Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"It's like this and it's like that."

Well, it's certainly different being sick away from home. Just me and the elemants that cause me to feel like I do. Where is your mother when you need her most? Where is that juice you find yourself curled up with while watching All My Children?

I'm not watching TV but I do have a Rolling Rock in my hands as I type this. Beer really does seem to soothe me when I'm not feeling well so we're just rolling with the punches on this, baby. Feeling like shit gives you an excuse to cuddle up with something white and fuzzy. I tell ya, the cat digs me.

It's funny how I was just standing there thinking how odd it is to be sick and just under 1.5 hours away from home. Now, I'm lucky to be here than anywhere else. Bald-O is not someone I can find myself sleeping with. I mean, the dude has some serious stubble issues and he tends to scratch himself in inappropriate places. Then again, that would be 2.5 hours away plus more cows and horses than I care to count.

I'm not perfect. According to Sara, I snored so loud the past 2 nights thanks to my nose/throat being so congested. This has made her very tired. Staring at me sleeping (or gasping, in her words) and wondering whether to strangle me does that to a girl. As far as I know, I didn't scratch myself or fart out a boghorn. You can also chalk up my now super fast metabolism as I keep finding myself whipping my dick out to pee every goddamn 15 minutes. I'd giggle if farting out a boghorn woke me up but hey.......Sara hogs the covers.

I'm not kidding! I wake up at some point with very little covering me. No more toasty toes. No more warmth anywhere. I'm just forced to stare at my rock hard nipples and hope I can somehow get something to cover my shivering private parts, as we all know they have a mind of their own.

So, there is controversy with V For Vendetta. Yes, the movie is good as I've even read the book (more on the graphic novel type). The basic premise is there while parts were obviously dropped due to time. I'm not sure if you wish to sit in the theater for 3.5 hours even if V is as good as it is while I'm not saying it's perfect.

You know what? People talk about the character, V, and how he is flawed with his views towards the government. And your point being? Many of my favorite characters in stories along with friends are flawed and that's the way I like them. It may be scary how much I find V as a person to admire thanks to the time we live in now, a government out of control (gee, South Dakota, do you really wanna outlaw abortion?) by serving its own views. Bush keeps doing the opposite of what is right all to support what he deems the world should be run in. No, it's not Christianity because even God would have saved the black people. Their rehtoric is more than flawed, it's impossible to chategorize.

*Takes sip of beer*

Funny how things tend to change as how I am welcomed more and more into Sara's life. Not only do I have a key but was asked to have dinner with her parents last night. Just me and the parents followed by me going into the den to watch Sopranos all alone. As I told Sara this afternoon, "I'm not as retarded as I thought I was for I can drive all by myself to another house." I swear that this town is hard to understand when you first drive her due to far too many routes and one-way streets.

It's fun to sit at a table and get all chatty with Sara's mom. Being as girly as I am, it's not surprising only this time I don't have Sara pulling me into another room. Mothers love to gossip and do their best not to tread on their daughter's life. This one looks like she treats it as if it's a minefield because Sara rarely came up in discussion. Just me and how I enjoy my steak off the grill while March Madness plays on and on.

And so you know how it goes. I throw back a bottle of beer while I'm sick, sleep with a cat during the day as Sara's at work, and hope I don't get lost when enroute all by my lonesome. 3-6 inches of snow is due tonight. I'm still a wee bit sick so I'm now fucked. Hooray for DVDs as Elizabethtown (Garden State 2, as we call it) looks enticing. Cry Wolf, the movie I watched last night was okay but Lindy Booth? Holy yumminess! Red head with a face of a goddess thanks to Canada! Thank you, Canucks! Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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