Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Viktor: "Yes, I took from you but I gave you so much more."


Oh, what a night! To me, it was absolutely perfect while many of you were possibly getting drunk in a bar or doing some hot filthy throwing up as a result. I love how much better my room has gotten as I have taken each day to work on a portion. Days ago, it was a long time spent on the closet that holds far too much. Recently, it's been getting rid of excess clutter. My biggest debate is whether to take down my old bar crawl t-shirts that hold my buddies' signatures.

And what better way to keep my eyes occupied than TNT's showing of Underworld! Just how many times have I seen that flick? Many, many but not enough as each keeps the thrills of watching werewolves (my boys!) attack those dreaded vamps. Sure, I love Selene even if she does tend to mow down the occasional lycan but she does it with a reason, a past kept hidden from her by Viktor.

TNT has good timing as with the new Underworld sequel due out on January 20th, Underworld: Evolution. Nice of the channel to give us a 2 minute sneak preview as we find Kraven back, Markus is awakened, but could Lucian make a nice appearance, please? I'm totally hetero but that boy is smokin' as I admire those with a tendency to fight for freedom of not only themselves. To me, Lucian looks like a heroin addict while Sara finds him yummy.

My diary is being found under these Googlings:

-"True Life: I Am On Steroids"
-"Mischa's Period Stains"

Truly cool that someone looking for the steroids issue stayed for some time to read a bunch of entries by moi. A pox on those fools that find a girl's period mishaps as amusement. Am I the only one that is bothered by the Net's use of displaying Mischa's period stains on her white lycra pants as entertainment? I'm sure 90% of those paparazzi fools have huge shit stains in their undies.

I love being left alone. Did I ever tell you that? My only need of interaction is with people that think beyond drinking and make me think. Unfortunately, my town is conservative and freezing weather. Hibernation rocks while Underworld plays!

I hope Hot Topic does some cool stuff with Underworld related merchandise. Am I the only one that hopes for a Selene rubber outfit like the one she wears complete with holsters for automatic pistols?

Mark your calenders for DVD dates:

-Pride & Prejudice is February 28th

-King Kong is the last Tuesday of March

-Harry Potter 4 is March 7th

-The Chronicles Of Narnia is in April

So, my secret? I'll just give you the condensed version by blurting it out, okay? The whole thing goes down easier as I did discuss it long ago. I'm pretty sure I erased that entry as I remember getting into an argument with my dad over something else entirely.

I'm half deaf. There you go. You read that right in which my right ear means nothing to me since it feels like it doesn't even exist. No sound can be heard with it so you can yell all you want. The deafness is a result of getting spinal meningitis at the age of 4. I remember being in the hospital for several days. My parents could have sued because my time spent screaming was the nurse telling them that I just had a "temperature." Nope, spinal fluid was in and I was in pain, terrible pain.

Hearing in my right ear went bye-bye. Thank you, nurse.

Why is this an issue? It's not really but things tend to escalate in a weird way. My hearing ear is a bit of a pain in the ass since my hearing goes up and down with it. Allergies make things very difficult as I get clogged up. I am so dreading Spring because that's when certain mold spores n' shit pop out. Pollen is my main enemy. You should have witnessed how bad I was in South Carolina when I woke up with 1 of 2 cats sleeping on my chest. I could barely breathe or hear due to a major allergy towards cats.

A part of why I hate religious freaks is how I was treated in private Catholic school by the nuns. According to them, I didn't deserve to be born as I was seen as having too much of deformity. I got little or no help in regards to schoolwork. If I couldn't hear some important info, I just had to wing the mutha. I became really good at knowing how to fuck with nuns that hated me since I also had views they did not share. You could say that William Wallace of the Braveheart folklore shares a common thought with me.

I have my good days and bad days, my all or nothing days. Today is just peachy but I know in the back of my mind that tomorrow could be complete shit. Live for today? I try, oh, I try.

So, you wanna know why I go back to older music such as the 80's? That was when my hearing was grand, baby! I don't care if you like the music of today because, to me, Human League, Golden Earring, Duran Duran, and many more were so much more fun than people wanting to make music all just to get laid. Of course, Fiona Apple is a true artist as I love her first album like you wouldn't believe.

It's weird how it takes me longer to listen to music than you of the hearing world. I just cannot explain it at all as you'd have to experience a day in my life.

College? Oh, I had some great times even if I had days in which I couldn't hear shit. Like my days in private Catholic school and high school, I was still popular as hell due to a goofiness in personality. My only issues were with the professors that hated me and made lectures difficult for me to understand. You can chalk that up to how 1 even had the balls to make fun of a foreign guy from near Kosovo right there in class.

It's funny how I always thought a guy with a hearing problem would have trouble with women. Never had that either as you'd find me with a high school sweetheart that played tennis for the rival high school. Girl after girl walking down the stairs or sidewalk would say hi to me. My roommates were jealous as this hearing impaired guy was having more sex than them. How could that be!?! My guess is that it's not only personality (Kristan found me extremely smart and impressive to talk to as I matched wits with her each night in the gym) but a nice sweet tongue that could find a girl's most sensitive areas. I know how you girls talk.

It was Jen, my ex with a boyfriend that looked like an Abercrombie & Fitch model, that sat me down before the first time we had sex. Here I was sitting on her bed laughing as each problem I had, she had, too. Jen lost a part of her hearing somewhere along in her cheerleading days as both of us had problems helped by braces, etc. I had never met someone that went through things similar to me. Is it any wonder why Jen and I were pretty turbulent in our sexual appetites since we got so comfortable with each other's secrets? A college boy listening to a girl tell him how wet her panties got because she couldn't wait to get back to the room for sex was madness in a good way. My roommates? Again, jealous.

You know what the coolest thing is about college? When people are completely drunk, your hearing issue is nothing because no one makes any sense. Again, you'd have to experience this to understand.

Going from sex to employment is interesting. You know those signs that say "Equal opportunity employment?" It's all bullshit! Total bullshit as I can do pretty much anything but, unfortunately, my lack in perfect hearing prevents me from kissing a boss's ass. Pity. All my former employers loved me. Doug has told me how much fun work was with me to talk to.

I'm lucky that I will never have to worry about money but I'd still rather work. It's just that I have a hard time finding something I can do completely. When I do, the job usually goes to someone else. Boo-hoo. So, I sit here like a spoiled boy and deal with my self-hatred of how life granted me this problem.

Dammit, I had my hearing! The doctors cannot figure out what is blocking that small portion in my left ear. It's not horrible but an issue as I do get ringing in the ear on the most horrible days. Ugh, it can fuck with your mind completely but I'm too strong mentally. Those days of running around to a soundtrack that contained a bit of old school rap and pop/rock are long gone only to be placed by a telephone I just cannot answer.

I know it's kind of weird letting all this out now. Many of you have problems, whether it be understanding boys (I hope my thoughts help but......I'm unique), have a weight problem, smell funny, fart a lot, too skinny, no boobs, too much in the booby area as I'm sure D-cups are a major runneth over, hate your appearance, or are just plain lonely. My life is almost perfect but I don't hear as well as you. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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