Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"War is not meant to be won; it is meant to be continuous."


I have been reading with great interest on Diarylandists' various views on the movie, V For Vendetta...........

Oops, I meant to say howdy, y'all! I'm kind of back but I'll get into all that later as some of you have given me some juicy thoughts that played with my mind while I was sick. Mind you, that is a good thing.

As I said, I was practically squealing with delight that some diaryists' decided to stop whining about the most trivial things in life and actually think about what the flick, V For Vendetta, had to say or to even wonder if it was faithful to the graphic novel. As some of you know, the auther, Alan Moore, wanted his name taken off due to what he says is the work of filmmakers not keeping to the novel's original intentions.

This whole thing brought up an actual thought within me as I lay there in my anger over being sick. Some say that musicians should take more drugs because it helps them become creative but I say just try being sick. You can't do anything but lay there and stare up at the ceiling hoping that you don't spit up on your favorite shirt.

What if the good thing in V For Vendetta is that people actually think? No more bowing down to the government's insanity of taking over the world, blowing up the wrong country, or falling off of bicycles while touring with Lance Armstrong. What if people see that the Bush Admin. used those stupid color ratings as an excuse to get elected? Anyone remember those days when you were supposed to be feeling all orangey because of a potential attack on the days Kerry gave a speech?

I'm not saying V For Vendetta was perfect. Far from it but entertaining here and there? Yes, as I love how V makes his appearance dressed in a Guy Fawkes mask (look up your history, people, on why November 5th is important) in order to stop Evey's rape. I'm a fan of martial arts movies where simple swipes from sharp objects can come up far too fast for the eye to pick up.

Maybe those people that voted for Bush (all 485 of you bastards) will rethink things as our country has gone to shit. Art is being taken down all because the possibility of a penis or vagina will blind a 10-year-old or even cause debate. The religions right has pretty much taken it upon themselves to rule and to cast off anyone that questions (makes you wonder why Christians have problems with Muslims since both do this). You know me. I'm certainly not defending the Koran but I do allow for free speech as long as idiots out there aren't burning or killing over cartoons.

1984 had it wrong. The timing was off because we in America are living it now. As much as it is nice that Saddam has gone off to the world of eating snacks in his tightey-whiteys (was it Oreos?), he lived a life of doing what Bush is doing now. Who's gonna save us? The years of 2000-2006 are going to be forever remembered by me as being some of the worst due to what I see around me, fear.

For those of you that don't quite get V For Vendetta, it's basically a man righting what was wronged, at least in his point of view in that a government bent on corruption needs to be destroyed. You start in working your way up in making the public aware of what they do or do not know but also helping them see that they can put an end to it by fighting back. Possible? I wonder if having absolutely no government at all is a good thing.

Of course, everyone has their views as to V For Vendetta. Alan Moore did it due to his anger at what was going on during the Margaret Thatcher period of time. Oh, she may have such a tough ol' lass popping up in a tank to pick up kids from school but let's face it. Margaret was a fucking repressive pain in the ass.

Oh, am I going all scholar on ya? Don't fret for I'll also give my 2 bits on something else said.

We geeks or jocks (with geeky insides as I like to call myself) are finding that people enjoy what we've known for years? Seeing our favorite characters, like the X-Men or Spiderman, up on the big screen where more and more people admit to liking has me laughing a bit? So, who's the geek? There have never ever been anything wrong with someone reading a comic book or graphic novel because, like books, it's all about imagination and transporting your mind to a different cloud of feeling.

I've always loved Spiderman because he had his everyday problems yet did the best he could while various people made it harder or easier on him. He wasn't born rich or had special powers. It was when Spiderman's Uncle Ben died and he was bitten by the radioactive spider that things changed. Hell, you could say that a sudden upserge of guys in tights came to town to cause trouble right after all that happened.

I still read Spiderman but pretty much only the Ultimate line due it's impressively addictive storylines and art. There as a point that I stopped reading comics, namely high school and college, but found Ultimate Spiderman by accident as I became a loyal reader since #25, the one where they kind of had me hating on the major change in the Green Goblin, now an actual green demon thingee. When I was a kid, I grew up on the original, guy in a suit with a glider laughing manically.

Many of my comics that I read I picked up at the local library so that's where my start came from. It may be kind of weird how Hollywood just started picking up on the beauty of something people were picked on about but that's the human side of it all. The nerd does win eventually while selling his soul to make money since my major gripe with the Spiderman movie was that Green Goblin costume, something that could have been changed far better in an easier fashion. If they can make me think a werewolf can come from a human, the Green Goblin can actually look like Harry Osborn in a rubber mask and not a Power Ranger reject.

So, how am I doing? Hanging in there is my best answer because I can sleep all day if I wanted to. Normal wake up is at 9am but I sleep like the dead til close to 11pm. Out. Gone. According to Sara, snoring so loud that she tried to turn me over but with no avail. Someone left a power drill in my nose.

Most of my appetite is still gone since all I've had today was 3/4 of cereal, 2 pieces of salmon, small amounts of mac n' cheese, and Reece's Peanut Butter Eggs. That is not an everyday routine on eating habits but mine for now since I just cannot eat anything else. As a result, my jeans are much baggier and abs more apparent. I'd still rather eat, though.

So, various people have been "mothering" me in insisting I make no entries until I get my rest. Funny. I'm doing my best to stay away from the gym as you all know how much I miss laughing at bodybuilders that take themselves so seriously. One minute they are Steve the usher from Atlantic Billiards but now Steve "The Crusher" with obviously small balls in his tiny blue speedo. My balls are really big, yo, no matter how sick I am.

Oh, and I'd like to make it clear that I read a variety of comics since I hate how some things are changing in the comic world when it comes to my feeling that some are trying to sell to Hollywood. Bloodrayne, Darkstalkers, Ghost In the Shell, Monster, Battle Royale, and a few others still have that edge even if my fave, Chastity, was lost due to the comic maker's bankruptcy. Who doesn't love blood, bad words, excessive violence, naked chicks, and that lovely up-the-skirt-view drawn by perverted artists? Japanese men are so dirty in their non-need to hide the fact that they enjoy smelling panties but we love them for it!

So, I leave you here as I will hopefully be recovered for a full entry of the usual perversions in life. I'm back from Indiana with some time to sleep the rest of this flu out of me. Sara has a nice quiet room to herself but I'm sure the cat will be making herself known as all kitties love their favorite blankie at the edge of the bed. I don't know about you but I am just dying to let out some thoughts on pussies, dicks, sex, and the whole shit n' shinola of life soon. Do I need to do my yearly entry on my love of the vagina soon? Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

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