Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"I like your man boobs."

-My barber or "stylist"

Have to admit that it is hard to stay mad at a Bush supporter after hearing that. Does anyone else have someone that does their hair and gets mucho support on employment as a stripper? My stylist says that to me all the time and not as a joke.

So, a great big peace out to a man that died yesterday, one I will never ever forget in my life, an actor in A Christmas Story. I don't know the actor's name but how could I forget him playing Ralphie's grumpy dad that watched too many Nascar events and told his wife to time him on a tire change? "The Old Man" as Ralphie would say but, to me, he reminded me of my uncle in which we'd await the latest cause of grumpiness. I'm gonna miss you, Old Man.

You don't wanna know how many times I saw A Christmas Story. Along with Aliens and Jaws, I can recite every fucking line. Well, that speech on the downing of the U.S.S. Indianapolis from Quint in Jaws is pretty hard but still.........he's a charmer, mate. Robert Shaw is another guy you should never forget since they don't make 'em like that anymore.

So, I can finally chalk up to seeing Class Of 1984 in its entirety. Fun flick that is nowhere near as violent as movies today. It's just, at that time, this was pretty heavy stuff along with Sean Penn's Bad Boys, another good one.

Class Of 1984 is a cult classic for a reason. It put out what teachers hate more than anything else, students that take over. Sure, Class's Peter Stegman was a complete psycho (also smart) but he had this way of manipulating his way out of everything. This movie isn't for everyone but, oh, how I miss the 80's exploitation flicks since Hollywood has made just about anything too lamed down for those the Britney crowd.

Plus, I have a history with punks, those types that a lot would write off at the mere sight of. When I was growing up, my friends had older brothers and sisters that I'd meet and admire their attire or look that would frighten small children (but not me) and animals. Chains, steel spikes, colored mohawks, and boots with steel tips. I saw it all and even miss all these great fashion tips.

So, what is a punk? Nothing today is punk. Back then, in the early 80's, it was a mindset and look. No name brands. You may have got your clothes from your parents BUT you always tore things up. Short skirts with fishnet stockings, marked up face with red lines or black lines. Smoking? Oh, punks always smoked like mad. Spiked hair was never stylish but done by friends with various forms of utensils in which scissors were a last resort.

Punk has been dead for a while. Hot Topic, a mall type store, can never revive it. Punks didn't care about money or being seen. It was the feeling you got in rebelling from parents as putting diaper pins in your nose tends to do. See what I miss? True rebelling in which it's not some girl calling herself "punk" while wearing name brand clothes.

I'm not punk but I grew up on things like seeing people that truly were until it died out in the middle 80's. Trust me. I had a steel trap memory as a kid since I admired the look that I couldn't pull off.

Think punk rock was dumb? Ever listened to The Clash? C'mon, you must've heard "Rock the Casbah" at least once in your life. The lyrics are pretty complicated, even more so than today's since it was actually a smart political message. It's like that scene from Bring It On where the girl asks the kid about the favorite bands on his t-shirts. How can you not have heard of all this great history in music? Oh, that's right. N*SYNC and O-Town are more your type.

Punks. I just miss seeing a lifestyle that I could never have and actual rebelling rather than worries over what to wear. Now, it's Metallica suing fans over copied music since we all know that that's the best way to a fan's heart, to sue 'em for what they got while you already make millions.

So, if you're daring enough to see what the 80's punks were like, watch the cult classic, Class Of 1984. Yes, they certainly got the clothes right (Peter Stegman can dress, yo!), the music of Alice Cooper ("I Am the Future"), and realistic high school students (Hollywood makes them pretty but these were real). Plus, it's fun to see a teacher hold a gun to a student and force them to learn. Trust me. You have to see that scene where a teacher loses it after the punks pretty much make him feel pain.

Me? Well, I thought you'd never ask! Besides ignoring the stripping employment (would a girl tell all her friends that her boyfriend is a stripper?), I decided on changing my hairstyle. Big think over all week as I have to grow it out. That's why I only have the back of my head and the sides trimmed short. No more "Gentlemen, Welcome To Fight Club."

Okay, I know I keep bringing this up once in a while but this will happen. My dad was testing out pictures after making his own website. Soon, this damn thing will be done so my Pictures page will have lots of new things, my dogs, the room, and many others to show you just how I'm keeping it real, yo. I swear but it just sucks that my dad's computer has the port while I've got just this. Time is all that's waiting on me as I am dying to put up pictures of my little dog, Buffy.

I really need to see Sara soon, folks. Boys end up missing their girlfriends at some point that drives them mad. I'm quite the non-clingy type but there comes a point that I need attention, mentally and physically. Who wouldn't want to look across at someone that you feel you can just say anything? Comfort is such a rare thing to the point that you can bring out your crazy goofy side and, yes, I have a very goofy side. I'm not all obsessed with what others think about me. My diary pretty much shows that, right?

Plus, I need some pussy so fucking bad! Oh, gawd, you don't ever want to keep a total clit licker away from his girlfriend's. Never ever. A girl needs her cunt licked, tasted, and tended to just as I love how I get my pants ripped off that all tends to me moaning as my cock is stroked or sucked. Cum needs to be spilled in her mouth or heads will roll.

Well, tomorrow is the day of orientation so wish this sex-needing weirdo well. I hope all goes well since I'm one of those that actually likes working as long as I don't have to deal with idiot bosses or workers like Crotch Rot. Maybe I'll get to see another 32-year-old woman pass another note and then run off like a hippo with diarrhea. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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