Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"What's that, my little cactus flower?"

-What I say to Bald-O after too many beers.

Yessirree, I am back from the land of ignorance and hatred for all things Brokeback. In other words, I think there just might be something up with that Brokeback Mountain movie since a night of downing a case of beer ends up with us all singing karaoke while looking into each other's eyes as "Goooooood speeeeeed your love" is said.

This is going to be short since I just wanted to tell y'all I am back and pretty much exhausted. 2.5 hours of driving after waking up early from a night of karaoke with 2 cheerleaders prior is a hard knock life for us. Bald-O and I still don't know where those girls came from but who cares? Who's got the next song, "We Danced Anyway?"

I'll tell you this. Being in a trailer with guys that can drink over 200 beers in 2 weeks makes me happy to be in a relationship. I don't care what those southerns say. If your night of debauchery is sitting around drinking, talking shit, only to end up completely feminine by 2am, Ang Lee should do a film short on your repressed sexuality. It was that bad.

Of course, I have lots to tell as living in a trailer for 2 nights can bring about. The inevitable teaser:

-Never ever fuck with me when drunk because I can come up with better teasing than you if provoked enough.

-Boys smell. I smelled really bad.

-I felt so sorry for those cheerleaders having to pee in that trailer since Bald-O has his bathroom (the nicest one, I might add since there are 2) made to look like Katrina skipped over a couple states and ended up in Bald-O's hometown.

-When a guy is as fat as his dog, that's love.

-According to Bald-O, he lives in a 2-income family now that his brother moved into the trailer. So, where do I sleep?

Well, I'm going to get some actual sleep in a few minutes, folks. Yes, I know Keira Knightley didn't win the Oscar while we learn that it's hard to be a pimp. The fact that that song was even nominated shows how low we've gone as those lyrics were completely stupid. What about the prostitutes? Think about how all those gals feel while they have sore knees and can't shit straight for a week. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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