Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill smelled like..........victory. Some day this war's gonna end."

-Apocalypse Now

My town is at war of a different sort, one that involves personal freedom versus the right to breathe fresh air. Smoking in bars just might be banned after tonight if the council votes on this. Would be kind of fascinating to not have to breathe in cigarette smoke while enjoying a cold beer, not as if you'd find me in many bars anyway.

I don't know. Is smoking a freedom, a right that every should have even if it ruins others since the smell is, well, pretty icky? Yeah, I smoked for about a year but not as often as you'd like to think. It was pretty much at a rate of 4 or 5 cigarettes during a week all while attending classes, working out, and the whole college life shitinola. Never found it addictive but the psychological aspect of wanting to have one in your hands while drinking in bars was there.

I've spent a bit of time in the mall thanks to my eye doctor taking up residence there. Yes, it's odd that Footlocker and Mastercuts is right next door. Recite lines of letters all while you get that urge to own a Slurpee or laugh as a kid falls down in the playroom located right in the center of the mall. By the way, that little shit deserved to have his Nike product ass knocked down.

Of course, I had to read lines of letters or numbers. You know the drill but why was I there? Each time I visit Sara's, I have a horrible itching in my right eye. Just ask her as it's completely red and I wake up with a hell of a lot of eye boogers keeping them closed. Either Sara's trying to sew my eyes shut for some kind of secret experiment or the cat's got more power over me than I thought. Hey, little white cats are cute when playing with the curtain.

Allergies, or namely, my allergic reaction to Sara's cat is what causes my right eye to go berserk. The eye doc said so as he examined each eyeball with amazing precision. Beams of blue light told me to stay the course by enjoying what life has to offer. Damn, the afterlife doesn't need me after all.

Did you know that there is a eye drop that deals with allergies. First, I have to start off with some disposable lenses in which I wear and then rid on each day I visit Indiana now. Nice. If this doesn't work, I get the drops. The final solution? An eyepatch.

Pirate: "Prepare to be boarded, missy."

Okay, I'm kidding on the eyepatch but I'd love to have fun with it in public. People that know about it as they have seen me will get shocked as I just have to shout out, "Goddamn, I lost my eyeball! Help me look for my eyeball!" while bending over at some point. Humor is so hard to find these days.

So, after 3 weeks of this running thing, I decided to look at how much I weigh on the scale. Now, the whole point was not to lose weight but just to feel better, lungs and heart kind of thing. Those sure as hell are important to me as I have a sensitive ticker due to a bad heart.


Hmmmmmmmmm.........If anything, I didn't lose weight but gained a small bit. Muscle? Most likely the culprit as my legs feel a bit stronger. My eating has kind of gone down as I'm not as hungry anymore. People have told me that I look more toned (but sexy?) so things seem to be working. I know that I am actually underweight as I just cannot put on pounds.

Women: "Ladies, prepare your torches as we burn another one of these species that does not come with weight problems. Don't let that ol' "lost my eyeball" trick get to yas."

Oh, well. Cass and I had a short discussion on my running on the treadmill. I played with the idea that I could just do it every other day but worried that I'd lose the discipline (aka "lazy"). The verdict is that I will do it everyday as my soul is slowly sucked into Fox News.

Now, I'm missing Sara, eyeball problems or not. Once I start getting over that stupid bout of sadness shit I go through here and there, I get all goofy and wanting to playfully walk around the downtown with her. By the way, Sara, that night we walked to the pizza place and then picked up beer was a great night. That memory plays in my head from time to time.

My thoughts:

Nelly Furtado-Great singer and uber sexy to the core. Lovely body but it's the eyes that get to me while she sings. I've always wondered why other singers get more press while Nelly's music is much better. She's a mystery to me and a great import from Canada that doesn't use her kid for press.

Dixie Chicks-Support 'em? Oh, yeah. That fact that so many people were pissed off over their speaking out against Bush shocked me. Why would you suddenly say their music sucked just because their political views differed? Plus, the Chicks' music is pretty catchy even if I don't listen to it.

Toby Keith-Amazing. A redneck can make money. Loved the song about putting a boot in the ass of a terrorist but not much else out of this fool's mouth. Ignorance is not something I support. Nice reminder, Hoar.

Shania Twain-She lives where? Switzerland? Weird since I guess she puts out an album and tour when she needs money. Shania is gorgeous with extremely catchy tunes. How many in the whitetrash community walked down the aisle to "You're Still the One" even if it wasn't his child? Oh, and, yes, I saw Shania in concert and loved it.

Madonna-Needs to stop. It's not 1985 and I can no longer twirl around the room to her music like I did when "Get Into the Groove" played. I'm one of those people that think if you make certain types of music, you sould live it. I pictured Madonna hanging out in seedy bars with punks dressed as she did in Desperately Seeking Susan. Am I the only one that sees this?

Paris Hilton-Yes, her album comes out soon. I do not want to discuss what you already know. Please. Get. Hit. By. Bus. 2. Times. Just to be sure, ya know?

Christina Aguilera-Been a while since I've looked forward to an album. Yes, it's about time for her arrival as this teency weency ex-Mousketeer shakes her ass. Oh, yeah, Christina grew up so expect some soul sounds. Gawd, I'd love to see her in concert and shreek like a gay follower. Christina and Nelly Furtado make me melt.

Jessica Simpson-Losing it. Her career seems to be at a stand still as she scowrs the streets for someone to tap her once Daisy Duke covered ass. Would it be too much to ask her and her sister along with Paris Hilton to be sent off a cliff in a fire filled bus?

Nick Lachey-Used and milked that press to get a #2 entry in Billboard. Nice but, again, a bland album (does he ever put out a different kind?). Nice guy but not enough in the creativity department. Would love to see him in the ring with Joe Simpson, Jessica's dad.

Well, life's a mess and then some. I'm doing much better and in high spirits thanks to a good taunting I gave Gay Nick about monkeys, Cass urging me on to run while I cried out how much I hate it (it's fun when you get going but the anticipation sucks), and Slut Watcher's need to look up various college girls' shorts. Sex, tomorrow, anyone? Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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