Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"When I interned at a daily newspaper, I was assigned the 4pm to midnight shift. My sole duty was to sit by the fax machine and wait for people to die so I could write their obituaries. For practice, they made me write my own obituary first."

-"Before the Mortgage" by Christina Amini and Rachel Hutton p. 30

Okay, so I am back in town, a bit tired, but I am alive and well. My biggest fear was just how many cops would be out there on the interstate on my way home thanks to this being Memorial Day Weekend. I remember that one weekend with Sara where we were on that same interstate as lots and lots of the fuzz were out there. One even stopped 5 cars with a flick of his wrist after getting out of his own squad car.

FYI: I only saw 2 cops and a lot of traffic on my way home. All cop cars were in Illinois just 15 minutes prior to reaching the exit.

I've had a pretty good weekend that has me needing a little rest. The heat did me in a bit since I just cannot sleep while heavily sweating under several covers. Yes, that's how I spent the first night with Sara as I didn't realize how hot it was going to get after a very rainy entry into Sara's town. I just feel all icky in laying in a pool of my own sweat or feeling the constant need to look for a breeze of some type.

Of course, I read 2 books all this weekend while visiting Sara. For all of you that feel lost after graduation and don't know just how loopy it can get, "Before the Mortgage" is for you. It's not completely laugh out loud but to make a point that there are some strange things going on in life after college. Many of these people the contributed stories are writers, able to see the humor in life.

You'll read about a lesbian that wishes she could walk down the aisle or that guy I mentioned previously that ended up wearing flour while working at a bagel factory. All stories are different and interesting when it comes to what life has in store. Who knew that running out of toilet paper could cause such a commotion between roommates or obtaining theater tickets in Brooklyn can cause people to go ugly early.

The other book? "The Curious Incident Of the Dog In the Nighttime" by Mark Haddon was pretty good! I couldn't put it down as it's a little bit like "Of Mice And Men" but much too different for a complete comparison as a special ed kid tries to figure out who killed a neighbor's dog, a poodle. While you get into this kid's head, you'll learn a bit of math and why it can fit into various things in everyday life.

I hated math, too, especially anything above the highest algebra. Never understood why a person like me needed it since I see a need for classes in which people learn how to behave in everyday life. I'm serious. I think we need things like this so that people learn to put away their cellphones, talk more clearly, respect others, and keep their hands out of their ass cracks since digging your wedged up undies in public just aint cool.

Then again, I'm going off topic since the book, "The Curious......," just had me for the difference in the lead character not weilding a sword or magic. Just take a special ed kid who just so happens to be able to think a bit better than us even if he doesn't like the colors brown and yellow.

Verdict: Yay for 2 good books, one humorous with a large amount of reality and the other a unique tale in which we follow a special ed detective living in Swindon.

A hearty congragulations to Angelina Jolie. Her baby, Shiloh Nouvel, was born late Saturday in Africa. This kid is going to be completely gorgeous. Just look at the tigress, Angelina, with that impressive amount of hair on her head. I'll bet the farm that she's a much better mom than that everyday moron, Britney "Mah baby drinks Red Bull" Spears.

Of course, I also was a day late at knowing Gwen Stefani's giving birth as well. Can you believe I give a shit about all this while I don't even want kids? My mind has Nacho Libre (Jack Black's new movie) and "The Break Up" (Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston's new flick) tap dancing around. Sara thinks I'm crazy for thinking Nacho Libre looks funny.

FYI: I'm sure I'll get hell from Sammy on my taste in movies once again. Just a matter of time..........

There's so much to tell after Indiana. Hell, I'm even going back this weekend, most likely, thanks to a get together involving someone all of us haven't seen in a while. This is gonna be one long busy week, folks.

So, yes, I know we've got handjobs to discuss along with why I was in Best Buy for an hour. I tend to do strange things to occupy my time while Sara's at work. New chips to eat thanks to Kettle and my sadness over the fact that Bill Maher's HBO show will not be back til August 25th. Sopranos is over with on June 4th so just maybe I'll work on a bit of Deadwood or Entourage. Life's kind of funny in that way thanks to Sara's mom wanting me to visit her as well. Let me get some sleep so that tomorrow will have me explain my no assness. Happy twats all around. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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