Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Every night I burn
Every night the dream's the same
Every night I burn
Waiting for my only friend
Every night I burn
Waiting for the world to end."

-"Burn" by The Cure (found on the soundtrack to The Crow)

I'm not sure who this portion of lyrics is intended for. I was introduced to this song thanks to my best friend, Newman, now most likely dead of alcoholism. On the other hand, the song comes back to life thanks to Sara's acquiring the 2-disc version of The Crow. Plus, it may go along with all this...........

This is not new to Sara so she'll already know what I'm talking about as this discussion took place on my last visit. You see, I have friends that don't understand how I enjoy being faithful. Joe, Kim, and a few others think it would be best for me to see other girls like in my town like Cass while keeping all this a secret from Sara. According to Joe (It's always guys, huh?), I'd have the best time all thanks to an 79 miles that seperate Sara and I. Strangely enough, Bald-O doesn't take part in this as I'm sure the curiousity he has of sticking a finger in a girl's butt wrecks havoc on his mind.

Editor: "Who doesn't!?! I mean, it's like the ultimate thrill to place 1 of 5 fingers in there, man!"

Well, I have 81 reasons why I'm faithful to this day. Pictures were developed, triples to be exact. Not only were these the best batch of pics I've ever taken but it just shows how gorgeous Sara is. The one where she's smiling at T.G.I. Friday's with her friends, Carrie and Chris, is my fave for now.

I don't know about you but I've realized how powerful pictures can be as they remind you of good times (sometimes, bad) and how lucky you are. I've never cheated and have never had any interest in letting something good get away. It's just not me. Sara's smiling back at me while sharing another moment does a lot.

When I get back from my visits in Indiana, I spend so much time catching up with things here. I know I've said it before but I do keep my promises as someday you'll see a lot of new pictures once I get things settled down here. There is so much to show you as I worry that I project myself as someone with a lot of bite. I'm extremely nice til you provoke me.

So, have you figured out your Summer Movie List yet? I've got mine all set as here they are:

May 5-I'd like to see Mission Impossible 3 even though I hate Tom Cruise. I'm a sucker for action packed movies where we get a nice selection of automatics and Capote being the bad guy. Bad joke, no? Sara says no way so it looks like I'll be seeing this one alone.

Plus, May 5 brings a wacky movie called Art School Confidential starring John Malkovich leading a pack of art students. Each seems to have a special talent while causing havoc in the school. Saw the movie's trailer today and loved it. Plus, John Malkovich is a fave of mine.

May 26-X-Men 3 as we get introduced to Beast and Angel only to be assaulted by Juggernaught with Magneto and Mystique once again. I think this is a movie where the ladies take their boys to the movie theater just as Sammy said she took her fiancee for X-Men 2. It's a total day for nerds, geeks, dweebs, losers, and jocks (the are nerdy inside).

Of course, June brings Superman Returns but I forgot the date. I've heard that they're keeping the theme for Superman the same as the past movies. Thank you! Thank you! I love that score and get the urge to make airplane noises everytime Superman's theme plays.

July 7-Pirates Of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest starring Mr. Depp, Orlando Bloom, and an actress that makes my heart go so fast that I don't know if I'm gonna have a heart attack or blow ass (possibly both). Keira Knightley kicking ass and looking ravishing in a pirate's outfit? I am so there with my "3 peg leg." Tee-hee.

July 28-Miami Vice. I love Colin Farrell! He is one of the coolest guys you'd find all washed up on a beach after a major booze-fest only to do it again. Plus, I've been a fan of Miami Vice for some time no matter how cheesy it's gotten over the years. Thank you FX Channel for playing those reruns.

Am I the only one that thinks this Summer's movie selection sucks? Next year's has a whole long list with Spiderman 3 leading the pack. This year it's just 6 flicks that get my attention while last year's Mr. And Mrs. Smith had me going ga-ga (I can watch that over and over and over again) thanks to that fight between Angelina and Brad.

"Come to Daddy!"


"Who's your daddy now?"

Sorry for not being the most talkative right now. I've spent a lot of today running errands and putting various things away all while looking over the pictures. 1 year 2 months and then some. That's been quite a ride with Sara as we never seem to agree on movie tastes. While I loved Mrs. Henderson Presents, she just found it okay. It couldn't be all the naked women because Sara's an artist. Artists appreciate the naked form.

Besides, life's more fun when a person is not completely like you. You learn more things and see more than your own closed in world would allow. How else would I have read the Abhorsen books that Sara insisted I read?

As far as how I'm feeling? Not totally as spunky as yesterday. The run was nice but uneven as I couldn't concentrate with the 2 TVs playing things I was interested in all at once. Put me down in front of CNN and I can be happy for a few hours. Place a guilty pleasure like VH1's Rock Star and I'll be a mindless zombie while running at 6.2rpm on the treadmill. Who says you can't get skinny while watching TV?

What's your gym's TV selection? For us, you can ask for a certain channel as long as no one is watching the one you want changed. Most of the time, it's on CNN, VH1, CBS, and NBC while the most asked for shows are Survivor and just about any game on ESPN. I try to get the treadmill near CNN but the big girls won't let me, sometimes. Why they are allowed to walk for 30 minutes while sucking on the straw from their Big Gulp is beyond me.

Fact: I have been known to flash the finger to just about everything Bill O' Reilly says on his show. He is the most disturbing hypocrite I've ever seen.

So, I know I promised sex, lust, and the possibility of discussing blowjobs. Yes, it is fun to hear a male's side of what it's like to have our most sensitive instrument in women's mouths. I'm just a bit out of it as I need to clear a few things in this house. My sex drive just isn't with me today as even my workout was dull. Trust me. You can't keep my mind away from the lovely topic of sex for very long. I'm like the Mexican Border. You know some Mexicans are gonna get through but just not everyday. Soon, you'll find Americans wanting to switch places all thanks to drugs being made legal there. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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