Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Caroline Bingley: "I can't help thinking that at some point someone is going to produce a piglet and we'll all have to chase it."

-Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Yes, I am back and in dire need of some form of rest after waking up in Sara's bed on a day you'd wish would stay that way. The sun was shining throughout the apartment while her flatmate was busy making coffee as I nibbled on oatmeal cookies. Just imagine a coffee house and you'd get the idea as 2 chatty girls sat at a small table while I watch the cat dart back and forth chasing imaginary objects.

Insert hours later and sun is all gone. The wind has picked up and darkness falls rather quickly. No more shorts. Very cold as I set foot out of the car after my drive home. Folks, lap up your good days as much as you can because this weather was highly unpredictable.

Hollywoood got it wrong. Brokeback Mountain was not something that should have been up for Best Picture. A much wiser choice would have been Pride & Prejudice with the loveliest of lovelies, Keira Knightley. For one thing, it was quite faithful to the book but you could also tell that even through the great acting done by all, these people had a great time.

Yeah, I know. Weird boy. Where's the porn or naughty thoughts, lad? Well, as I've said time and time again, I love all things in life. Sex is a fun thing in life but so is finding yourself in a movie that makes sense even if it is labeled as "girly." If the so called "girly" or "chick flick" has something to say, I'm all for it. I'm going to draw the line as Sex And the City for now even if that one episode Sara forced me to watch was pretty good.

I'll admit to wondering what Carrie would say to my amazing scrotum.........

The strange thing about Pride & Prejudice? I didn't recognize one of my favorite crushes in regards to her amazing taste in movies and non-whoring herself out to Hollywood, Jena Malone. Good grief, Jena Malone! I've loved her ever since Donnie Darko, Life As A House, and Saved (amazingly funny movie). How could I? It took seeing her name in the movie's credits for this to register so I must have been staring at Keira too much.

Can we add a new crush? I noticed her in Doom (yes, that one with The Rock) and now I liked her quite a lot in Pride & Prejudice, Rosamund Pike. She plays the oldest daughter and expect to see more of her in the future.

I asked Sara why we don't have balls anymore. You know, the events where you get into your best clothes and dance some form of synchronized dancing that doesn't warrant everyone thinking you are having a seizure? Just a thought but wouldn't it be pretty nice to do something like we did at prom, get dressed up and go nuts? Only this time, we can drink!

Well, legally.............that is.

Our mothers are feeding each other. Mine sends me to Sara's with egg/cheese sandwiches while Sara's mom has me eat yummy meat and cheesy potatoes. Kind of funny how you can almost always expect a visit from me that brings some kind of need to bring out the forks or spoons rather than the hell I did in college. Mothers know best.

Plus, can I give a small shout out to Rent? I've never read the story or knew anything about it but Sara is obsessed with this musical. Every time we drove back from Bri's, she had to belt out one of the many songs as I just sat there and listened to portions that made me wonder if my girlfriend is seriously in another moment that I cannot pull her out of. It was inevitable that my seeing Rent would happen.

Yes, yes, I know how gay all of this entry is getting but my fingers were in Sara's no-no places that turned into yes-yeses from her. Rent was fun, not in a way that I would become obsessed with but the scene in the restaurant was spectacular! "La Boheime" or something like that was the song as I enjoyed the sly humor plus Maureen's nice pale ass.

Well, I really can't go wrong since one of my favorite flicks is Oliver and I pretty much know most of those songs as I find myself singing that I can pick a pocket or 2.

So, I leave you here as there is plenty more to tell after seeing one hell of a shocker in the Sopranos season 6 debut. Oh, was that sooooooooooooooo good! I'm reminded how Season 3 started slow but this one was so what I didn't expect that I am dying to know the next episode. It's an emergency of the only way to save my masculinity after viewing too many chick flick/musical shit that has me twirling around imagining a long dress that someone had to help me with. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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