Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Mr. Hand: "What are you, people? On dope?"

-Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Somehow, it feels great to do something completely unlike a weight-lifter. You get that pump going from a nice workout but I'm sure the rest of the population that is my age would be out there walking into bars hoping to find sex or just get drunk. I mean, it's Friday night and, yes, a sudden surge in the force within the ol' biceps does cause a desire need to release what swells down there.

But, no, I did something completely unethical for a guy with around 10% bodyfat. I went to the bookstore to get Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar" since Sammy's description of it got my attention. Anything that bases itself in a similar form to "Girl, Interupted" gets a major "A" in my book. Just remember that I know nothing about these characters as I transfer myself to this time. Someday, I'll work on Beowulf since it's the last book on my list of what I'd like to read.

It's been a while since I've been reading books to get through a cool night. The last I remember was Sara's lending of "Fingerprints Of the Gods" but also those DragonLance books. If you like exploring new worlds or looking at the sharp edge of a broadsword, go for these as your choices.

So, I have spent some of my day getting into a discussion with the movie memorablia guy on Superman 2, the Spiderman sequel due next year (look at the pictures with the black suited Spiderman as people swear they see the image of the Hobgoblin within Spidey's eyes), and the St. Louis Cardinals. I am a Cubs fan so it was inevitable that an argument would come up. Anyone that loves those Cards hates me.

Remember when MTV played music videos? Man, that was..........long.......long ago, huh? Well, there is this blog created by a guy that remembers those cheesy 80's soundtrack music videos. Man, does that take me back but the gem of the moment has me making sure no one was in the house as I blasted what many would call me a complete loser for.

I played the Karate Kid 2's "Glory Of Love," a love theme only the completely corny would appreciate. Seeing Peter Cetera stand there lip synching while Ralph Macchio's scenes played in the background just took me back to a simpler time, something I miss so bad.

I'm not joking that I had to make sure no one was around as the computer's speakers were cranked up to let out "Like a knight in shining armor, from a long time ago. Just in time, I'll save the day. Take you to my castle far away!" Am I the only one that thinks Fabio might burst in the room hoping for a damsel in distress only to find a dipshit in A & F cargo shorts and an AC DC mid-sleeved shirt smiling at the computer screen?

Anyway, the music videos from movies were ranked. That good fun provided by Cyndi Lauper's "Goonies R Good Enough" was # 5 while Peter Cetera's "Glory Of Love" was a bit lower around #7 or so. I hate to say it but I loved that, a time of innocense and going crazy to see the latest movie in the theater since the music video (usually released about 1 or 2 weeks prior) was so good. Now, it's all about Lindsey Lohan or posers. I miss my real MTV, corny and punk videos galore.

It's really weird when MTV creates a channel devoted to music videos but then decides to just put shows on instead. MTV2 is just the exact same fucking thing, Ashton Kuchtor every fucking day and I hate him even more. Plus, I don't need to see 2 guys wearing speedos only to slap their dicks at each other while being chased by animals. Just come to my gym and you'll meet bodybuilders that do that for grins.

All this catching up with my body in the gym has been so difficult due to all the soreness I deal with every morning now. One week away did a lot to me even if I only lost a small amount of strength. The fact that I don't seem to need much sleep might be an issue as I slept a lot when I was sick. A lot. Some of you insisted on the mommy advice.

And sex? I've been reading entries from 2 people about how high school was completely non-sexual for them. Me, too, even if I was just dying to experience it while fighting that brainwashing that the nuns gave me. Sex should be saved for marriage? Hell to the no is my answer now as Kristan practically had to rape me in order to seduce me.

Who knows. Worth an entry on sex and teenagers these days. Not really surprising as boys have seen more images of women with their legs spread open than I ever did. It wasn't til I was around 13 that I finally got to see a really explicit image of the vagina in all its glory. Can you imagine how crazy that picture drove me and how much I drooled over how beautiful it was? I had balls that felt like they were going to burst but somehow I kept it all in. Sharon Stone would have told me a blowjob was needed pronto.

And so I leave you here as I think up weird entries for the future. Some may be on sex or others could be a result of the book, "The Bell Jar," since I love a good story on a girl living her life as fast as she can. Hope some of you are passed out on the floor staring up at the ceiling after a whopper of an orgasm thanks to a guy or that pesky rabbit you keep hidden under the bed while the cat gives you funny looks. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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