Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"De gustibus et de coloribus non disputandum est"

(There should be no argument about tastes and colors)

Ever had a day where you find yourself in a rut that has your insides screaming for something to change? I've got too many hobbies but it seems I want another. As if comic book reading, DVD collecting, and all those other weird things that make me a marketable man towards the materialistic pushers.

I'm slowly growing my hair out to change my what sits on top here, yo. So far, Sara likes it since she likes the top long rather than that shortness I normally get after a visit to the stylist. If I had Diddly's bank account, I'd send a couple Ethiopian kids to college or visit a tropical paradise to avoid the idiotic antics of basketball's March Madness. It's funny how people complain about not having money but they somehow end up on TV chugging down $10 pitchers at exclusive sports bars.

I aint talking about middle class, folks. What I saw was white trash, proud and happy white trash to find an excuse to get out of the trailer and watch the local team on a bigger screen.

Since finances will not allow me to change a few things around or get myself another hobby so that my thumbs can twiddle around, I'm trying to force myself to change my workout. Am I the only one that finds this difficult since what works just works?

Whatever. I just want something to take my mind off of the world's stupidity as it seems like every news reporter thinks it's so shocking as they announce FEMA might have screwed up during Hurricane Katrina? You think?

I was more shocked to find that Jessica Simpson snubbed an invite by George Bush. Is this a sign that good things are coming, the fact that I agree with a woman that could be as dumb as our president? I mean, since when does he deserve to just meet anyone he pleases? Maybe the Republicans just want some tits to stare at.

So, I see that a lot of you were in my entry devoted to my little buddy from Texas. That's nice as I felt kind of bad as some people might be scratching their heads over such a thing. Well, it's simple. Sammy and I have been Internet buddies, as I said, for almost 4 years. Ups and downs as we've given each other advice, be it relationships, disagreements, strippers, and *gasp* sex! When you find someone like that, you let them know it even after he/she makes fun of you in your lust for certain actresses.


Keira rules! Keira rules! Keira rules!

Every diary seems to have things that I cannot forget about, be it kangaroo penise discussions or the fact that Hoar doesn't need birth control because she lives near power lines. Pictures of a woman willing to race her kids on a field trip. Zombie flicks that I still do not know what was shown since Lu-Lu will not tell me. Folks, give it your all! I love points of view, humor, wit, and rants. Just be honest since loneliness happens to all.

There is something weird I've noticed since becoming a boyfriend. It doesn't happen just like that but over time so this all depends on how long your relationships have tested time. What I don't know how to do is put it in words but can I say "sexually centered?" Do you see what I'm getting at?

Take the first few weeks in your time spent with someone. Did you have sex all over the apartment, house, or garage? Was the marathon sex more than once? Now, where are you? In other words, do you grab your boyfriend/husbands and yank their pants down for a surprise blowjob after a long period of time?

What I'm trying to say is that sex changes. It's not boring or stale but just that you feel centered and a bit relaxed. There comes a time where you know how your lover enjoys things and a new event kind of brings a shock to the system since you didn't know your lover liked that.

How do I put this? My girlfriend, Sara, bites me. Literally, she bites my neck and enjoys this because it tickles and makes me laugh instantly. Just ask Sara and she'll smirk because it's a constant that I can count on. What changed is that I bit her on the last visit, all over her back while on top of her. Oh, how I loved that, to leave many marks and exhaust her.

I think what I am getting at is you'd have to see Dead Poet's Society and how the teacher tells the students to stand on their desks. Why? A change in view can bring about a new way of seeing things. That's why I told Sara that it was nice to lay on the other side of the bed after sex, complete with bite marks. Being centered will help you ease your way into trying new things, at least for me.

Sometimes, I can barely move after sex since Sara pretty much destroys my body. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a woman thrash/bite/smack/claw like that as it is quite an event when it comes to bedtime or, hell, even mornings. I'm curious what will happen when the weather gets warmer and the playground equipment late at night gets more inviting.

And so I bid you a good night since I've got a few things I want to do right now. While I wonder when my next visit to Indiana is (I'm healed so why not?), I need to spend a little time wondering what in me could use a change. Who knows when I will get around to discussing what matters a lot to women, size. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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