Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Axel: "You're so full of shit, you're gonna float away."

-The Deer Hunter

Okay, let me get this straight. George Bush gave his State Of the Union Address just recently. In it, he tells of how great things are and, yes, once again, we must stay the course in Iraq. Never mind the people that have not seen their families in 2 to 3 years. Damn, ol' Bushy boy knows what he is doing while clearing that brush and hoping we don't do any Brokeback Mountain jokes.

I'm a firm believer that we should all have critics. Critics are good. Why? Sometimes, we aren't quite as perfect as we'd like to think ourselves to be. Diaryland has helped me realize a few things as I've had my fair share of battles with uber-feminists, punks (fake), and fun nudging about my taste in things.

So, I ask if Bush is okay in how he does his speeches. Have you read the article in Rolling Stone about a month or 2 back on how he does this? In order to be invited, you must be a firm Republican, etc. Duh. You must also have nothing that warrants suspicion of supporting another party or person that ran or is running against him. Bumper stickers are bad. Don't go thinking your "And Let's Not Vote For Him In 2004 either" sticker is gonna give you a green light.

At the State Of the Union Address, 2 people were ejected. Not surprisingly, Cindy Sheehan was the first to go all while wanting her question of 'why?' answered. The reason was based on her t-shirt with a war-related slogan that "violated the rules." Bush said the war was going great!

Next, Beverly Young was removed from the gallery because she was wearing a t-shirt that read: "Support Our Troops-Defending Our Freedom." According to those higher up, Beverly was protesting and must be kicked out.

What I ask to Bush supporters is this: How do you support a president that doesn't want any critics, criticism, or anything that might actually make him rethink his blunders (and there are a lot)? Isn't that suspicious? What does it take to get Bush supporters to realize that 1 little word that shows a hint of negativity to his belief and you are outta here? A good question is about how he takes full blame for the crap that went on in New Orleans during Katrina BUT where has he corrected anything? Rolling Stone has a list of the cronies that took over and have plundered FEMA.

Bush: "He's doin' a heckuva job."

This world just freaks me out. One minute you have Republicans calling for impeachment over Clinton's blowjob but nothing when a guy bombs the wrong country and has cronies take over the U.S.'s necessities. Which is it gonna be? Wonder what would have happened if a female president were caught getting eatin' out on the job.

Republicans: "Stanky ho gotta go!"

By the way, I welcome criticism. I admire those willing to take me on more so than those that kiss my ass. Make me think. Republicans still suck and Democrats should get their heads out of their asses.

So, I see a lot of people have been coming to my diary courtesy of others telling them to view how fucked up my tag answer was. Original or just plain insane? You decide. Of course, I expected Sammy's comments of adoration as we seem to go back and forth over whether Keira Knightley can act (she can) and Jessica Alba. I'll apologize for choosing Jessica but it's those eyes and that body of work that makes me lose my protestin' self. She may not have made Sin City the great movie it was but we all remember Nancy.

"Nancy grew up. She filled out."

Lassoes and chaps make a man like me drool while Marv cleans up the corruption, Sin City, do watch that fine flick. It's one of the few that can take a comic and actually make you feel like you are watching it on screen.

Of course, Into the Blue, a total guilty pleasure that Jessica Alba admitted to only doing to rework on her diving license. Interesting. So, it's not the quality of the movie but more on the fact that you'll be working with air tanks? I forgive as long as you have a nude scene. Gah! None? Damn, well, at least someone gets eaten by a shark and you know what that does to me?

Come to think of it, Paul Walker is kinda dreamy............but I've got blue eyes and can sometimes do............BLUE STEEL!

FYI: Watch Zoolander. It will make your crappy day go away when watching male models have a playful fight with gasoline. Either that or Will Ferrel, oh, never mind.

I'm guessing that I was found to be creative in the tag. No one's should be considered boring because it is YOUR fantasy. Who you find sexy is up to you. I made the mistake of not talking about some of the women I found sexy due to not being as out there in the world. Many are reporters, etc. that you'd have no idea as to whom I am talking about.

I still stand by whom I selected as it would be fun to go to a costume shop to try on various things and walk out wearing nothing but chaps and a cowboy hat. Would Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall find me sexy after all that method acting they did? A little tap on my already been smacked by Sara ass?

Speaking of Brokeback Mountain.......why can't we just let it go that 2 actors are playing gay characters? Does no one discuss the actual story? Oprah fawning over Jake and Heath was just pathetic. If it's a good movie, it's a good movie. Geez. I'll catch a viewing when Brokeback makes its DVD debut in March. Hopefully, girls won't see it just to see Heath take a good pounding from behind.

That goes for you, too, Hiss.

I've been feeling kind of bad about an entry. Although it's the plain truth, the whole thing makes me feel as if I am more interested in other people than Sara. Let me make it clear. I truly, truly care about my girlfriend and miss her all the time. We fight on occasion and have some major differences between us as to what we believe in but I've wanted this kind of girl for a long time. I've dated cheerleaders, athletes, nymphomaniacs, an older woman (well, 10 years isn't much to me but to others...), and so on. I'm hit on a lot by people in this town here and there in weird time periods. Some months will go by and not 1 girl talks to me but come back later on and I've got a few that will bat their lashes at me.

Sara has been my girlfriend for almost a year. I may glance at other girls as I am very visual but I am hers. Have been since February 21st and possibly many more months after. It is hard for both of us due to this distance thing of a little over an hour and the work hours so missing each other like mad is pretty much a daily thing. Ask anyone in my gym and you'd hear that I am "taken." Hell, tonight, I told a very beautiful college girl that I miss Sara.

I don't know why I am the way I am. At some point in time, I just became the person that many girls find it so easy to talk to. I've heard very discriptive sexual talk as to what various girls enjoy, tattoos in very intimate places along with piercings (I will never forget Andrea telling me to look at her labia piercing), and arms wrapped around my shoulders to surprise me at various times. Girls at my old workplace haunts wave and it's amusing to me that girls wearing Harley Davidson leather find little ol' feminine/male me as adorable. Blue eyes get you anywhere, huh?

What you don't know is that there are times where I am super quiet until I feel like I've gotten to know you enough. It's here that I unleash the goofiness that finds me getting saluted once I walk out of the gym. Be it jocks, nerds, geeks, gays, and heavy-metal heads, I'm considered to be one righteous dude. Arrogant jocks, on the other hand, do not like me.

Like me? Hate me? I don't give a fuck. I'm just super friendly and able to talk to girls better than guys thanks to understanding them better. I probably have bigger tits than you but I hate my nipples. Sara likes them but I hate 'em.

Well, I need to stop fawning over my own damn self and do something to pass the time as I'm going to work on my resume tomorrow. My dad's health has me worried as it seems like he doesn't seem to care about how this might affect others as well. Obesity is not funny to me. Let's hope for a goofy Hedgie tomorrow since I'm also a bit down due to one of my friends moving away on February 13th. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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