Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Everbody wants to go to heaven but nobody's willing to die."

-Domino Harvey

It took me 3 days to sit through my second showing of Domino (aka "That Keira Knightley with guns flick") in order to possibly forgive my not liking it the first time. The movie's a bit long as it tries so hard to get out what it's trying to say.

Don't fret for I will not give anything away. Just know this. I did like it more the second time since a few things were cleared up on those damn double crosses turned into triple crosses only to end up as quadruple crosses. You've really got to pay close attention to understand where you are at certain points but Tony Scott's visual style is annoying.

Tony calls the way he films thing as "being on acid." Whatever. I just don't like the washed out look and feel it could have been better with the good ol' digital feel. I mean, I absolutely love the scene where Keira's holding 2 automatics and just letting loose due to the situation around her. Open mouth and going mad? My kind of girl as we all know, time and time again, I am obsessed with women being able to handle weapons and getting themselves out of trouble.

I'm sure I'll get some sass from my little brown girl due to my Keira obsession, especially since this movie is odd enough to float up her alley.

Can I just say that Mickey Rourke is perfect for the role of bounty hunting in movies? Seen Sin City? He's the guy under all that makeup that played Marv. Mickey has this wicked charm while that damaged skin shows that time spent bounty hunting aint too kind. Love it.

Enough about movies but feel free to give me hell on Domino due to my love of debate as to what you see. Tony Scott has this odd look in the movies and commercials he films. Of course, Keira was pefect, nunchukas and all. I love hoodies so I'd love to know where she got the one at the end of the film.

Of course, the real Domino Harvey died before the movie was finished. You'll see her in the special features section on the DVD, fashion model turned bounty hunter. It's quite obvious Domino was on drugs as you can see in an interview how her eyes behave but I get the feeling she was fun to be around. A heart attack in the bathtub ended it all.

My life today? My gym is being overrun by little girls. Remember how I spoke of girls wearing barely anything? That's them plus 2 more that come in with their parents. Little girls, when packed together, are noisy and rude. I'll admit to being amused to how they act since they've now copied part of my workout by doing their sit-ups in my fashion, reverse ones.

Like I said, I just don't get the sexing up of little girls. Their parents are there but that's not an excuse. Hell, when I was that age (I'm not completely sure but I *think* they are around 10-13), I was more into playing than my abs. Why they are in my gym doing so many minutes on their stomachs is odd but I do commend the fitness aspect. Other people that workout would also like them to go away because little girls are noisy.

Filled out another application. Blah, blah, blah. Easy since it didn't ask for so much information to the point that you need a nap after filling it out. I try to be as direct as possible while also being creative, sad to say. No, I did not put down the job where I got sexually harassed by a 36-year-old woman.

Editor: "You are such a cutie-pie. Smoochies!"

So, the KKK is getting larger? Parts of me blame the Muslims for all this since I think the world is really fed up with this way of life they lead. To sit there and tell me your religion is not violent but burn or kill people over cartoons is pretty damn hypocritical. A lot of the letters to the newspaper have been very nasty towards Muslims as a lot of people have gotten sick of them.

Now, I have a lot of problems with Middle Easterners. My gym has the occasional one and they almost always smell so bad. There was a guy that came in after work in his button down and khakis yet worked out hardcore. I could smell him in the next room and couldn't use equipment he had been on. The smell, the sweat, and my own distaste towards a religion that oppresses women while being completely looney all anger me.

Now, remember that I have problems with all religions in some way so this is not directed at just Muslims. Christians freak me the fuck out on how they demand to have their views reality as well.

The KKK? According to a news release, it's growing. I'm not sure if these freaks are taking it seriously in how they want a completely white America. Wouldn't you hate that? Their talk is based on Chinese going back to China and Japanese staying in Japan so you get the idea. Well, I like the culture differences that actually make sense in this world while I feel mean in saying I wish Muslims would go away.

I feel bad but I can't help all this anger building up thanks to what I see. Muslims protest cartoons but stay quiet while death of Americans or destruction goes on? Their belief that the left hand is evil gives me the giggles since I feel sorry for left-handers that have to wipe their ass. Plus, I'll always think of Ash from Evil Dead talking back to his various body parts by cutting them off as they turn evil.

Sorry, I'm such a geek in seeing the demented humor in Evil Dead style.

Get this. Republicans talk of creating 1.2 million jobs. Fine. Now, they did a study that asked who was visiting soup kitchens and found that most were working. We're not talking homeless but regular people having jobs but barely making ends meet. Why? There is a $9,000 discrepancy in that people are making that much less since most jobs don't pay what they used to. In other words, the added jobs are just shit.

How many wish Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson suddenly went broke and had to eat in a soup kitchen? Me, too!

And last but not least...........

Porn is under fire again. It's not over the usual stuff that we love like cum shots, double penetration, anal sex, or the artsiness of watching a woman give an amazing blowjob. Nope, it's over interracial porn. Religious fanatics are upset with black guys giving white women a good bonking behind the barn. I laugh at this since I've heard 1 well known black guy has an actual 14-inch dick. Do you think this makes those religious fanatics upset as they look down to what they've unzipped only to feel inferior?

Who knows what the problem is since race relations are horrible these days. I've rarely ever come across a mixed set of people. Blacks hang with blacks while whites only walk around with other whites. My gym, on the other hand, is different due to the ages of people since they grew up with knowing different races. It's the kids today that have me wondering where it all went wrong. Would it feel odd for a white guy to put in "Giving It Up To the Black Man 4" in his DVD player?

Of course, I enjoy the notes on women's veiws on porn. It gives me a good idea as to stating what I like. I'm pretty picky even if just the sight of Eugene Levy makes me laugh. The only problem is that I'm a guy so a lot of what drives me wild is completely visual. It's the slightest charge from seeing a woman's slick pink slit that makes things churn down there or unable to just sit there. Balls have a mind of their own. Trust me.

I've very rarely ever come across porn viewing as a group. The only times I did were when I insisted on seeing 1 I found in this guy's trailer thanks to finding out how old it was (70's porn is fucking hilarious to me) or when Newman showed me his obsession on cum shots with Amazing Facials. Porn is porn and has its place in society no matter how many religous freaks try to keep it down.

So, I am outta here dreading the new arctic cold about to be released here in Illinois. Could give me a good excuse to go into my list of what turns me on in porn even if I've not seen much. Alice In Wonderland is certainly 1 I'd like to get my hands on thanks to my infatuation with the book. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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