Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
The Geek: "Do you know how many times a week I go without lunch money because some bitch borrows my lunch money? Y'know, any halfway decent girl can rob me blind because I'm too torqued up to say no."

-Sixteen Candles

As I sit here, it is what has been done since last Thursday, it's raining again. That's pretty much all I've seen each day even if the only small difference is the little plastic car for small children sitting in the backyard thanks to the new neighbors moving in. I'm not one for kids but it sure makes me miss my Dukes Of Hazzard big wheel.

To tell you the truth, I wish I was stoned. Bet ya never heard that out of me. The rain kind of makes me want to sit in front of the large window and just bug out even if I haven't been baked for ages. Other than cigars, smoking just isn't for me but a good blunt once in a while.............things get interesting. Like I said, it's just one of those nights.

What I did do was the next best thing, seeing as how people are recommending books to me. Sara gave me "The Haunting Of Alaizabel Cray" by Chris Wooding on my last visit. So, it's no wonder I had trouble putting it down seeing how we are thrust knee deep in the shittiness of being a wych-hunter, one that hunts deadly haunted souls. It pretty much doesn't let up from there so be prepared to not be able to put the book down.

Editor: "It's like someone put peanut butter all over your hands so the book is extra gripping."

Funny how most of the books I've read lately are not my own. Sara provides me here and there with recommendations while Sammy gets all orgasmic like at Barnes N Noble's sales, something I will visit tomorrow seeing as I need a new book to help put me to sleep. Seriously, it's become a nightly ritual to read a few chapters prior to drifting off, a habit I picked up at Sara's.

Other than that, it's the usual. You know the drill for I ran like a mad heathen on the treadmill. Once again, it was different since I pretended I was in a long trail found deep in the woods running with a pack of wolves. Seeing as how a guy was on Fox News Channel defending the president's use of telephone taps or VH1 was replaying The Simple Life (Paris and Nicole), this was a good thought as I pressed on.

The huffing and puffing is getting much smaller as I've noticed how much better I've gotten in regards to my heart and lungs. Muscle is no issue as I've got plenty of that. The inner portion is such a bitch seeing as it takes more effort to move at a fast pace rather than lift a heavy object.

Frankenstein: "Pick it up. Put it down. Hedgehoggy good. Fire bad."

Ah, and I love it! I know I did this running thing last year but I'm gonna try to do it for a longer amount of time seeing as I feel better. Not only do you release a lot of sweat, making you look like you've had a tub of water thrown at you, but a lot of the day's tension comes out as well. Could be why I sleep better and A says I look even better. Only a small amount of fat on my lower abs that she pinched to let me know. She's my Simon Cowell, a nudge to Sammy and her knowledge of American Idol.

Other than that, I'm 20 minutes in on Terrance Malick's movie, The New World. If you've seen the beauty of The Thin Red Line, a mix of war and poetry, you'll see much of the same here. Gah, it's a gorgeous world that this director introduces us to. You know the story. Smith meets Pocahontas, falls in love, and all hell breaks loose thanks to the belief that Indians are nothing but savages.

It's really sad how the Indians were labeled when I was younger. Any movie that involved cowboys had them as the enemy without an explanation. Pissed me off how my private Catholic school never dared to speak up over this so I went through a long life of thinking that Indians were vile ruthless creatures wanting to cut your scalp off.

FYI: I gave my virginity to a half-Indian as she is a Blackfoot.


No one wants to admit to farting but we all do it. It just takes a channel devoted to smart things to bring out our desire to know those sounds coming out of our butts are normal. The Discovery Channel has shown the history of the toilet so why not something on farting? The irony would be a Taco Bell advertisement during commercial breaks.

The segment was where 3 people volunteered to see if carbonated beverages, beans, beer, and various other things cause our assholes to flutter. Totally. Shocked was I that a beautiful woman took part in all the farting and counted them all. The end test was to see if matches get rid of the smell or just mask it. Matches only mask it so know your gassiness.

FYI: I have not eaten at Taco Bell in years but I do miss ordering 5 small tacos during our high school lunch periods. Must be why my friend decided it would be cool to roll cigarettes and then exit the car with a large amount of smoke coming out. Good times.

A mighty big wave to my French buddies. Holy shit is it majorly cool that a girl at Skyblog linked me today. I may not be able to read the words but those girls are gorgeous. Will try to attempt some French someday.

One thing to add about the running making me feel so much better is that I tend to hold things in when it comes to what bothers me. I'm not one to let my frustrations out due to my best friends being gone. It's not that I miss them by a huge amount since many things were said and done in anger but a person needs to release tension. That's where this running thing is coming from all while making my poor sick heart better. Having a weird condition sucks but I do feel better no matter how many Republicans fawn over Bush on the news media.

FYI: Less than 1 week for the new Boondock Saints special edition DVD, complete with metal casing, and the 4-disc version of Kingdom Of Heaven. Guns, cats shot up on a wall, shitting shooting, swords, and a kingdom. Doesn't get much better than that on a rainy day like this.

No, I haven't forgotten a discussion on sex. I've just been pretty out of that topic lately but slowly building up in what I'll discuss. We'll see what I'm willing to allow out of this pathetic male mind ravaged wildly by treadmills and a mind fogged up on sadness.

And so I leave you be. It was rain, seeing Cass walk into the gym, anger, and possible discussion on employment. Life does tend to look up when knowing the X-Men sequel is due very soon. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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