Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Bring Back Hairy Pussies."

-A t-shirt slogan that gave me a bit of the ol' giggles. Unfortunately, I will have to protest since bare is so much more easy to lick.

Well, a day off from the gym and life is never a day off here. My parents installed in me that I'd feel completely lazy doing nothing. You won't find me lounging on the couch (only at Sara's) or in bed watching sports or various news programs (unless Anderson Cooper's on). Then again, I do watch the occasional shitty programming from MTV that gets me completely angry (ex: Super Sweet Sixteen).

At approximately 5:30pm, I finished sorting and cleaning up my comic collection to the point that I now know what is what and where everything stands. I'm basically sitting on a small gold mine of some hot X-Men issues along with plenty of my old favorites like Spiderman. Gaw, I was such a geek and still kind of am while my interest in comic books is waning. Told you I get interested in things but then just bow out at some point.

Thoughts on selling? Yeah, it would be nice to have a chunk of change but what for? I'd just save it or get the most powerful high definition TV all while giving my parents some. After all, they did listen to me as a little kid when I threatened to use my "super powers" during times I was ordered to my room. 4 feet children pretending to use an imaginary web slinger are not scary to parents.

Announcer: "And that's one to grow on."

Got my copy of GQ with Christina Aguilera a little earlier than I thought it was supposed to come out (next Tuesday). Nice pictures while I have yet to read the article. Been all over the place thanks to clearing up the storage room full of comics and various other nonsense. I just really like Christina and how she holds herself.

Has anyone ever seen Christina Aguilera in concert? I'm curious as to what kind of performance she brings because the DVDs are impressive. Sure, the costume choices were a little odd but I so loved her in assless chaps and streaked hair. Plus, Christina is so tiny that you just want to pick her up and carry her around while talking to various people.

The GQ issue also has an amusing article on how a guy can make his flat (or apartment) more female friendly. What that means is "more likely he'll get laid." Most everything is what I'd do anyway all because I love antiques and various oddities. Artwork is appreciated but I love framed photos to top things off. The basic for me is a large couch you can sink into to watch a movie or a sports session worth crowing about.

But what about "male friendly?" How can a girl make her apartment something a guy would want to visit? I've never seen an article on such a thing. Again, I'd go for nice artwork that brings out a room's lighting. If you're going to have a room consisting of a small amount of light, black and white photos are in my interest.

What I like about Sara's kitchen are the series of Asian calendar pages all lined up on the wall over the small table. When I first walked in, I noticed this right away. I've always loved old bottles of various alcohol on top of fridges to bring out a little character. Refridgerators are boring without.

I'm a total neat-freak so that's a big issue. Could explain why I worked on this house's storage room. My room is right next to this so passing by and seeing my messes (I keep my gym clothes in there) gets me aggravated. As of now, it is pretty damn nice so project just about done.

Would it bother me if a girl had various half-naked guys or completely naked guy pictures in her room or around the house? Not really. It's funny how I, too, find various forms of nudity to be either artistic or just too kinky for my tastes. You see, I have an old black and white Madonna picture that I love. Yes, her breasts are very much in view so why would I think a girl with a picture of a naked man be too much for my taste?

Oh, and, yes, I have come into a room where a woman had pictures of guys with their penises hanging out. It just made me laugh since everyone has their interests.

In my town, people are walking on a track til 6am. Their raising money for cancer research and various cancer survivors all around are participating. It's a wee bit chilly but it just shows that there is some good out there while our newscenter keeps blasting us with various shootings this week. As far as I know, cancer does not run in my family.

I brought up this topic before so it's nice that a major magazine discusses our narrow views towards sex. I'm fine with prostitution being legal. I mean, it's your body so who has a right to say what you are allowed to do with it? Plus, it'll help get rid of those people that rappers seem to worship with their ignorance, pimps.

What people forget about is the disabled. Many out there would never get to experience sex if not for a woman in the European region. She'll help various people orgasm, the mentally ill, down syndrome, etc. Isn't that nice? This woman will do it in all forms except oral and vaginal yet the government finds this repulsive. Sad. Don't you find yourself more calm after a lover helps you cum? Isn't a smile on a down syndrome inflicted adult worth as much as knocking a bible thumper off his soapbox?

We're a weird world when we let others tell us that our sexual thoughts are wrong or impure. I wouldn't be surprised that if Jesus was real he'd spend nights off from carpentry with a pint and hours in the local whorehouse. Now, I may be for relationships but that's not for everyone's tastes. Do you think Jesus would be into anal more than spanking?

*Audience begins a deep discussion*

I'm guessing that he'd like a bit of pain and a little roughness. Remember what Jesus did in the temple? Aint nobody get that mad and not have some kind of need for an impulse release.

Oh, I ran into a guy that collects Air Jordan sneakers. That's kind of like me except he has hundreds. Well, the funny thing is that he got married wearing them along with his groomsmen. Black/blue Air Jordan 1's. Might I say that that is a fabulous selection when it comes to taste in shoes.

And so I leave you here as I fittingly try to decide what things I am willing to put in our future garage sale. So far, all systems are a go as last year did not happen. Why? Mom got lazy while I prepared. Once again, I am working to get her moving on getting rid of all this stuff found all over the house. The usual excuse of my mother not wanting anyone over comes to mind since this shit embarasses her. My grandparents had a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff makes for too much stuff.

Sammy, glad you made it back to Maryland but I will forever disagree with you on Britney. As much as being a first time mum is hard, I've seen so many of them prepare for the arrival of their babies by reading various books on caring for. To put a helpless child in the hands of a woman that does not have the sense to put down her moonshine on exiting a vehicle while holding the baby with the other is pretty damn stupid. The paparazzi were not at fault since the fall was from her tripping on her low pants leg.

Oh, well. I'm sure mums all over the world have something to say about Britney and how stupid she is. Hope some of y'all got laid this weekend while we wait for Nelly Furtado and Christina to enlighten our living rooms. Looks like I'm gonna be buying some CDs this year after over a year of waiting. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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