Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, I sit here as I always do while in Indiana. The cat is in a ball completely asleep but at leastt it isn't tapping my shoulder due to her demands for attention.

I spent a small amount of time in the kitchen talking to Sara's flatmate. Various things were said but the one thing I just had to bring up is my lack of understanding when it comes to what makes a book a classic. You know the type. You go to school and get handed a list of books you must read in order to pass English class, very well known place for people to fall asleep in.

FYI: I fell asleep in Geography. Ever seen Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller? That's pretty much a great way to describe Geography.

Teacher: "America? Anyone? Does anyone know where America is? Hedgehoggy? Hedgehoggy? Hedgehoggy? Bueller?"

Okay, to put it bluntly, I am reading what is considered a classic by J.D. Sallinger, "Franny And Zooey." I have no fucking clue as to why this book is considered so good. None. Mind you, I am only a bit over halfway done but there is nothing to go nuts in wanting to discuss. Nothing. The same goes for the most well-known banned book by the same author, "The Catcher In the Rye." I love a good 4-letter word fest but even that wasn't nearly as orgasmic as it could have been.

So, why am I reading this book that I don't even like? Quite possibly it's to catch up on things my English classes did not bother to assign that others talked about. We may have had rivals at other schools but I still got to see what others were assigned to read. I'm always at a loss for words when people tell me they hate to read.

What is a classic to me? That's tough because it's all subjective. Some like romance or adventure while others find horror and lust. Just why a woman would buy a Harlequinn novel solely because Fabio is on the cover is beyond me. Give me horror, adventure, sex, intellect, and even a hint of innocense with love. That'll get me every time.

I've mentioned this before but I love it so much that I'll pimp it forever. My favorite all time book is "IT" by Stephen King. Nothing comes close to being able to describe my love of a mix of horror and innocense destroyed all at once. A part of it was how I could identify with some of these kids fighting for their lives against an ancient evil hidden within the disguise of a clown named Pennywise.

"IT" has been read twice by moi. If you read carefully, you'll notice that my diary is similar in how Stephen King writes this story. I use quotes every now and then as he does but I try to do it on each entry's introduction. Not that difficult if you have a mind at capturing certain things in your life by putting a song's title to it. Think about it. What played in your head while you made out with a boy/girl for the first time? Use it in the entry you describe the event.

Plus, the much of the story revolves around innocense, something I miss within myself. The kids involved come from all walks of life only to be forced to battle complete evil while growing up. King does a great job in describing all this and more while I was so shocked at how the girl did what she did to all the boys near the end. I'm not going to tell you what THAT is, though, but it was loving and understandable. Sex does hold power and innocense can be a good thing in desttroying evil.

I'd love to see English classes assign "IT" for a definite read. Hell, let's get all of these reading lists up to date so that kids can relate more. Could that work? Large ballroom dances just don't happen much these days now do they? I don't think anyone would show up unless Nine Inch Nails was playing.

Don't go saying I hate the classics. Hell to the no! Some of my favorite books are just that, William Shakespeare's "The Taming Of the Shrew" along with "A Seperate Place" are high up there. All were read in high school, freshman and junior years.

So, I will be home tomorrow for all of ya that miss me doing my nightly rants/chats within my head. Funny how I feel far away from all of you each time I come to Indiana and sleep with a girl and a cat. The cat stares at me all day with its green eyes if I don't pay attention to it enough. Tell me what a classic book is to you. Happy twats all around.

0 Got Balls?

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