Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, of course I mean to wish all mothers out there a happy Mother's Day. My mom has always been my best friend since day one. Not many out there can tell you that mine allowed me to play in traffic while sewing up my bumps from cars. Obviously, my mom has a different philosophy about bringing children into the world.

What brings out the oohs and ahhhs from my mum? That's why I left a small book that contains pictures of puppies sleeping with a card placed within. No, I didn't tell her but left it near her nightstand prior to taking off for Sara's. Knowing how non-observant my mother can be due to evening TV watching, the book will be found soon enough.

Many people do not understand the way I am. Quite possibly, it's all to do with my mum. *I'm a little British so deal, okay?* She's pretty much been the alpha in the family when it came to emotions while Dad was the muscle til I got stronger than him (happened in late high school). That's, possibly, why I am fine with emotions but the tendency to unleash hell is hard. Unless you are really fucking with me, I'm pretty damn low-key no matter how flustered I get.

Sometimes, I wish it were the other way around in that my dad got to me more. I'd have that macho stance and push you aside easily since you would always be considered in my territory. At that point, it'll be more along the lines of everything being mine rather than pulling a Dr. Phil and tell everyone that what they are feeling is quite natural, even using a cat's litterbox.

Yes, it's obvious I am at Sara's. After a little anger from her over my surprise visit due to her needing time alone, we are okay. Just okay. I'll leave it at that for now since this is neither the time nor the place to discuss. All I know is that I am changing into something I loathe.

How would you like to never pay for fuel? It's a weird question since I am, quite possibly, getting a new car due to gas prices. My dad found a car that handles more than just regular gas. And since my dad makes fuel, I can get it for free. All I have to do is pay for the car. Again, it sounds like everything is just handed to me or I'm that lucky. However, I like to look at it in a different manner. I'm helping the environment as only I can. Since I also don't litter, we can chalk up 2 points total.

I don't know what else to say since I've been feeling a little down all day. I'm more tired and fighting myself over what I hate within. Other people accept themselves but not I. Nope, I always want what I am not since fantasy is so romantic on the brain concealed in here. Even this fantasy book I am reading, "Moon Called", plays well in making me feel like I am running in a forest with wolves. When could I ever find myself running with wolves? I think too much. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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