shrek.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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